PMR and Methotrexate

Posted by paulinef @paulinef, Mar 15, 2018

I have been on prednisone for about a year and am finally down to a daily 7 mg dose. However, still feeling some stiffness and my rheumatologist has suggested a couple of times that I could could also go on Methotrexate. I'm reluctant to take yet another medication though so am wondering if anyone else has tried Methotrexate and if it helped lessen the PMR symptoms.

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Hi Pauline. I have been on a regimen of 20 mg of prednisone and 20 mg of methotrexate for 3 months now because of flare ups. Have had no pain or flare ups since. While on the methotrexate which l take once a week l also take prescription folic acid once every day. Also the dr gave me Fosomax. I have had no side effects from the methotrexate. I go for a follow up next week hopefully l can start to wean of the prednisone. Will let you know.


Today is day two after my first dose of MTX. All I got in side affects is 12 hours with lots of rear end gas. Today I am fine. MTX takes 2 to 3 months to get into your system and start to work. I am also weaning off Pred. Was on 20mg, dropping 5mg a week under Rheumy supervision, and will continue at 7.5mg daily until my next dr. visit at which time she will increase my MTX dose to 25mg and hopefully drop pred. completely. Best part of can 'up and quit' at any time with no side effects, no weaning.
Those having trouble with MTX, did you start at low dose and then increase 3 months later to the full dose?
Best of luck to all in defeating your PMR.


On 15 mg Prednisone. New rheumatologist is starting me on Methotrexate (10 mg once weekly for 2 weeks and then 15 mg once weekly after) to help me reduce on Prednisone. The goal is to get to 5 mg Prednisone and probably maintain there if possible. Thanks to all for sharing your experiences.


On 15 mg Prednisone. New rheumatologist is starting me on Methotrexate (10 mg once weekly for 2 weeks and then 15 mg once weekly after) to help me reduce on Prednisone. The goal is to get to 5 mg Prednisone and probably maintain there if possible. Thanks to all for sharing your experiences.

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MTX will be my next step in the medication regime. I was down to 8mg Prednisone but had to go up to 10 and now 12mg. I am never pain free-but will be having bilateral hip, knee, feet and hand X-rays next week. It is so frustrating to always be in pain. Arms, knees, hips, and all the muscles associated. Trying to keep a positive attitude. Pain is causing high BP as well. I am so glad we have this forum……don’t feel so alone❤️.


Today is day two after my first dose of MTX. All I got in side affects is 12 hours with lots of rear end gas. Today I am fine. MTX takes 2 to 3 months to get into your system and start to work. I am also weaning off Pred. Was on 20mg, dropping 5mg a week under Rheumy supervision, and will continue at 7.5mg daily until my next dr. visit at which time she will increase my MTX dose to 25mg and hopefully drop pred. completely. Best part of can 'up and quit' at any time with no side effects, no weaning.
Those having trouble with MTX, did you start at low dose and then increase 3 months later to the full dose?
Best of luck to all in defeating your PMR.

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I took MTX for 4 months gradually increasing dose. Switched to injectable to hopefully have less severe side effects but it did not help. Rheumatologist said I should quit and I did. Your statement about you can quit any time is true but I suffered a huge PMR pain flare when I quit. It took a few months to get it under control again. I did get to a lower dose (10 mg) of prednisone but was it worth it? I have been able to reduce very slowly after going back up with the flare and am now down to 13 mg.


On 15 mg Prednisone. New rheumatologist is starting me on Methotrexate (10 mg once weekly for 2 weeks and then 15 mg once weekly after) to help me reduce on Prednisone. The goal is to get to 5 mg Prednisone and probably maintain there if possible. Thanks to all for sharing your experiences.

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Ask for Plaquenil instead. 200 mg twice a day with your 5 mg of prednisone. Worked for me 27 years and I’m still fine.


Ask for Plaquenil instead. 200 mg twice a day with your 5 mg of prednisone. Worked for me 27 years and I’m still fine.

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I'm highly allergic to Plaquenil. I was put on it last summer, developed the absolute worst skin rash I can imagine about a week later. Think fire ants biting you from neck to toes 24/7. Stopped the Plaquenil a few days later. The rash took about a month to completely go away.


I'm highly allergic to Plaquenil. I was put on it last summer, developed the absolute worst skin rash I can imagine about a week later. Think fire ants biting you from neck to toes 24/7. Stopped the Plaquenil a few days later. The rash took about a month to completely go away.

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I have seen those kinds of allergic reactions as a nurse. I don't seem to be allergic to any medications. As far as my immune system over-reacting, I might be allergic to myself though!

I'm glad the rash cleared up. You never can tell in advance what might happen to certain people until you try it and see. You would think prednisone would squash some of those allergic reactions.


Not even 60 mg Prednisone had any effect, although I didn't stay on it long. Just had to get it out of my system. Never can tell how people react to medications. My brother can't take Methotrexate, it eats up his stomach. It has no effect on me.


Methotrexate reduced my PMR rapidly. I have only positive words fro that medication.

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