Please help pulmonary vest problem

Posted by Cathln @Cathln, Dec 21, 2023

Dr orders vest. Therapist shows me how it works and leaves. 20 minutes on it twice a day at 10. I weigh 97lbs. It made me vomit. Does everyone here with a vest use it twice a day, on high? Is it up to you? Im in pain from brachial plexus neuropathy and chostrocondritis. I just finished 10 months of physical therapy for these problems. Pulmonary dr. Didn’t let me finish telling him. He just said, ok I’ll order the vest for you! I do fine with postural drainage. I’ve learned to do it so my muscles don’t spasm. I get nothing with this. I can’t imagine doing this the rest of my life. Thanks for reading this!

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Scoop, I have a Hillrom. Just says; “The Vest,” clearance airway system. I was hoping this would help, although I do very well with clearance myself. This is not what I thought it would be like. It’s close to torture. I’m not sure what to do. I wasn’t asked any questions when Hillrom called. For Medicare I was asked if I had been hospitalized past yr. I said no. And if I’d been on antibiotics 3 times tbis yr. Also no. But Hillrom sent it because dr ordered it. I don’t know what to do.

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@Cathln If it were I I'd send doctor a note through the portal telling him that it's not working for you (a few examples) and you'd like to return it. And what are the next steps?


Setting at 10 to start off sounds awfully high to me. I weigh under 95 lbs. Started Hill-Rom vest at frequency of 6, Pressure at 4, for 10 minutes. After month I upped to 15 " then upped Fre to 7 and Pressure to 5. It's okay but I can't imagine going to 10. Dial the numbers back and give it a try again once you feel okay. I am coughing up some sputum - which I never did beforehand.

Other than prescribing the vest - my pulmonologist is of no help regarding settings or use of vest. It was the respiratory therapist who delivered it that was of help.
Best to you.


My Pulmo brought up the use of a vest once and I said that I was too thin to use one. He just accepted my answer. Isn't it your choice to get one or not? Or to use one or not? Like others I find postural drainage and Acapella (at the same time) to be very effective.


Dulwich thank you. What did your dr. say? I’m afraid to tell mine because he ordered it.

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He accepted my decision- what are you afraid of?
He obviously hoped it would help, but if it didn’t, just go back to what works for you and return it.


My Pulmo brought up the use of a vest once and I said that I was too thin to use one. He just accepted my answer. Isn't it your choice to get one or not? Or to use one or not? Like others I find postural drainage and Acapella (at the same time) to be very effective.

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Irena8, I finally, after 17 yrs I’ve found a doctor that listens and sits down. The others stood by the door. I want to try everything he offers, but this is more than I can stand. I’ve put it at one and I am still in pain. I’m very thin and 73. I have chronic muscle spasms, etc. I know, I’ll send it back, but I don’t know if I should tell him or ask him first. I wish I had said no thanks I’m too thin.


Irena8, I finally, after 17 yrs I’ve found a doctor that listens and sits down. The others stood by the door. I want to try everything he offers, but this is more than I can stand. I’ve put it at one and I am still in pain. I’m very thin and 73. I have chronic muscle spasms, etc. I know, I’ll send it back, but I don’t know if I should tell him or ask him first. I wish I had said no thanks I’m too thin.

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I so understand. I have such a pulmo and we want to respect such a good Drs wishes. He is patient beyond belief and answers all my questions. But he does not push anything knowing how sensitive my system is. For me it is clear enough that the vest would not work out so why bother. I am 72 almost 73 and way too thin and probably have Osteop. Plus the Aerobika works so well most days along with postural drainage. I think you can just tell him it did not work out and you are returning it.


Northland, there are numbered adjustments in this machine from 1-10. I can’t even stand it on 1. I also loosened straps, but it puffs up so tight just the same. I feel like I’m actually getting hit.

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Sorry to hear that...maybe positional or rebounder will help the gunk to come up?


Sorry to hear that...maybe positional or rebounder will help the gunk to come up?

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P.S. It was difficult for me at first and had it on a very low setting but somehow my body got use to it and I very gradually increased the intensity. But we're all different!


I weigh 200 lbs and can't use mine on high. I use it on medium for 30 mins a day. I've adjusted it to work for me, and it absolutely does work. I could tell when I've not used it in the past. It's prescribed for me to wear it 3x's a day on high for 20 mins each session. But, I prefer 1x a day for a 30 min. session on med. Do what works for you. Blessings


I have Hill Rom also. It’s set at 13Hz and I use it twice daily. I’m 99lbs, are your settings too high. You may want to call the therapist back and discuss the problem your having. It may not be the right choice for you.

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