Please help pulmonary vest problem

Posted by Cathln @Cathln, Dec 21, 2023

Dr orders vest. Therapist shows me how it works and leaves. 20 minutes on it twice a day at 10. I weigh 97lbs. It made me vomit. Does everyone here with a vest use it twice a day, on high? Is it up to you? Im in pain from brachial plexus neuropathy and chostrocondritis. I just finished 10 months of physical therapy for these problems. Pulmonary dr. Didn’t let me finish telling him. He just said, ok I’ll order the vest for you! I do fine with postural drainage. I’ve learned to do it so my muscles don’t spasm. I get nothing with this. I can’t imagine doing this the rest of my life. Thanks for reading this!

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I am barely over 100 lbs with bronchietasis MAC and exacerbations. I am not on the big 3 meds. I am supposed to also use the hillrom vest twice a day and nebulize. I am very unmotivated to use the vest as it causes back ache. Instead I use an acapella device and NAC supplements. This seems to have helped me in the summer months although now I am having exacerbations requiring antibiotic .


I am barely over 100 lbs with bronchietasis MAC and exacerbations. I am not on the big 3 meds. I am supposed to also use the hillrom vest twice a day and nebulize. I am very unmotivated to use the vest as it causes back ache. Instead I use an acapella device and NAC supplements. This seems to have helped me in the summer months although now I am having exacerbations requiring antibiotic .

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I also have MAC. Not treated either. I don’t know what my doctor will say. I feel like I’m not doing what I’m told, but this is hurting my sternum and muscles. Im miserable. I don’t want to pay for this and have it sit. Thanks for your answer.


@Cathln You are not alone when it comes to experiencing issues with a pulmonary vest. What kind/brand/maker do you have?


Just sent my Smartvest back today, as it caused pain and coughed up blood


I returned mine because of worse reflux and lack of effectiveness for raising sputum
Postural drainage works best for me too
You should be able to return your vest and get refund


I can adjust the intensitivity on the vest. I have on occassion needed to do that, especially after a VATS. Check with the manufacturer about the adjustments.


@Cathln You are not alone when it comes to experiencing issues with a pulmonary vest. What kind/brand/maker do you have?

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Scoop, I have a Hillrom. Just says; “The Vest,” clearance airway system. I was hoping this would help, although I do very well with clearance myself. This is not what I thought it would be like. It’s close to torture. I’m not sure what to do. I wasn’t asked any questions when Hillrom called. For Medicare I was asked if I had been hospitalized past yr. I said no. And if I’d been on antibiotics 3 times tbis yr. Also no. But Hillrom sent it because dr ordered it. I don’t know what to do.


I returned mine because of worse reflux and lack of effectiveness for raising sputum
Postural drainage works best for me too
You should be able to return your vest and get refund

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Dulwich thank you. What did your dr. say? I’m afraid to tell mine because he ordered it.


I can adjust the intensitivity on the vest. I have on occassion needed to do that, especially after a VATS. Check with the manufacturer about the adjustments.

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Northland, there are numbered adjustments in this machine from 1-10. I can’t even stand it on 1. I also loosened straps, but it puffs up so tight just the same. I feel like I’m actually getting hit.


Just sent my Smartvest back today, as it caused pain and coughed up blood

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Reneemc, I did ask about blood because I have had that happen on occasion. Therapist said; no, never happens, it’s not actually getting that deep in to lung tissue. I didn’t believe him.

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