Pill In Pocket For A-Fib

Posted by Krav Maga @kravmaga, Jun 25, 2023

Does anyone in the group do pill in pocket for A-Fib.
If anyone does pill in pocket,
What drug do you use ie: flecainide, prophaenone etc. ?
What dose do you take?
How often do you have an A-Fib episode?
Do you do pill in pocket every time you have an episode?
What is your success rate?
Thank you in advance for any feedback.

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I have AFib episodes about 6 times per year....I just came back from a month long trip to Europe and no episodes...mine always come on at night ..about 1200 midnight...cell tower near house or gas? I have pill in pocket...flecainide 300 mg and metoprolol 50mg... most times it works....I have had electro conversion when it does not work...wish I knew what triggered it ...not sleep apnea..been tested for that....I also take magnesium.


Metoprolol 100mg. I've had Afib since 2002. An ablation in 2011. Sotalol was my go-to until I needed a liver transplant in late 2021. That didn't play well with other liver medications and went off it for a few years prior to transplant. I had to go to ER/ICU two (2) times last year for a "Class II" myocardial infarction; a heart attack not caused by a clot. I was already on metoprolol the first episode at 25mg; ICU upped to 100mg and that brought BP and pulse to normal. They bounce at ~175/110, pulse ~ 140-160 without this drug and the fib.


I have Diltiazem for this purpose. This is a calcium channel blocker. Since my a-fib rate isn't that high and is pretty manageable, I will usually wait about an hour to see if it corrects on its own. If not, I take a 30mg dose, which often seems to encourage sinus rhythm. I have been authorized to take up to 120mg, but would never do this, since I have a low heart rate in general and Diltiazem depresses the rate further when I take it. My episodes occur about once a week.

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Hi Jenrev
Thank you for your response.
Like you I too have a low resting HR so beta’s could be an issue.
However my intention is to look into diltiazem.


Metoprolol 100mg. I've had Afib since 2002. An ablation in 2011. Sotalol was my go-to until I needed a liver transplant in late 2021. That didn't play well with other liver medications and went off it for a few years prior to transplant. I had to go to ER/ICU two (2) times last year for a "Class II" myocardial infarction; a heart attack not caused by a clot. I was already on metoprolol the first episode at 25mg; ICU upped to 100mg and that brought BP and pulse to normal. They bounce at ~175/110, pulse ~ 140-160 without this drug and the fib.

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Hi John,
Thanks for your information


I am fortunate in how infrequent my afib is but yes, last time I ended up in the ICU. My heart rate approaches 200 and it feels like a big fish flopping around in my chest, chest pain and left arm pain, shortness of breath etc. I joke around with the EMT's and docs to keep myself calm.

I do not take blood thinners. Some docs want me on them and some don't.

One paramedic gave me a bolus of diltiazem despite my saying no, and my blood pressure went down to 60/40 range. I am more emphatic now.

Only happens at night. Since I started taking Gas X when I feel it coming on, I feel like I have averted a few episodes. I had a short episode last month and it stopped. I drove to the ER parking lot and waited just in case! I hate calling the ambulance and am known for driving myself to the police station. The EMT's get really annoyed.

If the episode is bad, I do take 30mg diltiazem myself. I also try cold water on the face/head and bearing down. Doesn't help!


I have AFib episodes about 6 times per year....I just came back from a month long trip to Europe and no episodes...mine always come on at night ..about 1200 midnight...cell tower near house or gas? I have pill in pocket...flecainide 300 mg and metoprolol 50mg... most times it works....I have had electro conversion when it does not work...wish I knew what triggered it ...not sleep apnea..been tested for that....I also take magnesium.

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Hi Wild,
I too believe at least for me flecainide is perhaps the best option,
It is so hard and frustrating to know what triggers A-Fib,
I posted something in I believe April titled No Rhyme or Reason .
If you can find it you might find it helpful.
Thanks for your input


I am fortunate in how infrequent my afib is but yes, last time I ended up in the ICU. My heart rate approaches 200 and it feels like a big fish flopping around in my chest, chest pain and left arm pain, shortness of breath etc. I joke around with the EMT's and docs to keep myself calm.

I do not take blood thinners. Some docs want me on them and some don't.

One paramedic gave me a bolus of diltiazem despite my saying no, and my blood pressure went down to 60/40 range. I am more emphatic now.

Only happens at night. Since I started taking Gas X when I feel it coming on, I feel like I have averted a few episodes. I had a short episode last month and it stopped. I drove to the ER parking lot and waited just in case! I hate calling the ambulance and am known for driving myself to the police station. The EMT's get really annoyed.

If the episode is bad, I do take 30mg diltiazem myself. I also try cold water on the face/head and bearing down. Doesn't help!

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All those valsalva maneuvers I find are no help.
Good to hear your Gas X gives you relief,


Thank you. He hasn’t been feeling well the last few days. He has had in the recent past shortness of breath and tiredness due to fluid in his lungs and he started taking a diuretic a few weeks ago. Could be the same issue, but we don’t know until he goes to his cardiologist and he will not go yet. We might end up in the ER again.
After some minimal walking last Thursday, he started having shortness of breath and was very tired. It scared him so he stayed home a few days. Today, Sunday, the symptoms started again and he has been napping on and off.
I told him one more time and we are going to the doctor or to the ER. I will ask about oxygen for him if that might help. In the meantime, I am so scared, even though family is nearby. He also has Dementia and doesn’t want to stop driving. So I have two problems going on.
Thanks for letting me cry on your shoulder.

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So sorry to hear what you and your husband are going through.
I dont know the right words to say.
I wish I did to make it better.
Always feel free to let me know how you are doing.


I get AF from my sinuses and when I take an over the counter sinus pill, it stops. I haven’t had a spell for quite awhile, but I always keep sinus meds handy.

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Hi Janet,
Sinuses thats a new one on me.
How were at least you can define the cause and sinus meds are working so thats great


Hi Janet,
Sinuses thats a new one on me.
How were at least you can define the cause and sinus meds are working so thats great

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Typo meant to say however not how were

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