Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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Heading to my primary care doctor today for an annual physical. I'm made a list of about 8 things I've read on these threads. I hope we can come up with some type of game plan but I'm not very optimistic. It's just the constant snorting and throat clearing that is wearing me down. Sometimes a shortness of breath when squatting, but I no issue when running long distances. I have a dull ache in center of my chest but every time I go to the doctor she listens to my chest and back and says everything it fine. I'll update here after my visit. Keep praying everyone.


My doctor prescribed Montelukast which was working well, but i had side effects. It was making my depression so much worse. It is a shame because it worked well with alleviating phlegm amd post nasal drip. I have a sleep study scheduled for next week. A home sleep study i did through a research study showed some sleep apnea. I know try to sleep with an elevated pillow.


Was with my primary care doctor for roughly 25 minutes for my annual physical. She acted completely like she had no idea of all the stuff I've been going through for the past 3 years. I went in with a list of things I've read on here and she said never heard of them. Them said she would call in my prescriptions a that she'll see me in one year. So very frustrated.

In the mean time, I am quitting alcohol, going to increase exercise, and move to a strict diet. I was hoping she would look in to Blexten and see if she thought it would help, but nothing.

I'm also going to start Antronex and Allerplex (both are over the counter.

I will follow up later.


Was with my primary care doctor for roughly 25 minutes for my annual physical. She acted completely like she had no idea of all the stuff I've been going through for the past 3 years. I went in with a list of things I've read on here and she said never heard of them. Them said she would call in my prescriptions a that she'll see me in one year. So very frustrated.

In the mean time, I am quitting alcohol, going to increase exercise, and move to a strict diet. I was hoping she would look in to Blexten and see if she thought it would help, but nothing.

I'm also going to start Antronex and Allerplex (both are over the counter.

I will follow up later.

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That sounds frustrating. I’m not familia with those meds, but my daily workouts have helped me feel better. As has my tight diet and hardly any alcohol. But, I still have the phlegm and throat congestion. Follow up with ENT is coming up. I guess I’ll see what he advises now.


I test negative for Covid but I feel tired all the time. Never had Covid that I know of and all the vaccines snd flu and etc. I was in the company of relatives with severe colds coughs etc, , felt tired and had an entire night of mucus thickly dripping
Into my upper chest; I still have tiredness,had one extremely sweaty night, no front nasal mucus -only post nasal drip continues. Still test negative no fever.

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Th u!!!


I had covid this Sept. and ever since I have had a cough with phlegm everyday. Yesterday I went and got a covid vaccine. My cough is completely gone, first time in 3 months.


Initial covid Sept 2023 LC since then and this week caught some kind of virus….omg….constant water from my nose….like a faucet…..sneezing every few minutes….sore throat….did have cough….what is this NOW? RSV? New covid? Other family members got it, but not as severe as me.


I completely relate. I’ve been sent to several ENTs and an allergist and so far have found no treatment that works. I’ve been on just about every otc allergy med and was prescribed 7 different nose sprays. None of them did one bit of good. The allergy test showed no allergies. This all took place over a period of 11 months. Right now I’m in the middle of a steroid pack and so far that’s not the answer but I’m going to finish the pack just to see. Not very hopeful. I don’t know how to help you, but I do relate.


That sounds frustrating. I’m not familia with those meds, but my daily workouts have helped me feel better. As has my tight diet and hardly any alcohol. But, I still have the phlegm and throat congestion. Follow up with ENT is coming up. I guess I’ll see what he advises now.

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They will advise you to do food allergy testing or make lifestyle changes. I've seen three ents and they are all baffled. Let us know what they say


Thanks, I bet vancomycin, if it would effect nothing, antibiotics might not help me.
But thanks. I will do all thing I can do.

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