Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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Wishing you, and everyone else with this problem, best of luck. I will keep you all posted if it returns.

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May I ask two things? At first, could you remember that your phlegm were aggravated transiently when you on antibiotics? and Second, what antibiotics disappeared removed your phlegm? Zosyn? Ertapenem?

Actually, I am on Zosyn on day 3-4, but I am feeling my symptom-phlegm is aggravating... I don't know why, so I want to ask even a little hint, thanks.


May I ask two things? At first, could you remember that your phlegm were aggravated transiently when you on antibiotics? and Second, what antibiotics disappeared removed your phlegm? Zosyn? Ertapenem?

Actually, I am on Zosyn on day 3-4, but I am feeling my symptom-phlegm is aggravating... I don't know why, so I want to ask even a little hint, thanks.

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As stated before, while in hospital I was on IV Zosyn for 5 days every 8 hours and vancomycin 2 x daily, then after discharge, for 16 days to prevent cdiff from the antibiotics. I had no side effects from it. I don't know which of those antibiotics removed the phlegm. Maybe it was the Vanco if the Zosyn is not doing anything for you. Hard to tell. But also, everybody is different.
I was not put on Ertapenem until after I was discharged, the phlegm had already gone away.


As stated before, while in hospital I was on IV Zosyn for 5 days every 8 hours and vancomycin 2 x daily, then after discharge, for 16 days to prevent cdiff from the antibiotics. I had no side effects from it. I don't know which of those antibiotics removed the phlegm. Maybe it was the Vanco if the Zosyn is not doing anything for you. Hard to tell. But also, everybody is different.
I was not put on Ertapenem until after I was discharged, the phlegm had already gone away.

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Thanks, I bet vancomycin, if it would effect nothing, antibiotics might not help me.
But thanks. I will do all thing I can do.


Yes, i have had this since first covid infection in January 2022. I recently started allergy shots September 2023 and it was helping. Got Covid for the third time December 26 2023 and am still dealing with mucous amd post nasal drip.


After my 3rd vaccine I started with a sinus infection and the phlegm never went away after 2 yrs! It's been visits to ENT, gastrologist, and several tests. It's been exhausting. Learning to live with it after being diagnosed withLPC and taking prescription that I have since quit, no relief at all.! Very discouragung


I think I caught a cold. Two family members really sick, (tested negative for covid) and now I’m coughing and have increased phlegm. Oh my….my only symptoms are cough and more phlegm. And of course, my voice sounds scratchy. That’s nothing new.


After my 3rd vaccine I started with a sinus infection and the phlegm never went away after 2 yrs! It's been visits to ENT, gastrologist, and several tests. It's been exhausting. Learning to live with it after being diagnosed withLPC and taking prescription that I have since quit, no relief at all.! Very discouragung

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I have the exact same experience. Had covid sept of 2021. 3 vaccines.

Phlegm for over two years. I have tried everything. Now, as of last week my ENT suggested my last option is surgery..

The medical community does not know how to deal with long covid.

A large portion of the medical community needs convincing that your individual symptoms are even real… very discouraging.

This is drastically and negatively affecting my life.


Update: I’ve been on this thread for quite some time, around a year probably since this started for me in late August 2022. I recently had a barium swallow test and it showed moderate to severe reflux. That triggers asthma which was diagnosed a few months in to the whole ordeal. I’ll see Gastro early February. It’s such a wait for every specialist! Over the last year I’ve seen cardiology, Pulmonology, ENT & my PCP. It really is good to have some validation now since most of them treat me like I’m crazy! Resolving it, well, that’s another story. Currently I’m on Esomeprozole magnesium AM, albuterol as needed , Symbicort AM/PM, Montelukast PM and use a wedge pillow and have started an elimination diet(removing sugar, grains and processed foods). I’m managing better than I have since it all started but have a long way to go. Again, as I’ve stated repeatedly, chew sugarless gum (extra polar ice works best for me) to keep the phlegm at bay.


I have the exact same experience. Had covid sept of 2021. 3 vaccines.

Phlegm for over two years. I have tried everything. Now, as of last week my ENT suggested my last option is surgery..

The medical community does not know how to deal with long covid.

A large portion of the medical community needs convincing that your individual symptoms are even real… very discouraging.

This is drastically and negatively affecting my life.

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I stopped going to the doctors just wanted me to stay on the acid reflux meds which never helped. I will wait til spring then go back. Not better not worse, just annoying and uncomfortable


Update: I’ve been on this thread for quite some time, around a year probably since this started for me in late August 2022. I recently had a barium swallow test and it showed moderate to severe reflux. That triggers asthma which was diagnosed a few months in to the whole ordeal. I’ll see Gastro early February. It’s such a wait for every specialist! Over the last year I’ve seen cardiology, Pulmonology, ENT & my PCP. It really is good to have some validation now since most of them treat me like I’m crazy! Resolving it, well, that’s another story. Currently I’m on Esomeprozole magnesium AM, albuterol as needed , Symbicort AM/PM, Montelukast PM and use a wedge pillow and have started an elimination diet(removing sugar, grains and processed foods). I’m managing better than I have since it all started but have a long way to go. Again, as I’ve stated repeatedly, chew sugarless gum (extra polar ice works best for me) to keep the phlegm at bay.

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Just wondering about your reflux. I never had it until I started using multiple products for my covid mouth/taste issues, like mints, oral lozenges, sugarless gum, etc. All that minty stuff triggered me. I had to stop the products, change diet and go on pepcid pills for a few weeks. It seems to have settled down. I sure miss the products though. They helped my throat and bitter taste in mouth.

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