Pernicious anemia

Posted by pdsi43one @pdsi43one, Jan 17, 2018

I have familial pernicious anemia coupled with Hashimoto’s disease as did my mother, grandfather, and great uncle. They are both autoimmune diseases. The thyroid goiter was removed when I was 27. I have taken thyroxine since then. About 8 years ago tingling in feet and hands was diagnosed as B12 deficiency. However, the intrinsic factor associated with pernicious anemia was not known about by physician. Decline in Tingling, fatigue, awkwardness in walking, etc became slowly worse. I finally went on line at Mayo website and discovered my diagnosis. I printed out and took to my Dr.
Test were done. Confirmation ! After beginning B12 monthly injections, symptoms abated some, but there has been no significant improvement. Taking balance classes gave been the only help to keep from falling.

Is anyone out there doing something else besides B 12 injections for PA?

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Justamente lo he hecho! No digo esto por mí iluminación Me lo indicó mí médico Que sabe y mí Ho de vitaminas!! Que la b12 si bien es hidrosoluble puede intoxicar ya que se acumula en el hígado como todos ya sabemos Pero ese cúmulo si se sigue invirtiendo b12 son límite es tóxico. No invento nada Lea en la web y verá que actualmente ya son mí vos los informes que hablan del tema. No improviso Leo y consulto Muchos médicos no se actualizan ni leen no consultan

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I understand doctors do not always keep up. You must do what you think is correct for you. I need to supplement daily. I am not suggesting everyone do as I do.

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