Post-COVID Syndrome is real

Posted by nant @nant, Jul 26, 2021

I had covid mid April and have had many PCS symptoms. I seem to be educating my doctors and therapists. Sometimes it feels like they think I am faking and the next time they tell me they have heard the same thing from others. I am doing everything from aqua therapy, speech therapy for the "fog" and still exhausted, headaches, fog and not sleeping well ect. I have used my short term disability at work and working thru my PTO time. I am more than frustrated. Any encouragement?

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My doctor is not sure how to help me. I am almost paranoid to get any shots flu ect..The last time I was ill with chronic bronchitis I was put on 50 mg prednisone. This went against my rheumatologist advice. it did help me but when i came off of the prednisone it was horrid.. depressing.
so .. im not running to the doctors when Im ill now. I try natural.. its great to be able to talk to people about this.


Has anyone experienced extremely elevated liver enzymes without pre-existing conditions.

I had a very light omicron variant in January 2022 with barely a cough...mostly sneezing, fogginess/fatigue and stomach issues. Late 30s, zero pre-existing medical conditions and had my booster 5 months earlier (since I was technically considered an "essential" worker, even though I worked an office job).

I had my yearly physical 3 months before contracting COVID, so they are positive that is what caused my elevated liver numbers.

More than a year later, after constant blood work, ultrasound, MRI, and finally a liver biopsy, they are unable to tell me anything other than COVID elevated my enzymes and they haven't come back down for some reason. They have stayed at close to 6-10 times what they should be for the duration and are causing extreme nausea, vertigo, brain fog, heavy sweating while doing basic activities (even showering), fatigue/insomnia, and edema in fingers (3wks after contracting COVID I could no longer wear my wedding ring and I was fairly slim).

I know this is a long post, but has anyone heard of someone experiencing anything similar? Even my specialist had not come across the sweating and enzymes staying so high after this length of time without a pre-existing condition.


I also have long COVID. It is frustrating because so many professionals know so little about it. I have many therapies and doctors as well. I want to get better and cannot return to work yet. I have used all PTO and short term disability. Long term disability is trying hard to deny my benefits, no pay now for 3 months making it hard plus had to start paying cobra. I have lung disease now as a result of COVID. Why do they make it so hard? I was never duck a day in my life before. It’s been 8 months now.

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Hi, I hear you loud & clear! After 10 months of waiting for a decision about my disability claim, I was just denied.
Prior to Covid in March 2020, I traveled across the country doing work I loved as a Mitigation Specialist working on death penalty cases. I made 3 failed attempts trying to do the work I love until it was clear I could no longer do what is required. A typical interview would take 3-4 hrs and the written report would take about 4 hours. It took me 10 days & 5 hours to write a report. I had difficulty spelling words, confusing thought patterns, writing something I wasn’t thinking…. This when I had to accept I now have limitations that will prevent me from doing my work. I was self employed and now nearly bankrupted bc I didn’t have an income . I pray for everyone who has long Covid that they get what they need and deserve as citizens who contributed in their own ways through their work. I am heartbroken and scared.


I had my Moderna shots in March/April. I had the normal side effects initially that went away. At the beginning of June I suddenly had an episode of intense dizziness, feeling like I was in a dream, rapid heart beat and headache. The dizziness has not gone away - some days worse than others but I cannot drive, feel like I'm in a constant state of "unreality", have headaches and have brain fog. I went to Urgent Care and the ER and their tests show nothing wrong. My GP had me have a blood test which showed nothing wrong. He sent me to a cardiologist where I had a EKG (normal). I wore a heart monitor for three days but it was normal. I then went to a ENT who tested for inner ear problems and Menieres Disease - tests came back normal. I am scheduled to go in for an MRI. The feeling of dizziness is debilitating and the brain fog is affecting my work. I am surprised I have not been fired. My doctor has been reluctant to give me any medication during the time I was having the tests. My anxiety is through the roof. Does anyone else have these symptoms and what have you done about it?Has anyone found medication that can help? There are times when I feel I cannot continue living this way - going from doctor to doctor and no one being able to help me. I cannot imagine my life this way and really need help.

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I am the same. I’m almost two years in, and I continue to get worse. My head is my main problem. Hearing is muffled, vision is blurry and foggy, thinking is impaired. My eyes nose and mouth are always dry. Tinnitus and noise sensitivity through the roof.
Cannot move my bowel without laxative. Basically I’m a great big mess! I have lost 35 pounds and like you, can’t see living like this much longer.
I’ve seen all sorts of doctors, but diet and supplements just can’t fight this dragon. The tests they do on me do not show my problems.
I am finally in a long Covid Clinic...but so far, no answers there either.
I try to stay hopeful and keep’s very hard.


And on top of it all I have now gotten a blood condition that could lead to leukemia. It is so scary !! And when I said could it be my long Covid problem they totally discounted it!! I know that changes in blood cells have been caused by Covid !! When will the doctors believe it?!


Has anyone experienced extremely elevated liver enzymes without pre-existing conditions.

I had a very light omicron variant in January 2022 with barely a cough...mostly sneezing, fogginess/fatigue and stomach issues. Late 30s, zero pre-existing medical conditions and had my booster 5 months earlier (since I was technically considered an "essential" worker, even though I worked an office job).

I had my yearly physical 3 months before contracting COVID, so they are positive that is what caused my elevated liver numbers.

More than a year later, after constant blood work, ultrasound, MRI, and finally a liver biopsy, they are unable to tell me anything other than COVID elevated my enzymes and they haven't come back down for some reason. They have stayed at close to 6-10 times what they should be for the duration and are causing extreme nausea, vertigo, brain fog, heavy sweating while doing basic activities (even showering), fatigue/insomnia, and edema in fingers (3wks after contracting COVID I could no longer wear my wedding ring and I was fairly slim).

I know this is a long post, but has anyone heard of someone experiencing anything similar? Even my specialist had not come across the sweating and enzymes staying so high after this length of time without a pre-existing condition.

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I have had increased alkaline phosphate, contracted covid November 2020. Nothing has been noted in my imaging to cause what the lab work is showing. I do have brain fog, fatigue, joint pains, nausea, and etc.


I am the same. I’m almost two years in, and I continue to get worse. My head is my main problem. Hearing is muffled, vision is blurry and foggy, thinking is impaired. My eyes nose and mouth are always dry. Tinnitus and noise sensitivity through the roof.
Cannot move my bowel without laxative. Basically I’m a great big mess! I have lost 35 pounds and like you, can’t see living like this much longer.
I’ve seen all sorts of doctors, but diet and supplements just can’t fight this dragon. The tests they do on me do not show my problems.
I am finally in a long Covid Clinic...but so far, no answers there either.
I try to stay hopeful and keep’s very hard.

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What Post Covid Recovery Clinic have you gone to?


What Post Covid Recovery Clinic have you gone to?

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I live in California and I’m going to an Integrative medical group that treats long Covid. I have only been going for a month or so. It took a long time to get into this group. I will keep going and hope to find some answers. So far, Chiropractic and Acupuncture and one vitamin C infusion have not made a difference. After such a long time of suffering, I know I am impatient


And on top of it all I have now gotten a blood condition that could lead to leukemia. It is so scary !! And when I said could it be my long Covid problem they totally discounted it!! I know that changes in blood cells have been caused by Covid !! When will the doctors believe it?!

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If it is MGUS, then it might be good to also test for celiac and thyroid. Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance is more common in those of us with autoimmune diseases. My MGUS was diagnosed about 6 years ago; so far it hasn't progressed and is asymptomatic (which is more than I can say for my long covid).


I live in California and I’m going to an Integrative medical group that treats long Covid. I have only been going for a month or so. It took a long time to get into this group. I will keep going and hope to find some answers. So far, Chiropractic and Acupuncture and one vitamin C infusion have not made a difference. After such a long time of suffering, I know I am impatient

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You might try a Glutathione IV to see if that helps and if it does then you can start taking a NAC supplement as that is a precursor for your body to make Glutathione. Many LHC patients have depleted Glutathione.

If that doesn’t help then it may be your NAD is depleted. You could try a NAD IV to see and then start taking niacinamide to help your body produce its own NAD again as many LHC patients have depleted niacinamide and can’t produce NAD.

Glutathione IV is much cheaper than a NAD IV, so I would start with that. I wass as deficient in Glutathione, been taking NAC for 2 1/2 months now and it helps a lot though it is very slow progress, will likely take 4 to 6 months to feel back to normal.

As with any treatment options, google theses thoroughly to make sure they are safe for you to try. There are a few people (like those on blood thinners) that can’t take these. There May be other situations and or medications you are taking that wouldn’t not make these an option for you to try. You should also run it by your doctor to make sure trying either of these could cause you any harm with your personal health situation.

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