Panic Attacks with new diagnosis and fear of the unknown: What helps?

Posted by healthybon @healthybon, Mar 9, 2023

I am waiting for pathology to see what germ I have. I have developed panic attacks, (very bad ones), because I’m scared. I see the infectious Dr on April 12. Some of you probably have read my prior posts and I thank you for your kind responses.
I’m trying to take one step at a time, but the fear is overtaking me. Fear of the unknown, fear of what kind I have etc. Can anyone offer some suggestions, comments etc. My blood pressure goes off the charts high when this happens. I went to the emergency room (again) yesterday and they said my heart is fine, it’s from panic. I do the deep breathing, walking, meditation..nothing is helping. The E R Dr gave me a script for Vistiril to relax me.
If they tell me I have to take those antibiotics there is no way. I get sick, very sick from medicine. Even just a Z PAK made me very sick in the past. I think this is my fear. That is if I even need meds. I would so appreciate your help right now. Bon

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I was given xanax for panic attacks (small dose) and it works quickly. The drug you were given is an antihistamine and I don't know how this works for people who have lung issues. I was told to avoid antihistamines because they thicken mucus but that may not be a problem for you. I'd run it by a pulmonary doctor to see if it has any negative impact on your issues. As for anxiety, nothing works for me either other than a pill. I was also given a beta blocker to lower my bp and heart rate and it too helps with anxiety. I have a snake phobia and after the beta blocker when I saw a snake in the garden, instead of my usual screaming, I just said "oh there's a snake"! Maybe check with your internal medicine doctor about blood pressure meds if required.


When I went through menopause the hot flashes were nothing, but I developed paralyzing anxiety and panic attacks for about a year. I had never had anxiety before, so tried all the meditation, yoga, diet etc and NADA. My doctor prescribed Xanax and bingo anxiety under control. She said to take it everyday for at least three - five days to put the fire out in my nervous system, and then take only as really needed.
You will be fine!

I broke them in half and always started with lowest dose. After a few weeks, I didn’t even hardly need them and just knowing I had them with me in the car, purse, or wherever was all I needed to not get anxious!

I finally got on some natural estrogen and thyroid meds and I was good to go without needing any more Xanax . It is a great drug for anxiety as it works in 15-20 minutes — just take the lowest dose you can.


When I went through menopause the hot flashes were nothing, but I developed paralyzing anxiety and panic attacks for about a year. I had never had anxiety before, so tried all the meditation, yoga, diet etc and NADA. My doctor prescribed Xanax and bingo anxiety under control. She said to take it everyday for at least three - five days to put the fire out in my nervous system, and then take only as really needed.
You will be fine!

I broke them in half and always started with lowest dose. After a few weeks, I didn’t even hardly need them and just knowing I had them with me in the car, purse, or wherever was all I needed to not get anxious!

I finally got on some natural estrogen and thyroid meds and I was good to go without needing any more Xanax . It is a great drug for anxiety as it works in 15-20 minutes — just take the lowest dose you can.

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Was your thyroid low or high?


I too lived in extreme fear of being told that I needed the antibiotics. I was told by two Doctors to start them and I refused. I finally went to Mayo in Jacksonville and my Doctor at Mayo has put me on airway clearance. She told me she would not put me on antibiotics unless I had a flare and it would be no more than 2 weeks.
My blood pressure has gone off the charts also because of fear, the levabuterol, and 3% saline solution. I have gone off both of those and now only use the aerobika and huff cough. Since I only started this at the end of the year, I don’t go in for more testing until mid April.
I have started exercising harder and after exercise come home and do the Aerobika and huff cough and there is no difference in what I cough up with this method compared to using the nebulizing drugs. I never coughed up much anyways.
Follow your instincts on what is best for you and your body.
Good luck!


I too lived in extreme fear of being told that I needed the antibiotics. I was told by two Doctors to start them and I refused. I finally went to Mayo in Jacksonville and my Doctor at Mayo has put me on airway clearance. She told me she would not put me on antibiotics unless I had a flare and it would be no more than 2 weeks.
My blood pressure has gone off the charts also because of fear, the levabuterol, and 3% saline solution. I have gone off both of those and now only use the aerobika and huff cough. Since I only started this at the end of the year, I don’t go in for more testing until mid April.
I have started exercising harder and after exercise come home and do the Aerobika and huff cough and there is no difference in what I cough up with this method compared to using the nebulizing drugs. I never coughed up much anyways.
Follow your instincts on what is best for you and your body.
Good luck!

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Sally, when did this all start with you? Do you ever get out of breath a little? I hardly have any mucus. I just ordered an Aerobika. I am having horrible panic attacks. What germ did they tell you that you have? Any more info you can tell me about YOUR case would really help. I like what you have posted to me. Thanks Bon


If you keep track of your salt intake and keep it under about 1300 mg a day , 3% saline inhalation should not raise your blood pressure. It has not raised mine but I do count my salt intake. It has made a huge difference in my symptoms so I would think long and hard about giving it up.


Was your thyroid low or high?

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I was hypo (with hashimotos) but they immediately put me on way too high level of Synthroid which gave me heart palpitations in the middle of dealing with all that anxiety. Finally got on natural estrogen and much lower
level of thyroid meds and my nerves calmed down where I didn’t need the Xanax anymore.


Sally, when did this all start with you? Do you ever get out of breath a little? I hardly have any mucus. I just ordered an Aerobika. I am having horrible panic attacks. What germ did they tell you that you have? Any more info you can tell me about YOUR case would really help. I like what you have posted to me. Thanks Bon

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I do not get out of breath because I exercise a lot. Each of us has a different metabolism and react differently to drugs. The best thing to do is consult with your physician and come up with a solution which is agreeable to you.


If you keep track of your salt intake and keep it under about 1300 mg a day , 3% saline inhalation should not raise your blood pressure. It has not raised mine but I do count my salt intake. It has made a huge difference in my symptoms so I would think long and hard about giving it up.

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I know you mean well with your comments. The levabuterol was the main culprit in elevating blood pressure.
One of the side effects of saline is being constantly thirsty. I could not get enough to drink, even drink 6 to 8 16 oz bottles of water a day. All I tasted was salt continuously. I stopped all salt after feeling constantly thirsty.
I am working with my Doctor to come up with an alternate plan like 0.9 saline solution.
I do not appreciate your comment that I should think twice about giving up the saline solution and that my body should handle it. All our bodies are different and who are you to say what my body can handle.


HealthyBon, When I had my bronchoscopy and waited for results, I started watching YouTube videos from National Jewish Health and NTMir. One of the things that stayed with me was one of the National Jewish Health doctors said of NTM “you may die WITH it, but you’re unlikely to die FROM it. My pulmonologist started me on airway clearance (nebulizing with 7% saline but didn’t stress how important that is on keeping the germs knocked down. I got that from the group here. My pulmonologist and ID doctor both pushed for me to start the antibiotics but I didn’t because I was feeling fine. I’m still doing well after almost 2 years later and still no antibiotics.

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