Pancreatic Cancer Group: Introduce yourself and connect with others

Welcome to the Pancreatic Cancer group on Mayo Clinic Connect.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet people living with pancreatic cancer or caring for someone with pancreatic cancer. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with cancer, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I’m Colleen, and I’m the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you’ll to be greeted by fellow members and volunteer patient Mentors, when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Volunteer Mentors on Connect.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Pull up a chair. Let's start with introductions.

When were you diagnosed with pancreatic cancer? What treatments have you had? How are you doing?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Pancreatic Cancer Support Group.


On weight loss not much. Ive talked with a few nutritionists but they really werent much help except drink boost and ensure. I have 2 stents billiary and dueodenal so my food intake is somewhat limited
I take enzyme creon , i hired a nutritionist who evaluated my bloodwork and gave me various supplements
I add whey powder, canned coconut milk endures to smoothies. But I can only ingest small amts at a time so I only maybe drink 8 oz , 4 oz at a time. Im struggling to maintain my pitiful weight

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Thanks for the tips. I need to start back on ensure


My name is Vincent Ogonor. I was diagnosed of pancreatic cancer last November (2021). I subsequently had surgery during which part of my pancreas and two lymph nodes were removed. In January 2022, I started six months of chemotherapy, which I completed in June.

My doctor assured me that I was cancer free. Unfortunately, this is not true. Right now the tumor has grown to a size bigger than what it was before I had the surgery. Now the same doctor who ignored the upward trend of my tumor marker test results wants me to undergo another chemotherapy under his supervision. I am reluctant to continue my treatment with him, especially after he claimed the tumor marker numbers decreased during my treatment, which is not true. His total reliance on CT scan (which did not reveal the presence of the cancer prior to the surgery). On top of this, the doctor told me that my cancer cannot be cured and that I would die of the disease. The chemotherapy has resulted in my fingers and toes being numbed.

Am I wrong for not wanting to continue treatment with this doctor?


On weight loss not much. Ive talked with a few nutritionists but they really werent much help except drink boost and ensure. I have 2 stents billiary and dueodenal so my food intake is somewhat limited
I take enzyme creon , i hired a nutritionist who evaluated my bloodwork and gave me various supplements
I add whey powder, canned coconut milk endures to smoothies. But I can only ingest small amts at a time so I only maybe drink 8 oz , 4 oz at a time. Im struggling to maintain my pitiful weight

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Told me the same drink ensure.


My name is Vincent Ogonor. I was diagnosed of pancreatic cancer last November (2021). I subsequently had surgery during which part of my pancreas and two lymph nodes were removed. In January 2022, I started six months of chemotherapy, which I completed in June.

My doctor assured me that I was cancer free. Unfortunately, this is not true. Right now the tumor has grown to a size bigger than what it was before I had the surgery. Now the same doctor who ignored the upward trend of my tumor marker test results wants me to undergo another chemotherapy under his supervision. I am reluctant to continue my treatment with him, especially after he claimed the tumor marker numbers decreased during my treatment, which is not true. His total reliance on CT scan (which did not reveal the presence of the cancer prior to the surgery). On top of this, the doctor told me that my cancer cannot be cured and that I would die of the disease. The chemotherapy has resulted in my fingers and toes being numbed.

Am I wrong for not wanting to continue treatment with this doctor?

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Welcome @vogonor. Have you considered getting a second opinion?


Welcome @vogonor. Have you considered getting a second opinion?

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Yes, I am considering getting a second opinion.


Yes, I am considering getting a second opinion.

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Sounds like it would be helpful in this situation. You want to have confidence in the care you're getting. If you'd like to inquire about a second opinion at Mayo Clinic, here's more information:


My name is Vincent Ogonor. I was diagnosed of pancreatic cancer last November (2021). I subsequently had surgery during which part of my pancreas and two lymph nodes were removed. In January 2022, I started six months of chemotherapy, which I completed in June.

My doctor assured me that I was cancer free. Unfortunately, this is not true. Right now the tumor has grown to a size bigger than what it was before I had the surgery. Now the same doctor who ignored the upward trend of my tumor marker test results wants me to undergo another chemotherapy under his supervision. I am reluctant to continue my treatment with him, especially after he claimed the tumor marker numbers decreased during my treatment, which is not true. His total reliance on CT scan (which did not reveal the presence of the cancer prior to the surgery). On top of this, the doctor told me that my cancer cannot be cured and that I would die of the disease. The chemotherapy has resulted in my fingers and toes being numbed.

Am I wrong for not wanting to continue treatment with this doctor?

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No, you are not wrong for not wanting to continue with this doctor. Of course, every scenario is different, and I am far from being a doctor.... It may not be a problem changing, but not sure about that in this stage of the game. Wish you were @Mayo Florida. If there is any way you could come either to Mayo Rochester MN, Mayo Arizona or Mayo Jacksonville, where I am. The best of the best. Dr. John Stauffer (Mayo Jacksonville) I'm scheduled for Whipple on 11.7 next Monday for IPMN pre-malignant cystic mass head of pancreas; having my last Endoscopy today before surgery next Monday.

I pray you receive peace about what path to take from here. Thank you for sharing this. I can feel your frustration and indecision. Please update.


My name is Vincent Ogonor. I was diagnosed of pancreatic cancer last November (2021). I subsequently had surgery during which part of my pancreas and two lymph nodes were removed. In January 2022, I started six months of chemotherapy, which I completed in June.

My doctor assured me that I was cancer free. Unfortunately, this is not true. Right now the tumor has grown to a size bigger than what it was before I had the surgery. Now the same doctor who ignored the upward trend of my tumor marker test results wants me to undergo another chemotherapy under his supervision. I am reluctant to continue my treatment with him, especially after he claimed the tumor marker numbers decreased during my treatment, which is not true. His total reliance on CT scan (which did not reveal the presence of the cancer prior to the surgery). On top of this, the doctor told me that my cancer cannot be cured and that I would die of the disease. The chemotherapy has resulted in my fingers and toes being numbed.

Am I wrong for not wanting to continue treatment with this doctor?

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You are not wrong at all. My mom was cancer free for 3 years (or so we thought) until a tumor showed up on her ovary. Apparently, her oncologist missed it on the scan, so she went from March until now with zero treatment for metastasis. I want to fire her oncologist and get someone else, but she wants to stick with him bc he knows her history. I don't agree with my mom's position on this, but it is her call. You do what you feel is best for you! Trust your gut above all else! Good luck!


I was diagnosed stage IV at 60 years old in Sept, 2021. I've been on chemo since oct 2021. Just finished 15 days of radiation therapy. Feeling defeated presently and having trouble battling in a war I cannot win. Just looking for the strength to continue or the courage to quit.


Hi everyone, my husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in July of 2022.

We contacted the Mayo in Rochester Minnesota. I can tell you that process took a long time, especially when you want something done yesterday.

My father passed away from pancreatic cancer so my worries and concerns were frightening to say the least.

I wanted his cancer to be removed immediately. But the oncologists shyed away from that old theory. And suggested chemotherapy. He did 4 months of treatments 46 hours for each treatment every other week. At the time of diagnosis his cancer was in the tail of his pancreases and was attached to his spleen. And
It had not mastitized outside of the pancreas.
They did a PET scan 3 weeks ago and found cancer now on his chest wall.

I wish they would have done surgery to begin with. 🥲

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