Pain and Loss of Self Worth

Posted by labgirl @labgirl, Aug 26, 2023

I was diagnosed with arachnoiditis 5 years ago following major spine surgery.
I think I've learned to live with the chronic pain and neuropathy, but I still struggle with the fact that I can't do what I used to do. I have expectations that I should at least be able to vacuum and cook a small meal, but I can't because after standing for 3-5 minutes, I have to sit down and let the pain subside. Traveling, shopping, or even walking for more than 10 minutes are out of the question.
I held a challenging and very active executive position for 40 years, working 10+ hrs/day. I raised a daughter, and volunteered at a local hospice. Now, at age 70, I sit in a recliner for most of the day and read and do crosswords.
I see so many ads of people in their 70's and 80's golfing, biking, baking cookies and I look within myself and see a sedentary, dull person. I suspect that other people must think that of me, also.
Is anyone else experiencing these negative thoughts about themselves? How do you get to the point where you can regain some pride in yourself--this new self that can't accomplish or contribute very much to family, friends, or the community?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Chronic Pain Support Group.

I have been suffering with chronic pain stemming from multiple back and neck surgeries and osteopenia. Nothing helps...multiple injections, ablations, PT and acupuncture for my SI joint. The neurosurgeon can't do anything right now as my bones are very brittle. He needs to see my bone density results to determine how bad it is. My acupuncturist Doctor mentioned Scrambler Therapy as opposed to a Spine Stimulator implant. Have any of you heard about this, tried it? I've done my research and it sounds like a reasonable route for pain management.


I have been suffering with chronic pain stemming from multiple back and neck surgeries and osteopenia. Nothing helps...multiple injections, ablations, PT and acupuncture for my SI joint. The neurosurgeon can't do anything right now as my bones are very brittle. He needs to see my bone density results to determine how bad it is. My acupuncturist Doctor mentioned Scrambler Therapy as opposed to a Spine Stimulator implant. Have any of you heard about this, tried it? I've done my research and it sounds like a reasonable route for pain management.

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Hello @pam110755, here is a discussion you may find worth your time to read through in regards to scrambler therapy:

"Hope: Starting Calmare Scrambler Therapy " -

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