Anyone had experience with OsteoStrong, who is not a franchisee?

Posted by tikigod18 @tikigod18, Jan 29, 2019

Has anyone had experience with OsteoStrong? It suggests you will get a large increase in bone density while using their facility 10 minutes per WEEK. Somewhat pricey at $99 and up per month, but am curious if anyone who is NOT a franchisee, has experienced this program?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.


Hi ans!
UPDATE: As per my phone conversation today with the Marodyne rep, the company is willing to replace my unit. (This was my second phone call to them in a week, plus an email which was never answered.) I was told they are awaiting a new shipment from Germany to arrive in about a week. They will send me a pre-paid return shipment label for the defective device.
In my previous phone interaction, the rep seemed to downplay my concerns as to the inconsistent responses of the machine. (The machine tends not to reactivate once in Standby mode.) My impression is that the company is well meaning but somewhat disorganized. Let’s see if they are true to their word!

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Hi Thisnthat,
I am wondering how long it took you to get your initial Marodyne? It says to figure about 6 weeks in the email I received . I haven’t ordered it yet as figuring out when to do that based on having some travel planned. Thanks!


Hi Ans,

Six weeks sounds about right, give or take a week. You pay in two parts: First half once the order is placed (to Germany where it is manufactured), and then the balance is due when the device arrives in Florida. There it is checked for any defects, along with all the other devices that have arrived in that shipment. That takes about a week. You will then be notified that your platform is being shipped via Fedex.

In my case, I was given an incorrect tracking number when they got me confused with another customer! Eventually it got straightened out, but it took about a week until my platform actually arrived from Florida.

My advice is probably wait until you have completed your travel
if there is any chance you might miss delivery. Shipping is quite expensive!


I would be careful with that. I am only going by my Drs .


I can wait to hear your results after a year of OsteoStrong. There isn't one in my city but I did visit an OsteoStrong when I was on vacation LOL just so I could check it out and see what it is all about. If there were one within 2 hours of my home I would be willing to make the commute weekly.

You mentioned that you have osteopenia. Are you just making lifestyle, including joining OsteoStrong and dietary changes to work on your bones or did you also opt for osteo-meds?

Again, can't wait to hear your DEXA results. I'm doing everything I can to improve my bones and I haven't completely ruled out moving so I could join OsteoStrong--others experiences with improved BMD, which are hard to find--would help me decide if it would actually be worth the move.

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After a year of Osteostrong, I had my bone density scan this month. First, let me say that I am 73 years old, 5’7” tall, and weigh 120 pounds. I have a small frame which heightens my risk for osteoporosis and my hormone replacement regimen stopped about 13 years ago.
I was diagnosed with osteopenia 2 years ago with T-scores of:
Spine -1.7
Rt hip -1.5
Lt hip -1.3
In the course of 2 years, my scores showed no change. I was hoping to see improvement after a year of Osteostrong, and expressed my disappointment to the radiologist. However, given that I am not taking any ‘bone building’ Rx, she pointed out that most likely, Osteostrong helped my maintain what I have. So, I plan to continue with it.

I do continue to take chewable calcium (1000 - 1500), and Vitamin D3 everyday, but I’ve had to reduce my walking routine from 20mi/week to 10-12mi/week due to osteoarthritis in my right hip. I am scheduled for hip replacement this summer.

Let’s keep on keeping on as best we can.


I’m 54 and I would be jumping for joy if my t-scores were as high as yours. My December 2022 DEXA lumbar spine t-score was -3.6. That was an improvement from my July 2021 DEXA scan results.

Are you taking vitamin K2 and or magnesium?


I’m 54 and I would be jumping for joy if my t-scores were as high as yours. My December 2022 DEXA lumbar spine t-score was -3.6. That was an improvement from my July 2021 DEXA scan results.

Are you taking vitamin K2 and or magnesium?

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I as on a supplement regimen that had K2 blend with D3, and multivitamin/mineral capsules that had magnesium in it but my new primary care internist recommended that I cease taking the multivitamin/mineral capsule because she felt the dosages were too high.


I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis and was excited when I discovered Osteostrong at a health fair, hoping this was the perfect solution to avoiding pharmaceuticals. After going to Osteostrong for 15 months, I had another Dexascan done to evaluate my bone density hoping to see great improvements. Unfortunately, the tests showed no improvement and more bone loss. So beware.

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Can you tell me what else you were doing to improve bone density along with OsteoStrong? Diet, exercise, etc?? Also, what are you doing now for your Osteoporosis? I appreciate your help. I am doing several things to avoid medication but not sure if they will help.


I commented on another post somewhere, but this is to bunky44. I, too, have a DEXA score far worse than I have seen on any thread--even than yours! Mine is overall -5.1 and I am 72 years old. I had a hysterectomy at 35 and believe that is where this all started. I took estrogen for 10 years, but it caused chronic breast pain, so I stopped. It was a few years after that I was diagnosed with osteoporosis, but it didn't happen in those short years, so must have started while I was still taking estrogen. I've read that the greatest decrease in bone density happens within five years of menopause, so if that is true, even with surgical menopause, then by the time I was 40 I was entering the danger zone. A fall in 2021 prompted a bone density scan (which I had not had in years), and it was -4.5, so I joined Osteostrong and continued for the next 18 months. After a year my density was -4.7, but I continued because I believe that age and the level of bone density play a role in how long for improvement. I recently consulted with an osteoporosis expert in Massachusetts (flew there from Texas) and he advised me to not participate in Silver Sneakers senior exercise program or Osteostrong, because of the fragility of my bones. I didn't know it, but before my fall I had had several fractures (they can be silent). I did not want to take medication and have not until now. Tomorrow I pick up a prescription for Tymlos. The doctor told me I had no choice because of the severity and the bone loss needed to be halted right away. Have made so many lifestyle, diet, supplement changes, but the density still went down, so it's time to try this other approach. After the fall I saw a spine surgeon who told me his worst patients were 75-year-old women in terrible pain because their bones had dissolved and there was nothing he could for them. I'll continue the nutritional approach along with the Tymlos.

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Hi Kathleen, Thank you for posting your experience. I really appreciate reading it. I am 63, my DEXA score in the lower spine is -4.5 ( I have just been found out! ) and I am trying to figure out what do, whether to join Ostrostrong or other alternative methodss, before taking the medicines that the Dr prescribed me (Alendronate). Would you possibly share the contact and name of the specialist you went to speak with in Massachusetts's? Thanksa millon, Francesca


I've been going to OsteoStrong since March 2022 and in Dec 2022 I had a bone density test 9 months after my previous test. I went to the same test place for better reliability. My worst osteoporosis is my AP Spine (L1-4) and it went from -3.2 to -2.7 an increase of 6.9%. My left hip went from -1.5 to -1.2 a decrease of 4%. My left Femoral Neck went from -2.1 to -1.8 an increase of 5.8%. I was ready to quit OsteoStrong because of the cost but will continue because it seems to be helping in two areas. No one seems to know why my left hip density decreased. During the past year I have also been taking calcium and A, D, and K. I'm 76 and was diagnosed with osteoporosis with my first dexa 10 years ago. A couple of years ago I took a medication (can't remember the name but it's one you take weekly) and two days later I could barely move my neck and walking was difficult for a week or so.


Have very poor dexa results, osteostrong in Launceston, appeared my one non drug recourse. Have been going for 2 months. Can find no studies on efficacy of spectrum equipment.
It’s expensive, it’s a two and a quarter hour drive there and then same back.

Does anyone have any experience with this?

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