Oral Surgery after healing from Aspiration Pneumonia

Posted by yvonne55 @yvonne55, Apr 14, 2023

Hi there! I had aspiration pneumonia (due to GERD) last summer and wasnt treated with the correct or a long enough course of antibiotics . 2 weeks later it's back AND I'm septic. I survived but it was a long journey back.
2 days ago half my front tooth fell out. Upon dental xrays he discovered I need about 4 molars extracted , 2 root canals and the front tooth that broke and the one beside it extracted as well.
The oral surgeon wants to knock me out with iv sedation because this will apparently take 4 hours. Naturally I'll be in a laying position, and I've heard of aspiration under anesthetic. I've heard stomach contents and such can get into your lungs. Theres no way I can do a 3rd round of aspiration pneumonia. And I also use a cpap at night.
I asked my dentist PLEASE just to fix the front one that broke for now due to my unease as I want to ensure I'm completely healed.
Unfortunately he doesnt understand or doesnt care but he said nope do it all at once and then it's done.
I'm still due for one more ct scan from the pneumonia to see if the ground glass opacities are gone and have an appt with my pulmonologist but not till mid May! Has anyone heard of aspiration pneumonia under or after anesthetic? Is it silly of me to just want the one tooth fixed for now so I can stay awake for the procedure ( not to mention cost)?

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Not silly at all. I had 2 crowns fall out the week I got home from the Hospital & I didn’t even put them back with dental cement because I don’t want them to come loose & fall out in my sleep & then accidentally aspirate one of them. I didn’t know people aspirate things during dental procedures; is that a common occurrence?

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