PET shows hypermetabolic activity: What does it all mean?

Posted by oakhillbull @oakhillbull, May 1, 2019

I am new to this site looking for information I received yesterday from my oncologist.
I have been on Ibrance/Letrozole for 3 years 2 months. Have bone Mets spine and ribs. I had a PET scan last week and it showed no hypermetabolic activity. Onocoligist stayed a lot us not known about scarring over. We decided to stay on the Ibrance/letrozole and watch. I don’t understand scarring over. What happens under the scars? Am I cured? I was told when diagnosed I would never be cured. I’m just so confused and today looking for more information when this occurs. Has anyone had this happen to them? Thanks for anything you can tell me.

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I has a pet scan on Thursday and the results showed a hypermetabolic internal mammary node and some chest wall activity, suspicious for recurrence. What does this all mean.

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@tiesh1984 I cannot tell you what your doctor needs to find out. I can only tell you what this language means. The internal mammary nodes are in the chest towards the sternum (not under the armpit). Hyperbolic activity means there is an area that took up the sugar with the tracer and therefor showed as activity. Suspicious for recurrence is pretty self explanatory
This is not an absolute but does indicate that your doctor should investigate this. Like Laurie asked above, I will hope and ask if you have an appointment with your doctor. Waiting can be excruciating, I am crossing my fingers and my toes for it to go quickly.
Was there a reason your doctor ordered a pet/ct? May I ask what type of cancer you had before?


I has a pet scan on Thursday and the results showed a hypermetabolic internal mammary node and some chest wall activity, suspicious for recurrence. What does this all mean.

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It means get an appointment with an oncologist.


I has a pet scan on Thursday and the results showed a hypermetabolic internal mammary node and some chest wall activity, suspicious for recurrence. What does this all mean.

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Hi @tiesh1984, I moved your question about hypermetabolic activity to this existing discussion:
- PET shows hypermetabolic activity: What does it all mean?

I encouraged you to read the discussion and comments. In brief:
"A PET scan (positron emission tomography) works to identify areas of hypermetabolic activity anywhere in the body. A radioactive substance is given to the patient and this attaches to glucose, which is attracted to cells that are hypermetabolic. When the scan is done, these areas "light up." Often, but not always, cancer cells fall into this category of being hypermetabolic. In addition, not everything that is hypermetabolic is cancer."

Have you had a chance to talk to your oncologist in the meantime about the PET scan results? What did you learn and what is next for you?

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