Novavax during Long Covid

Posted by geraldb @geraldb, May 16 6:58pm

Since March 2020, I have been amazed by the effects of Covid on my body: Atrial Flutter requiring cardioversion, POTS, Tinnitus, Mast Cell activation, double vision, PEMS and feeling of doom with any vigorous activity. The worst exacerbation of symptoms was last November following spinal surgery for myalgia and neuro-inflammatory probably caused by a mRNA vaccination a year previously. I am seeing some improvement and hope to visit friends this summer. There is limited data on the effects of vaccination during Long Covid. I am aware of two studies both involving mRNA vaccines. The Canadian study showed a generally positive effect of the vaccine while the Iranian study doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0296680 showed many had long term worsening of symptoms. I have heard stories by RECOVERY Researchers of people cured of Long Covid by Novavax but I have heard of many who had worsening of symptoms. At this point, I do not believe there is medical guidance, or even a registry to help me decide whether to receive Novavax before entering the world, so I am reaching out to the community of Long Covid Recovery for your input.
Thanks, Gerry

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