No Rhyme or Reason to A-Fib

Posted by Krav Maga @kravmaga, Mar 22, 2023

Recently I was returning a supermarket cart in a parking lot after putting my packages in my car.
As I was walking back a car comes speeding by I had to jump away or I would have been hit by the car.
The car sped away before I could do anything, It happened so fast.
Needless to say I was angry, upset and generally pissed off,as well as happy it missed me.
I go back to my car check my heart rate and its 55 bpm (when not in A-Fib I usually have a low heart rate in the 50’s or even 40’s over the years told I have been told i have an athletic heart from all my working out)
Was back home in 10 minutes checked my Kardia Device normal sinus rhythm hear rate 53 bpm.
I was told and heave read about all the trigger points for A-Fib.
Stress, anxiety, exercise, food, alcohol, caffeine etc.
I was clearly stressed anxious and angry about what occurred yet no A-Fib.
Other times I can be relaxed sitting around watching TV basically doing nothing and go into A-Fib.
If it was just managing the trigger points to stay out of A-Fib then you can have a strategy or game plan.
At least for me it’s NOT.
And I find it extremely frustrating.
It makes no sense that’s why I say no rhyme or reason.
I find this to be insidious because I can’t come up with a strategy to combat it.
Its not like when I plan things out when I box or do martial arts.
Wondering it anyone else experiences this?
Thank You for any feedback

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Thank you for posting (again), Krav. The unpredictability of our mRNA C19 vaccine-caused Afib (mine started with the 2nd mRNA C19 Moderna booster...with incident myocarditis) maddening. Yes, environment (namely, diet...including supplementation) is critical in management of & recovery from myocarditis-caused Afib. I've not had subsequent cardiac MRIs but in my consultations with who I regard as a progressive cardiologic researcher (not a clinician) I/we believe I have some form of left ventricular dysfunction (causing my unpredictable Afib). I am unwilling to invest the time, effort, & money that would be required to fully pursue this or some other diagnosis. I recorded--with my Apple Watch 8, my first daytime incident Afib...on Tuesday morning. I slept very poorly Monday night (as indicated in my Apple Watch, Fibit Charge 4, & Garmin Venu 2S data). The Garmin data indicated inexplicable high stress levels throughout my sleep--even as I slept without awakening. I awoke in an awful state & observed my pulse racing to an unusually high level , 80-90 bpm, sometimes approaching 100. My average RHR is 45--so this got my attention. Then I took an ECG with my Apple Watch--& it recorded Afib! I've begun keeping a diary as I search for answers. In addition to the stressful sleep (my Garmin Body Battery--a metric that Garmin has developed that combines HRV with RHR & saturated oxygen, was only...21--out of 100 (I usually awake with a 75-85 score, upon awakening), I noted that I had eaten about 1/3 of a bag of salty sweet potato tortilla chips Monday evening. In addition, I have been trying out the Oura ring (since the myocarditis I have become obsessed with collecting health--including sleep, data) & on Monday I tried the temporary Oura ring on a new finger--my left ring finger, with a very tight, constricting fit (which was very uncomfortable). Seems irrelevant but I do not ordinarily wear a ring (of any kind) & Tuesday I came upon a peer-reviewed paper observing that wearing a metal ring on the 4th or 5th finger can result in elevated...troponin I levels! Consistent with my dysfinction in my left ventricle. Here's the abstract to the paper: So I am returning the Oura ring (sticking with my Garmin, Apple Watch, & Fitbit). At any rate, since the myocarditis I am suddenly & acutely sensitive to salt intake. After the Tuesday incident Afib, I am eliminating the salty chips (I stopped adding salt to my food after the myocarditis diagnosis). And as I do continue to supplement with MCT/caprylic acid/Bulletproof Brain Octane twice a day, which acts as a keto supplement (the kidneys excrete more sodium with either a keto diet and/or keto supplementation & there is a delicate balance between sodium and other electrolytes, particularly magnesium & potassium). Turns out I learned that I was slightly hypokalemic, which could well be a proximate cause of my paroxysmal Afib. So I have to be very mindful of my electrolytes. I drink water with added electrolytes (sodium, magnesium, calcium, & potassium) throughout the day. In addition, I supplement with magnesium taurate, 1500 mg per day (across 3 doses) & potassium orotate (600 mg across 4 doses). I continue to work out but realize I may have exacerbated the focal inflammation caused by the myocarditis (following the bivalent Modern mRNA booster) continuing to exercise in the period following onset & diagnosis of myocarditis. Typical recovery includes at least 2 months without intense exercise. So I may have inadvertently exacerbated the damage caused by the mRNA-caused bivalent booster (both the S1/spike protein & the lipid nano particles are likely culprits in producing the widespread distribution of the S1 mRNA & lipid shell...resulting in the pro-inflammatory cascade...particularly in the heart & other organs). Since the myocarditis diagnosis, I also supplement with nattokinase & target degradation of remaining S1 protein & to dissolve blood clots. Two weeks ago when I realized my error of over-exercising--after being lectured by the progressive cardiologic researcher, I reduced my extreme fitness routines (e.g., Insanity Max Interval Circuit) to half the time & half intensity (e.g., Beach Body T-25 routines; 25 minutes each). And I deliberately lower my intensity, bring my average heart rate down from 137-140 bpm ( with 200-205 bpm peaks) to 120 bpm (with 155-160 peaks). Going to bed now. I could go on & on. Praying for a night free from Afib (I've reactivated my FitBit Afib tracking algorithm...after having turned it off last weekend to rely on the weekly Afib summary provided by the Apple Watch 8). Let's keep sharing--& be sure to wear your N95 respirator in congregate settings. No more mRNA vaccines for me!!!

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I’m so sorry to hear what you are experiencing.
I wish I could advise something to make you feel better and it to JUST GO DAMN AWAY.
Sounds like to me your into working out like myself and when that is taken away that also makes one feel worse and out of sync and routine.
As i expressed in an earlier post I’m very disciplined and when doing boxing or MMA I like to go with a strategy or game plan (please realize my fighting days are over I’m talking about heavy bag, speed bag, take down dummies and shadow boxing etc.) That’s why i say this A-Fib and what you are experiencing as well is insidious & evil.
Strategizing just doesn’t work as I say no rhyme or reason.
I think you are probably& hopefully sleeping now. I hope you get a good and no incident night.
I'll talk (if you want to call this talking) soon.


i actually am seeing an EP today. however i am very hesitant about ablation because i hear so much how they do not always work and just the idea of someone playing around with my heart really gives me hesitancy.
so i’m hoping to get some clarity today
Thanks again

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I had cryoablation and radio frequency ablation concurrently 3 years ago, acutely successful per my doctor that performed the procedures, I concur.


I’m so sorry to hear what you are experiencing.
I wish I could advise something to make you feel better and it to JUST GO DAMN AWAY.
Sounds like to me your into working out like myself and when that is taken away that also makes one feel worse and out of sync and routine.
As i expressed in an earlier post I’m very disciplined and when doing boxing or MMA I like to go with a strategy or game plan (please realize my fighting days are over I’m talking about heavy bag, speed bag, take down dummies and shadow boxing etc.) That’s why i say this A-Fib and what you are experiencing as well is insidious & evil.
Strategizing just doesn’t work as I say no rhyme or reason.
I think you are probably& hopefully sleeping now. I hope you get a good and no incident night.
I'll talk (if you want to call this talking) soon.

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Good morning & I am thrilled to report a good night's sleep with NO Afib!!! Excellent sleep structure & relatively high Body Battery score (with little to no stress experienced during sleep). Thinking that healthy sleep, eliminating added salt from my diet, removing the Oura ring, & tweaking my diet of leafy greens from a combination of kale & arugula to 100% arugula (low oxalate & low histamine) my twice daily blended meals...are contributing to evolving cardiac stability (following Monday night's & Tuesday's adverse events).

Haven't written here (but a bit elsewhere on the Mayo Connect board) about the other mRNA vaccine injuries... to my microbiome/gut I have suffered since the second mRNA primary C19 vaccine. But I just read a poster presentation with data that will soon be published in a peer-reviewed (scientific) journal documenting injury to/diminution of the population of the essential gut bifidobacterium following mRNA C19 vaccination. I'm 15 months into treatment for & recovery from profoundly disruptive gut/GI disorder/dysbyosis that gets variously labeled (by medical-scientific consultants I work with) as... IBS and/or SIBO-C/IMO (Intestinal Methanogens Overgrowth). Completely upended my life/lifestyle. Thank heavens I am able to work from home--with ready access to a bathroom with a warm-water bidet & a Squatty Potty. But the C19 mRNA S1 protein & the lipid nanoparticles (LNP) appear to combine to destroy the gut microbiome, which has consequences for the enteric & central nervous systems too. And I consider myself one of the fortunate ones! I interact with hundreds & hundreds of scientists, physicians, & patient/sufferers working on & experiencing the wide range of mRNA vaccine injuries. My tale of woe pales by comparison with the majority of horror stories I regularly encounter. But that doesn't mean I am not furious about about how DARPA, NIH, Big Pharma, & the FDA combined to rush through the development of what the Dept of Defense historically characterised as a biodefense "counter-measure" (mRNA platform/technology & SARS/coronavirus gain-of-function R & D). Technically speaking, in FDA policy & parlance, the mRNA non-protein S1 "technology" is not a "vaccine" but a genetic therapy--but a genetic therapy that is being used as a "vaccine." Never before in the modern history of the FDA has it approved a genetic therapy for use as a "vaccine" through an EUA. Two months of...Phase III...trials (for the mRNA C19 vaccines). Usually, Phase III vaccine trials run between 10-12 years. So, yes, I am angry. But we beat on against the current (I have few more attractive alternatives).


Good morning & I am thrilled to report a good night's sleep with NO Afib!!! Excellent sleep structure & relatively high Body Battery score (with little to no stress experienced during sleep). Thinking that healthy sleep, eliminating added salt from my diet, removing the Oura ring, & tweaking my diet of leafy greens from a combination of kale & arugula to 100% arugula (low oxalate & low histamine) my twice daily blended meals...are contributing to evolving cardiac stability (following Monday night's & Tuesday's adverse events).

Haven't written here (but a bit elsewhere on the Mayo Connect board) about the other mRNA vaccine injuries... to my microbiome/gut I have suffered since the second mRNA primary C19 vaccine. But I just read a poster presentation with data that will soon be published in a peer-reviewed (scientific) journal documenting injury to/diminution of the population of the essential gut bifidobacterium following mRNA C19 vaccination. I'm 15 months into treatment for & recovery from profoundly disruptive gut/GI disorder/dysbyosis that gets variously labeled (by medical-scientific consultants I work with) as... IBS and/or SIBO-C/IMO (Intestinal Methanogens Overgrowth). Completely upended my life/lifestyle. Thank heavens I am able to work from home--with ready access to a bathroom with a warm-water bidet & a Squatty Potty. But the C19 mRNA S1 protein & the lipid nanoparticles (LNP) appear to combine to destroy the gut microbiome, which has consequences for the enteric & central nervous systems too. And I consider myself one of the fortunate ones! I interact with hundreds & hundreds of scientists, physicians, & patient/sufferers working on & experiencing the wide range of mRNA vaccine injuries. My tale of woe pales by comparison with the majority of horror stories I regularly encounter. But that doesn't mean I am not furious about about how DARPA, NIH, Big Pharma, & the FDA combined to rush through the development of what the Dept of Defense historically characterised as a biodefense "counter-measure" (mRNA platform/technology & SARS/coronavirus gain-of-function R & D). Technically speaking, in FDA policy & parlance, the mRNA non-protein S1 "technology" is not a "vaccine" but a genetic therapy--but a genetic therapy that is being used as a "vaccine." Never before in the modern history of the FDA has it approved a genetic therapy for use as a "vaccine" through an EUA. Two months of...Phase III...trials (for the mRNA C19 vaccines). Usually, Phase III vaccine trials run between 10-12 years. So, yes, I am angry. But we beat on against the current (I have few more attractive alternatives).

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First off glad you got through the night.
And like you too i am so angry and can’t let it go about the booster i feel causing my A-Fib. Or It best i was predisposed to A-Fib but the booster sped up the process.
Everyone including medical people tell me to let it go however i can’t.
Sorry to hear about your other issues due to the vaccine.
It is a lot unwind what you wrote and i’m in a hurry to get going.
ill catch up to you soon.


I had cryoablation and radio frequency ablation concurrently 3 years ago, acutely successful per my doctor that performed the procedures, I concur.

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thanks for your response


I always think it’s just ME when this happens, not that I’m happy about anyone having any medical ‘’nonsense’’ but nice to hear I’m not alone in being POed about stuff like this! I do not do well with placating answers either so I just stay on the high road, continue to do all the supposedly ‘’right’’ stuff and as long as cardiologist is happy with EKG etc, move forward. All my docs say keep walking and exercising which is a no brainer! Hopefully people like us will figure out what to do about being frustrated, other than just ignoring it!


I have no answers or insights either and I agree with you 1000%.


I always think it’s just ME when this happens, not that I’m happy about anyone having any medical ‘’nonsense’’ but nice to hear I’m not alone in being POed about stuff like this! I do not do well with placating answers either so I just stay on the high road, continue to do all the supposedly ‘’right’’ stuff and as long as cardiologist is happy with EKG etc, move forward. All my docs say keep walking and exercising which is a no brainer! Hopefully people like us will figure out what to do about being frustrated, other than just ignoring it!

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Thank you for your response


I have no answers or insights either and I agree with you 1000%.

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Yes very frustrating


I am a new person to this chat room, am 71 YO and in good physical health (I live on 16AC and take care of most of it myself)... but I too have these random AFIB attacks. Mostly they were at night, but then a started wearing a CPAP and - although I may still be having them - it doesn't wake me up anymore. I've done everything I have heard might affect it, going vegetarian with lots of fresh fruits and veggies (although I ate a lot of that before, now just ramping it up more). I can't get any doctor to say what actually CAUSES AFIB. Lots of advice on minimalizing their frequency and length, but nothing on how it started in the first place (just 2 years ago). I also had a Watchman installed, which reduces risk of stroke AND gets me off of blood thinners (YAHOO!).
So this is all to say that I will read your posts looking for any new idea, and of course post myself if I find out something new.

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