No appointments available at Mayo Jacksonville

Posted by rmfleming @rmfleming, 4 days ago

I went in to persistent afib January 1st and remained in afib up until cardio conversion 35 days later on Feb 5th. We had to wait for blood thinner to take effect. After conversion, I was in normal sinus for 15 days then went back into afib. I contacted and went through the on-line appointment request procedure for Jacksonville FL seeking an appointment leading to ablation. I got a call back informing me that they are booked out 8 months and there is not even a list I can get on for an appointment. If you are thinking ablation at Mayo in Jacksonville explore other options.

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I am sorry to hear your experience.

I have been a patient at Mayo Jacksonville since 2006. When I first went there, they only had one building, Davis. They did not even have a hospital. Since then, dozens of buildings have been built along with an outstanding hospital.

With that growth came patient growth and of course came the issue with appointments. I feel sorry you can't get in early enough. I am a patient of the Director of Electrology and Pace Clinic and on my 3rd ICD/Pacemaker. But have been seeing him since 2006. He told me I am his longest patient as still kicking at 77. But I have noticed he is getting old just like me.

If you are really set on Mayo, have you considered Rochester or Phoenix? If you can be treated there you become a patient of Mayo and thus if you live in Jacksonville area you would be considered a Mayo patient.

I know when some test or procedures were not available at Mayo Jacksonville, they offered me to go to Rochester.

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We moved to Tucson late last year. ASSumed that we could easily transfer to the PHX Mayo. Nope. No appts at all available. Husband has been in AFib about 3 weeks and we are flying to JAX for our annual with NP, but no luck to see anyone else. Considering going to the ER post appointment. *His heart rate is staying below 105.*


I think that the different EP's at Mayo have different symptoms that they're looking for to treat.

I believe that the online appointment form uses AI to match potential patients to physicians. In my case, I believe that my case was attractive since I have ventricular afib and that's a relatively new use for PF ablation. Also, with my first episode being in December of 2024 makes me a good candidate for the PF ablation as well.

They also want to enroll me in a study where I only take Eliquis post surgery as needed during afib.

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Interesting situation thanks for sharing this.


I don’t know if this will help but here is my story. I am 65 with a 4.8 cm thoracic aneurysm as well as a lot of PACs and used to have minor afib. I live in central Florida and want the aneurysm repaired at Mayo if it becomes necessary. A couple of years ago I requested a cardiologist appointment with the thought that person would be my portal into the Mayo system. At first I was told no appointments available, but after a few weeks one opened up. He’s been great and in July I had a PFA for the afib. I’m not sure I could have gotten in with a specialist off the street but being the cardiologist’s patient has worked well so far. I see a cardiologist close to home as well in case I have an emergency but the Mayo dr is my main provider.

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