Newbie & scared

Posted by simone1 @simone1, Jul 25, 2023


I just found out I have breast cancer ( stage 1) first I was in shock,
next came depression and crying. I'm just scared and need someone to talk to in this group, thank you

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I know your feeling. It is very difficult reading our patient notes. I too was where you are now. March 2023 diagnosed. Fast forward to today, I’m still trying to make the best decisions for me. Dr have to give you the “standard of care” recommendations. Meaning the degree of care a prudent and responsible person would exercise under the circumstances. Usual, customary, standard. Cancer is not one size fits all though. My MRI showed my lymph enlarged as well. It and 3 others were taken out. The enlarged one has cancer cells the others did not. Yours may be different. You won’t know until it’s tested.
I pray the best for you and peace to take over you mind, body and soul. Reach out to me if you want to talk.

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Thank you for your kind response. 😊 Some days I’m fine, other days my emotions sweep over me. My cancer diagnosis/journey has been a total disconnected one. When the radiologist kept apologizing during my post DX Mammo Breast U/S I thought why are you apologizing? Then it clicked Omg she sees CA. I would rather her say nothing at during it….
Then after my core needle bx (a week later done by another radiologist ) was over I was given a Breast Cancer tote bag with mints & nail files…..Hot pink ice pack (no literature in the tote at all) & I was sent on my merry way! I thought really?! I’m given this without having an official BC diagnosis yet…..It’s putting the cart before the horse….Really not cool!
I’ve picked my surgeon, & oncologist, plastic surgeon all separately based on my insurance plan…..Now I’m looking for a radiation oncologist…..I have no idea what treatment I’ll need after surgery & it feels so disconnected.
I talk to other BC patients who have a whole team coordinating their care!
I’m stressed, confused & overwhemed & saddened by all this ..Once surgery is over & my path results are back I’ll be able to see where my journey will go….In the meantime I will pray hard, stay positive & take one day at a time…….


A wise friend told me at the time of my diagnosis, "Don't get ahead of yourself." There is so much you need to LEARN about BC that it can feel overwhelming. Just get educated about *only* that which you need to know right then.


Thank you for your kind response. 😊 Some days I’m fine, other days my emotions sweep over me. My cancer diagnosis/journey has been a total disconnected one. When the radiologist kept apologizing during my post DX Mammo Breast U/S I thought why are you apologizing? Then it clicked Omg she sees CA. I would rather her say nothing at during it….
Then after my core needle bx (a week later done by another radiologist ) was over I was given a Breast Cancer tote bag with mints & nail files…..Hot pink ice pack (no literature in the tote at all) & I was sent on my merry way! I thought really?! I’m given this without having an official BC diagnosis yet…..It’s putting the cart before the horse….Really not cool!
I’ve picked my surgeon, & oncologist, plastic surgeon all separately based on my insurance plan…..Now I’m looking for a radiation oncologist…..I have no idea what treatment I’ll need after surgery & it feels so disconnected.
I talk to other BC patients who have a whole team coordinating their care!
I’m stressed, confused & overwhemed & saddened by all this ..Once surgery is over & my path results are back I’ll be able to see where my journey will go….In the meantime I will pray hard, stay positive & take one day at a time…….

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When I was diagnosed I went within minutes from the radiologist who detected the cancer to a breast surgeons office who coordinated my care. I will say that coordination was both a blessing and a curse but at the end it worked out OK. The breast surgeons office referred me to medical oncologist and radiation oncologist and plastic surgeon. Scheduling in hospitals now is crazy!!! I did not get a tote bag I got a binder filled with information and a video, I had fantastic surgeons.


Never thought I'd be told you have breast cancer! I'm newly diagnosed and can't eat or sleep less than 4 hours a night if that.....Lost 10lbs from worry.......have surgery coming up.......worried about the lymph node biopsy....breast MRI showed enlarged axillary lymph node......oncologist said don't worry about it & then wrote all about it in his notes on my patient portal........It consumes you......I go to bed with it on my mind....I wake up with it on my mind..........Health is wealth......

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I know the feeling, it happened to me, too! But you know what, just breathe and keep your faith hi. I recently heard someone fighting cancer that saying "God is the rudder of my life" He is the one that have the last word. Also, my radiologist whom is like my sister told me that she have some patients that has been with metastasis even inside their hair "to be literal" and they are cure and doing well. So in other words, you are going to be fine. Declared it yourself, be positive and you will see the outcome. Send you lots of good vibes and blessings!


Thank you for your kind response. 😊 Some days I’m fine, other days my emotions sweep over me. My cancer diagnosis/journey has been a total disconnected one. When the radiologist kept apologizing during my post DX Mammo Breast U/S I thought why are you apologizing? Then it clicked Omg she sees CA. I would rather her say nothing at during it….
Then after my core needle bx (a week later done by another radiologist ) was over I was given a Breast Cancer tote bag with mints & nail files…..Hot pink ice pack (no literature in the tote at all) & I was sent on my merry way! I thought really?! I’m given this without having an official BC diagnosis yet…..It’s putting the cart before the horse….Really not cool!
I’ve picked my surgeon, & oncologist, plastic surgeon all separately based on my insurance plan…..Now I’m looking for a radiation oncologist…..I have no idea what treatment I’ll need after surgery & it feels so disconnected.
I talk to other BC patients who have a whole team coordinating their care!
I’m stressed, confused & overwhemed & saddened by all this ..Once surgery is over & my path results are back I’ll be able to see where my journey will go….In the meantime I will pray hard, stay positive & take one day at a time…….

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Ask your oncologist office for a patient coordinator visit. They usually have one and can help you with this. Also they can help you find a radiation oncologist within your network if you need one. If not your primary care might be able to get you some help with coordinating care.
Are you going to a local cancer center, or a large cancer center or university?


yes. My Dr. had me research site Sloan Memorial Kettering.


Thank you for your kind response. 😊 Some days I’m fine, other days my emotions sweep over me. My cancer diagnosis/journey has been a total disconnected one. When the radiologist kept apologizing during my post DX Mammo Breast U/S I thought why are you apologizing? Then it clicked Omg she sees CA. I would rather her say nothing at during it….
Then after my core needle bx (a week later done by another radiologist ) was over I was given a Breast Cancer tote bag with mints & nail files…..Hot pink ice pack (no literature in the tote at all) & I was sent on my merry way! I thought really?! I’m given this without having an official BC diagnosis yet…..It’s putting the cart before the horse….Really not cool!
I’ve picked my surgeon, & oncologist, plastic surgeon all separately based on my insurance plan…..Now I’m looking for a radiation oncologist…..I have no idea what treatment I’ll need after surgery & it feels so disconnected.
I talk to other BC patients who have a whole team coordinating their care!
I’m stressed, confused & overwhemed & saddened by all this ..Once surgery is over & my path results are back I’ll be able to see where my journey will go….In the meantime I will pray hard, stay positive & take one day at a time…….

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A cancer diagnosis is a scary and devastating. I was terrified when it happened to me in 2014. "Don't get ahead of yourself." was good advice. You should not have to seek out specialists. I agree with the others: your primary doctor should be referring you to the specialists. Once you get to the Cancer Care area of your hospital, mine was MDAnderson, you should be assigned a nurse navigator. One thing that MDA offered that helped me mentally was Laugh Yoga. I encourage you to look at the programs that help your mental health, too.


A cancer diagnosis is a scary and devastating. I was terrified when it happened to me in 2014. "Don't get ahead of yourself." was good advice. You should not have to seek out specialists. I agree with the others: your primary doctor should be referring you to the specialists. Once you get to the Cancer Care area of your hospital, mine was MDAnderson, you should be assigned a nurse navigator. One thing that MDA offered that helped me mentally was Laugh Yoga. I encourage you to look at the programs that help your mental health, too.

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Can you please explain laugh yoga? 😂


A cancer diagnosis is a scary and devastating. I was terrified when it happened to me in 2014. "Don't get ahead of yourself." was good advice. You should not have to seek out specialists. I agree with the others: your primary doctor should be referring you to the specialists. Once you get to the Cancer Care area of your hospital, mine was MDAnderson, you should be assigned a nurse navigator. One thing that MDA offered that helped me mentally was Laugh Yoga. I encourage you to look at the programs that help your mental health, too.

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Yes, the cancer center offered it. We, patients, about 25 of us, sat in a circle. We were instructed to look at our neighbor and laugh. They were instructed to laugh back. Then, you'd turn to you other neighbor. In another exercise, you were asked to repeat after the instructor, "Ha, Ha, Ha." in a loud voice. I think we took turns with our neighbor after that. There were several versions of this laugh. So, laughing on cue was the objective. It led to natural laughing and lifted our moods.

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