Newbie & scared

Posted by simone1 @simone1, Jul 25, 2023


I just found out I have breast cancer ( stage 1) first I was in shock,
next came depression and crying. I'm just scared and need someone to talk to in this group, thank you

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I write to you with great feeling of compassion. I had a radical mastectomy at 36 and a simple mastectomy 2years later. I had 14 lymph nodes removed. so you can guess I was not a pretty site. Reconstruction was not an option. I have no idea what stage I was at, that type of testing was not done. Neither was Chemo, Radiation, or follow-up medications. Like you, I thought I would be dead before my 45th birthday. I had two children 5 and 8. After a year or two, I came to the decision that no matter how much I thought about it, I was probably not going to be able to do much about it, and I better start enjoying the time I still had.

I am happy to say that was 56 years ago. I am 92. I am still here, and God has allowed me to hang around. He must have a purpose or project for me and I hope one of them is giving hope to all who are facing this road ahead. Believe in yourself, and your bodies ability to heal it self. Grab hold of life, and do everything you thought you ever wanted to do. Don't waste the precious years you have been given. God Loves you and so do I

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Thank you @gina5009! I always love reading your posts as you are our inspiration at 92!
Sending love and healing wishes to all❤️


Kim, Life is Sweet. Hold each day close, do something you never thought you might be able to do, Sing a little, maybe even dance. Don't waste a moment of it worrying what might be coming tomorrow. Just know you have today, which is wonderful, and one more day than you ever thought might be. Let the future take care of itself, and be the first one in line when someone else needs your smile and laughter.


I just found out last week that I have stage 2 breast cancer. I have many emotions. I am going to fight to live for myself and my family. I have my port placement on Wednesday. My first chemo treatment is next Wednesday. I’m praying for you and your healing.


I just found out last week that I have stage 2 breast cancer. I have many emotions. I am going to fight to live for myself and my family. I have my port placement on Wednesday. My first chemo treatment is next Wednesday. I’m praying for you and your healing.

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@valnecia51, how did the port placement go? Have you started chemo now?


@valnecia51, how did the port placement go? Have you started chemo now?

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The port placement went well. I didn’t start chemo yet they saw more findings and they ordered another MRI and Pet scan. I praying next week I will start. How r u doing?


The port placement went well. I didn’t start chemo yet they saw more findings and they ordered another MRI and Pet scan. I praying next week I will start. How r u doing?

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My path exactly (back in 2019). It is hard to go through, these diagnostic steps, but honestly the more they know now, the better it is for your treatment: it will be tailored exactly to your situation right now. Thinking of you, and once you start chemo you'll feel that you've really got control. Feels better.


I know how you feel. I also was diagnosed with TNBC (that was invasive lobular) in one breast and then Er+ Pr+ invasive Ductal in the other breast. Both were stage
1a and grade 2. I went to Mayo Rochester for treatment. I am 70 and had my surgery in March. At first before my bilateral mastectomy the Oncologist said maybe chemo. Then after my pathology came back the Oncologist said probably no chemo because my Ki 67 was low, 5% in the TNBC tumor and 13% in the Er+ tumor and both tumors were stage 1a. He took it to the tumor board and they said no chemo. I was relieved in one way and scared in another way that maybe chemo might help with guarding against recurrence, but since I was at one of the best places I felt confident that it is the right decision. I am on Tamoxifen for the ER+ tumor even though I am post menopausal because I have osteoporosis. I am also getting Zometa infusions now for osteoporosis because the Oncologist told me that there is a benefit with that drug for preventing recurrence.
One other thing I am doing, (besides lots of prayer) that is helping me a lot with the anxiety of it all since my surgery, is doing what I call "Optimistic Self Talk" every single day for 15 minutes. I read 2 books about the mind body connection when this all started and that confirmed the fact that it was very important both physically and mentally to stay optimistic and believe that we will be bc survivors. So here is what I do every single day.
First I set my phone timer for 15 minutes, then I lie on my back with my eyes closed, palms up. Then I say over and over for those 15 minutes: "Love, light, optimism, wellness and healing. I am staying in remission. I am staying free from cancer and free from rogue cancer cells. I am a survivor and I will stay a survivor. I am well and healthy. I am just fine. All is well in my body. "
Let me just say it has helped me immensely! I never miss a day of doing that 15 minutes of optimistic self talk. It has truly helped my anxiety and has kept me in an optimistic mood! I may have shared this already on this site, not sure, but it has meant so much to me that I'm sharing it again in the hopes that it could help one of you reading this. Healing wishes to all of you. ❤️

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Hello! Your post and information on optimistic self talk very helpful! You mentioned a couple books you read on this topic; could you kindly share? I am newly diagnosed, and trying to deal with a range of emotions as I get to next steps. Thank you so much! Best wishes!!


Hello! Your post and information on optimistic self talk very helpful! You mentioned a couple books you read on this topic; could you kindly share? I am newly diagnosed, and trying to deal with a range of emotions as I get to next steps. Thank you so much! Best wishes!!

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Hello @pattynau,
The books I read are both really kind of "out there" but they were both very helpful to me. One is about the souls in our lives that have passed but the last chapter especially is where the author really talks about the mind body connection. That book is " Signs" by Laura Lynn Jackson. Might be worth reading only the last chapter if the rest of the book is not to your liking. But I did learn a lot from that book and it was comforting to me. The other book is "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise L Hay. Again parts of the book were not applicable to me but parts really helped me. Plus since they were both given to me by very good friends that have beaten cancer (both over 10 year Survivors) I felt they were sent to me for a reason! I never miss my daily Optimistic Self Talk, it has been almost 6 months since I started doing it. Sending love and healing wishes to you and all reading this❤️


@valnecia51, how did the port placement go? Have you started chemo now?

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We will both fight with all of our might and then some. God bless you and your family.


My path exactly (back in 2019). It is hard to go through, these diagnostic steps, but honestly the more they know now, the better it is for your treatment: it will be tailored exactly to your situation right now. Thinking of you, and once you start chemo you'll feel that you've really got control. Feels better.

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Thank you for that encouragement. I truly appreciate it. God bless you and your family.

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