New Predictive Blood Test: ctDNA

Posted by colely @colely, Jun 10 8:37am

From A new ctDNA blood test identifies returning circulating tumor cells before a scan can find cancer recurrence. The old ctDNA used a technique called whole exome sequencing that typically looks for between 16 and 50 mutations. The new test uses whole genome sequencing and searches for 1,800 mutations making it more sensitive. June 2, 2024. This sounds like a real advancement! I wonder when it will be implemented in our treatment.

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Thanks for the clarification. I'm can't wait! Who is manufacturing the new one?

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I don't know. At some point there will be more information. Then there will be a determination by insurance companies as to whether they will cover it, I assume.


What exactly is the blood test called? I am on Medicare and I had breast cancer. I would like to have blood test that picks up on microscopic breast cancer you are speaking of. Thank you

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It’s called the Signatera Ctdna Minimal Residual Disease test. I believe they might have an agreement with certain hospitals to waive off the bills or the hospital pays, I’m not sure. I have not received a bill yet. My oncologist told me that they would take care of the bill because they have an agreement with Natera. I’m on my 4th test, so far praise and thank God, it’s been negative. This test is a game changer. I will gladly do the blood test knowing that I’m in the clear or knowing where I stand in terms or recurrences and take the next step in planning my treatment if I know far ahead of time. Ultimately, it’s another tool in our fight against this deadly disease. Thank you for sharing all your information.

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