Never refreshed

Posted by Paulo @paulo, Jul 12, 2012

I have done all sorts of blood tests,nothing.I was diagnosed with sleep apnea but machine hasnt help.I went as far as getting ect treatments for depression because the doctor said i was depressed but it didnt help. This is going on four years and nothing has helped. I dont have a thyroid issue, or anything that has come up abnormal in the blood tests. I can sleep all types of hours but it makes no difference. All day its constant sleepiness, extremely low energy.
any ideas?

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I have been sleeping with a cpap for about 4 months and I could have written this myself. I too am looking for a solution. I hope joining this community/discussion will provide some useful information.

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I understand completely - I can't get restorative sleep. I got good news from my sleep study this year (3rd one since 2006). I no longer have sleep apnea - I lost some weight and my AHI (Aponea Hypopnea index I think) is around 2 per hour.

Now for the bad news. I am still tired - every day - weekday or weekend.

I did some digging and found out the sleep is divided into 4 stages -


REM - RESTORATIVE LEVEL (and dreaming)

The "normal" % of sleep time in N3 and REM should add up to about 40%

For me - 0% in N3, 6% in REM.

My restorative sleep % is 6% instead of 40%.

N3 does decrease with age - and one of my medications has the unfortunate side effect of reducing N3 sleep.

I've come to the conclusion - which I hope is wrong - that there is no interest in sleep problems unless you have sleep apnea - then you will become a regular customer for CPAP equipment - and supplies ever 3 months!

Mayo Clinic Staff and fellow sleep-deprived friends - does the above make sense?

What should I do next?

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