Never ending stress and not enough income $$

Posted by virtuous69 @virtuous69, Aug 24, 2017

Hi, I,m Virtuous 69 and originally signed up under the Chronic pain discussion group.My main issue is lack of finances to treat what I have and not being able to do the positive steps that I should be doing. I have Fibro, had mono , occasional CFS, but mainly spinal stenosis, a full back and neck of degenetative disc disease. I am 69 and my husband is,79. I hurt and bedridden with heating pad and Vicodin most of the morning. My husband works 3 days a week in retail, and though he attended a rhumatologist lecture for family members to understand Fibromyalgis, he is virtually no help around the house on his 4 days off. Won't ever fix himself something to eat if I,m not ready to fix breakfast or lunch. His Fortune 500 retail business cut all grandfathered employees hours, and took away all our employer
Benefits, medical, dental, vision, stock and life insurance leaving us only with Medicare while we scrambled to find secondary insurance instant like AARP. Our finances suddenly hit took bottom, could scarcely pay our space rent on our mobile home. Had to let my once per month housecleaner and once per month gardener go. Our home fell into shambles and my hair started to fall out. Spent two weeks writing up resumes for my husband and we were very aware of age discrimination as he went job hunting. MY spinal issues got progressively worse. We attended a great church and belonged to a wonderful life group that was our family and support. Our church sold to another more modern church painted black, and left over video of preaching from Sat night from the mega mother church. Wonderful friends left our church and so did we in search of good teaching and friendly. We have have felt so alone and advised we need to move out of our high income area in Silicon Valley. My husband needed new glasses, catarac surgery and has lost a vast amount of his hearing, so that he mistakes every thing I say, and we argue all.the time. I can,t bend over to vacuum and tidy up. Our once beautiful older mobile home used to be clean, but is in much need of internal cleaning and repair. It's trashed. I've been given several phone # s of agencies for the aged and it's a very good pay for services. My husband won't lift a finger to help, sits on his rocker all day, except to hedge some bushes during nice weather. Refuses to develop outside friendships with other men. There are not enough funds for any simple pleasure. We feel encased in our dark mobile home and Don,t know where to move. Every week another appliance falls apart. But.had great friends myand support system before everyone left us. I know my Redeemer lives, but I can,t take it anymore.

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Long time on the same subject of money balancing. And same full time income to full time income and lay offs because company sold out to a bigger companies has been my life.But @ my current full time job just above min. wage still doesn't help the everyday worries and predictions for our future money's needed. But when working on the job I think I'm a teenager and spin circles around others for my job requirements. The younger supervisors can not see this need of this energy for they are worried about their job and directives. At my current full time job these are the supervisors that interview and fire. Remember years ago, when the human resource employee had to decide for company hire process. 61 and take Motrin when needed. Have a list of chores to get done around my house on days off. That I think I can do, and if like all my remembrance of years gone by. What gets done is sure a direction to checking off the list of what needs to be done. And the day was good. - I think, no matter our age. We are all in this together. It has been a long time trying to come back from the fall-out of 2006 -2010. I think of the help I got from filling out paperwork at Salvation Army Office, MI. Dept. of Humane Services and Step Forward America. -- helped with utilities,small amount of food,back taxes and bringing mortgage current. -- still behind a month or two but maybe need to do it all over again. A smile helps to go on and a prayer for better times. I think they're are a lot of people just like us and you may not recognize them. Keep making your list and checking it off.

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@fourtoesbroke112216 -- hope you get the position!


Long time on the same subject of money balancing. And same full time income to full time income and lay offs because company sold out to a bigger companies has been my life.But @ my current full time job just above min. wage still doesn't help the everyday worries and predictions for our future money's needed. But when working on the job I think I'm a teenager and spin circles around others for my job requirements. The younger supervisors can not see this need of this energy for they are worried about their job and directives. At my current full time job these are the supervisors that interview and fire. Remember years ago, when the human resource employee had to decide for company hire process. 61 and take Motrin when needed. Have a list of chores to get done around my house on days off. That I think I can do, and if like all my remembrance of years gone by. What gets done is sure a direction to checking off the list of what needs to be done. And the day was good. - I think, no matter our age. We are all in this together. It has been a long time trying to come back from the fall-out of 2006 -2010. I think of the help I got from filling out paperwork at Salvation Army Office, MI. Dept. of Humane Services and Step Forward America. -- helped with utilities,small amount of food,back taxes and bringing mortgage current. -- still behind a month or two but maybe need to do it all over again. A smile helps to go on and a prayer for better times. I think they're are a lot of people just like us and you may not recognize them. Keep making your list and checking it off.

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@amberpep -- so sorry to hear this happened to you. Awful.

Is there anything in particular you've done -- either financially speaking or emotionally -- that's helped you recover from this unfortunate setback?


Long time on the same subject of money balancing. And same full time income to full time income and lay offs because company sold out to a bigger companies has been my life.But @ my current full time job just above min. wage still doesn't help the everyday worries and predictions for our future money's needed. But when working on the job I think I'm a teenager and spin circles around others for my job requirements. The younger supervisors can not see this need of this energy for they are worried about their job and directives. At my current full time job these are the supervisors that interview and fire. Remember years ago, when the human resource employee had to decide for company hire process. 61 and take Motrin when needed. Have a list of chores to get done around my house on days off. That I think I can do, and if like all my remembrance of years gone by. What gets done is sure a direction to checking off the list of what needs to be done. And the day was good. - I think, no matter our age. We are all in this together. It has been a long time trying to come back from the fall-out of 2006 -2010. I think of the help I got from filling out paperwork at Salvation Army Office, MI. Dept. of Humane Services and Step Forward America. -- helped with utilities,small amount of food,back taxes and bringing mortgage current. -- still behind a month or two but maybe need to do it all over again. A smile helps to go on and a prayer for better times. I think they're are a lot of people just like us and you may not recognize them. Keep making your list and checking it off.

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@amberpep OMG, will goodness ever triumph over evil. Angry to hear such a horrible situation, and hoping you got to a place of peace and security.


Long time on the same subject of money balancing. And same full time income to full time income and lay offs because company sold out to a bigger companies has been my life.But @ my current full time job just above min. wage still doesn't help the everyday worries and predictions for our future money's needed. But when working on the job I think I'm a teenager and spin circles around others for my job requirements. The younger supervisors can not see this need of this energy for they are worried about their job and directives. At my current full time job these are the supervisors that interview and fire. Remember years ago, when the human resource employee had to decide for company hire process. 61 and take Motrin when needed. Have a list of chores to get done around my house on days off. That I think I can do, and if like all my remembrance of years gone by. What gets done is sure a direction to checking off the list of what needs to be done. And the day was good. - I think, no matter our age. We are all in this together. It has been a long time trying to come back from the fall-out of 2006 -2010. I think of the help I got from filling out paperwork at Salvation Army Office, MI. Dept. of Humane Services and Step Forward America. -- helped with utilities,small amount of food,back taxes and bringing mortgage current. -- still behind a month or two but maybe need to do it all over again. A smile helps to go on and a prayer for better times. I think they're are a lot of people just like us and you may not recognize them. Keep making your list and checking it off.

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Just a thought here .... maybe you could get some guidance from the Consumers Counseling Services .... a government org. which could help guide you in budgeting, paying bills on time, and putting a little aside in savings. Just a thought .....

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