Need Advice for Traveling Internationally

Posted by kareninny @kareninny, Nov 13, 2023

Hi all. I've been following all the discussions since I was diagnosed with Bronchiectasis back in February, but this is my first time posting. On Friday, I'm headed first to Denmark and then to Italy. This will be my first international travel since being diagnosed. My current routine is 7% saline with the Ombra compressor/nebulizer plus Aerobika. I sterilize the nebulizer after each use with the Medela microwave steam bags. Here are my specific questions: Which battery operated nebulizer should I buy to take with me? I know I can buy distilled water, dish soap, and a bowl when abroad for cleaning, but what do I do if my various hotel rooms don't have a microwave for sterilization? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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@kareninny Travel with our disorder is challenging. Have you considered disposable nebulizer cups? I am not sure if they connect to the aerobika. If you prefer to use the Aerobika with fitted nebulizer (Sprint or Aeroeclipse), you can soak the parts in 70% alcohol for sterilization. I suspect local drug stores stock rubbing alcohol in Europe.

I read that some people use collapsible portable ramen boilers for sterilization. Not sure what converters you would need. Country to country that can be tricky unless you're a seasoned traveler.

Here are the instructions from the manufacturers. They note many different ways to keep the equipment sterile.

Regarding a portable nebulizer, that's more challenging. You can search at or or to name a few. Many people in Europe love the portable Pari; in US called Pari eFlow, pricey but I have not heard of anyone who has it does not love it.


I recently traveled in the US, my first trip staying in a hotel since my diagnosis and I was very concerned about managing. I had previously purchased the Pari portable nebulizer which is light and works fine for travel. I ordered the Pristain Platinum collapsible bowl for soaking my equipment, including Arikayce equipment, and through advice on this website, the Drizzle collapsible electric pot for boiling equipment. I ordered both from Amazon and they worked great. The Drizzle comes with a converter for travel in Europe.


This is so helpful! I just ordered the Pari portable and Drizzle pot. Thank you!


I recently traveled in the US, my first trip staying in a hotel since my diagnosis and I was very concerned about managing. I had previously purchased the Pari portable nebulizer which is light and works fine for travel. I ordered the Pristain Platinum collapsible bowl for soaking my equipment, including Arikayce equipment, and through advice on this website, the Drizzle collapsible electric pot for boiling equipment. I ordered both from Amazon and they worked great. The Drizzle comes with a converter for travel in Europe.

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@lvalenti I've read that the Pari portable takes a lot of time to neb. Is this your experience?


Actually it was the first couple of times I used it. I Wanted to send it back but couldn’t. Surprisingly enough it worked very good this time. I only used it for the sodium chloride. I used the Albuterol inhaler with a spacer first to save time.


I just returned from traveling for a month in Italy. I use the Pari Trek S nebulizer, my Aerobika, a handheld massager instead of my vest and tried to use the drizzle pot for sterilizing. Unfortunately, the drizzle pot got very hot with a high rolling boil, and then would shut off. When it was no longer overheated, it would go on again. So it wasn’t the best method.

I try to use a Medela baby bottle steam bag, but the microwave in one of the apartments just didn’t seem to get hot enough.

Because I was staying in apartments. I also purchased a pot and boiled my equipment.

Word of caution… Do not bring an Ombra outside of the US. The company advises against it even though the voltage might be compatible the frequency is not.

I hope this is helpful,
Linda Esposito


I just returned from traveling for a month in Italy. I use the Pari Trek S nebulizer, my Aerobika, a handheld massager instead of my vest and tried to use the drizzle pot for sterilizing. Unfortunately, the drizzle pot got very hot with a high rolling boil, and then would shut off. When it was no longer overheated, it would go on again. So it wasn’t the best method.

I try to use a Medela baby bottle steam bag, but the microwave in one of the apartments just didn’t seem to get hot enough.

Because I was staying in apartments. I also purchased a pot and boiled my equipment.

Word of caution… Do not bring an Ombra outside of the US. The company advises against it even though the voltage might be compatible the frequency is not.

I hope this is helpful,
Linda Esposito

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I was considering the purchase of a backup compressor for nebulizing just in case the one I have suddenly dies. I thought it would be better to have one on hand than to be without until I could get another one. The one I have now is called "Qube" and plugs in the wall. It was the one my insurance paid for and was provided by the local Respiratory Supply company in town. Seems to work fine, but I have nothing to compare to since this is the only one I've had so far. Thoughts from anyone about brands to purchase for backup use would be appreciated.


I just returned from traveling for a month in Italy. I use the Pari Trek S nebulizer, my Aerobika, a handheld massager instead of my vest and tried to use the drizzle pot for sterilizing. Unfortunately, the drizzle pot got very hot with a high rolling boil, and then would shut off. When it was no longer overheated, it would go on again. So it wasn’t the best method.

I try to use a Medela baby bottle steam bag, but the microwave in one of the apartments just didn’t seem to get hot enough.

Because I was staying in apartments. I also purchased a pot and boiled my equipment.

Word of caution… Do not bring an Ombra outside of the US. The company advises against it even though the voltage might be compatible the frequency is not.

I hope this is helpful,
Linda Esposito

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@becleartoday so great to have your feedback on these items! A few followup questions...

How does the Pari Trek S compare to Ombra speed wise?
How effective was the handheld massager instead of vest?
It seems the Drizzle does not get your endorsement.

Hope you had a wonderful trip all month long! Wow!


Thank you! Yes, a fabulous trip.
🌟The Pari Trek S gets the job done, but it is not a workhorse like the Ombra.
🌟I really liked using the handheld massager. Perhaps not the same as a vest, but again, got the job done.
🌟 The drizzle pot was a disappointment. Even in its glitchy state, I tried my best to use it when I could. Perhaps I should’ve gone with cold sterilization like isopropyl alcohol but because it cost $50 I stubbornly tried to make it work and then ended up using a pot. By the way, the drizzle pot work fine at home in NYC. The issue was both in my Florence and my Venice apartments.


Thank you! Yes, a fabulous trip.
🌟The Pari Trek S gets the job done, but it is not a workhorse like the Ombra.
🌟I really liked using the handheld massager. Perhaps not the same as a vest, but again, got the job done.
🌟 The drizzle pot was a disappointment. Even in its glitchy state, I tried my best to use it when I could. Perhaps I should’ve gone with cold sterilization like isopropyl alcohol but because it cost $50 I stubbornly tried to make it work and then ended up using a pot. By the way, the drizzle pot work fine at home in NYC. The issue was both in my Florence and my Venice apartments.

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I've ordered the drizzle pot -- now I'm reconsidering it based on your experience. The Pari Trek S is supposed to arrive tomorrow. My flight isn't until tomorrow evening, so let's hope the Pari Trek arrives in time! 😊

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