Natural high levels of B12 and B6

I have PN - and continue to determine the cause. Current blood work show elevated levels of B12 and B6 (I take no supplements or vitamins or drink energy drinks, etc). My neurologist is not concerned and suggested that I start taking B12 1000mcg daily - I know that your body disposes B12, but she could not answer or seemed concerned that both were elevated. I have read the value of B12 for nerve damage, but am hesitant to start this vitamin. Comments please.

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My neurologist had me taking 2 Metanx a day for neuropathy. It raised my Vitamin 6 and 12 levels a lot. First we reduced it to 1 pill a day. It was still high. Now I take no Metanx a day and my levels are fine.


I am not taking any medications for neuropathy at this time. It only masks the problem. Blood Tests in December- will keep posted


This site explains how people become toxic from b6 which is water soluable and normally excess leaves our body but when there is dehydration it is not eliminated.


I had elevated B6 and B12 without taking supplements, and neither my primary care or neurologist seemed concerned. I am scheduled to be blood tested in December again. I have eliminated sugar from my meals, stopped my metformin pill, and increased my exercise activity, hoping this all helps. They will check my A1C, my immunoglobulins, and B levels ...I will keep all posted. Also, I have had three chronic sinus infections this year, each lasting 8-12 weeks, between the neuropathy in my feet/legs and sinusitis, I think they are all connected somehow. After 11 days, I am having some improvement in my neuropathy. I will keep all posted. Thanks.


I had elevated B6 and B12 without taking supplements, and neither my primary care or neurologist seemed concerned. I am scheduled to be blood tested in December again. I have eliminated sugar from my meals, stopped my metformin pill, and increased my exercise activity, hoping this all helps. They will check my A1C, my immunoglobulins, and B levels ...I will keep all posted. Also, I have had three chronic sinus infections this year, each lasting 8-12 weeks, between the neuropathy in my feet/legs and sinusitis, I think they are all connected somehow. After 11 days, I am having some improvement in my neuropathy. I will keep all posted. Thanks.

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There is a free app called cronometer you can use to tract everything you eat and drink to see how much of all vitamins and minerals you get in your diet. Be sure you only used data from NCCDB , not data from USDA or other sources in cronometer because only the NCCDB provides good info on b6 and b12 as well as other vitamins etc. Too much b12 should not be a problems bc b12 is not a neurotoxin but b6 is. Good luck on next test results.


My B-6 reading is the highest a neurologist has seen in his career. Labs were done in July to be repeated in September. Taking nothing with B-6 in it, including the 10 mg of it in a daily vitamin.

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If you don't mind, just how high were your B6 levels?


If you don't mind, just how high were your B6 levels?

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P5P was 357.7 (lab normal 20-125.0 nmol/L.) Was taking a supplement from a doctor that had 10 mg of B6 in it. Stopped, retested in 2 months and pyridoxine was 10.4 (lab normal 2.1-21.7 ng/mL) And the burning has become consistently worse.


My neurologist had me taking 2 Metanx a day for neuropathy. It raised my Vitamin 6 and 12 levels a lot. First we reduced it to 1 pill a day. It was still high. Now I take no Metanx a day and my levels are fine.

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When you stopped metanx and your b6 and b12 levels dropped to normal did your peripheral neuropathy symptoms especially feet improve. I am going through the same process and it has been 1 month without metanx retest in one more month


When you stopped metanx and your b6 and b12 levels dropped to normal did your peripheral neuropathy symptoms especially feet improve. I am going through the same process and it has been 1 month without metanx retest in one more month

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Did have a similar experience


There is info on website that detox from b6 is more than just stopping b6 supplements and getting blood normal. You might want to look into it.

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