Natural high levels of B12 and B6

I have PN - and continue to determine the cause. Current blood work show elevated levels of B12 and B6 (I take no supplements or vitamins or drink energy drinks, etc). My neurologist is not concerned and suggested that I start taking B12 1000mcg daily - I know that your body disposes B12, but she could not answer or seemed concerned that both were elevated. I have read the value of B12 for nerve damage, but am hesitant to start this vitamin. Comments please.

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Making sure all your docs see the results sounds like a plan Ray! Not so sure about getting your affairs in order. Hey, you are a guy like me and we have all the time in the world or so we think.
I'm still working on that myself.

A really good source of info on B6 if you haven't already seen it:
--- Linus Pauling Institute » Micronutrient Information Center: Vitamin B6:

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Hi, John. I've already started getting my affairs in order. I've started with my spice rack, alphabetizing the jars. (Only kidding!) I have phoned and left messages with my neurologist and my PCP. It was my neurologist who invited me to try the EB-N5. I was already 30+ days into taking it when I saw him last and we discussed B6 and toxity. He felt that the EB-N5 would keep me well with safe bounds. I'm curious to hear what he has to say after he's had a chance to see the latest lab results. / Thank you for the Linus Pauling article! I've saved it, as I've saved – and read – all of the articles you've sent. This Linus Pauling article will be lunchtime reading - that is, of course, if I've finished alphabetizing my spice rack. Enjoy your day today, John! –Ray


Good morning, Patricia (@patriciaschulz1950) (also @bb0753, @zavantem
I just received my lab results. I was surprised to see B6 is included, but the numbers puzzle me. My level (to my untrained eyes) appears to be off-the-chart: 99.4 (range of 3.4–65.2). The last time my results referenced B6 was 5/3/2021 when my level was a within-range 34.3. What do you think? Should I spend today making sure all of my affairs are in order? ( LOL! How will spend the day is making sure that all of my doctors see these results.) –Ray (@ray666)

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The supplement you have been taking included b6 isn't that right? If so this is the cause for high numbers.


Making sure all your docs see the results sounds like a plan Ray! Not so sure about getting your affairs in order. Hey, you are a guy like me and we have all the time in the world or so we think.
I'm still working on that myself.

A really good source of info on B6 if you haven't already seen it:
--- Linus Pauling Institute » Micronutrient Information Center: Vitamin B6:

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There has been some updated information since this was last updated in 2014 that indicates b6 supplements of 20mg taken over a period of time also are not recommended and can cause PN problems including heart palpations etc. European counties have recently deceased the amount allowed of b6 in supplements I believe to around 20mg. Most people get more than the RDA of b6 just from food. The RDA of b6 for adult males is just 1.7mg. The Protocol 525 that you have mentioned has no b6 and similar supplements to the one Ray is taking. I don't take the protocol 525 as I try to get all vitamins from food but I would choose it since it has no b6.


Good morning, Patricia (@patriciaschulz1950) (also @bb0753, @zavantem
I just received my lab results. I was surprised to see B6 is included, but the numbers puzzle me. My level (to my untrained eyes) appears to be off-the-chart: 99.4 (range of 3.4–65.2). The last time my results referenced B6 was 5/3/2021 when my level was a within-range 34.3. What do you think? Should I spend today making sure all of my affairs are in order? ( LOL! How will spend the day is making sure that all of my doctors see these results.) –Ray (@ray666)

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Mine was 357 in July, waiting for results from Tuesday. Don't know what to make of all this. I did not have burning for awhile, but it is coming back and walking is getting difficult. Doctors are at a loss except for possible spine surgery. Yikes! Let's hang in there!!


There has been some updated information since this was last updated in 2014 that indicates b6 supplements of 20mg taken over a period of time also are not recommended and can cause PN problems including heart palpations etc. European counties have recently deceased the amount allowed of b6 in supplements I believe to around 20mg. Most people get more than the RDA of b6 just from food. The RDA of b6 for adult males is just 1.7mg. The Protocol 525 that you have mentioned has no b6 and similar supplements to the one Ray is taking. I don't take the protocol 525 as I try to get all vitamins from food but I would choose it since it has no b6.

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Good morning. Maybe someone following these posts about B6 can help me sort something out. I understand vitamin B6 is available as pyridoxine hydrochloride in multivitamins, vitamin B-complex, and vitamin B6 supplements. My neurologist tells me that pyridoxine hydrochloride in the form of vitamin B6, if taken in excess, can lead to toxicity with its various PN-like symptoms. He assures me, however, that the form of vitamin B6 that I’m taking in EB-N5, which is pyridoxal 5’-phosphate, is essentially different; pyridoxal 5’-phosphate comes with its own dosage guardrails, but not the same toxicity concerns that accompany pyridoxine hydrochloride. Have you met this “two forms of supplemental B6” issue in anything you’ve read or been told? I have found brief mention of it in only a few places. I’d love to get some clarity. –Ray (@ray666)


The supplement you have been taking included b6 isn't that right? If so this is the cause for high numbers.

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Hi, bb0753 (@bb0753). I'm sure the EB-N5 is the case of the high number, but if you've seen the post I added a little earlier this morning about pyridoxine hydrochloride vs. pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, you'll see how I'm still confused: Are all high numbers "bad" high numbers? Interesting topic, this B6 topic! _Ray (@ray666)


Hi, bb0753 (@bb0753). I'm sure the EB-N5 is the case of the high number, but if you've seen the post I added a little earlier this morning about pyridoxine hydrochloride vs. pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, you'll see how I'm still confused: Are all high numbers "bad" high numbers? Interesting topic, this B6 topic! _Ray (@ray666)

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Would you say the EB-N5 helped your neuropathy?


Hi, bb0753 (@bb0753). I'm sure the EB-N5 is the case of the high number, but if you've seen the post I added a little earlier this morning about pyridoxine hydrochloride vs. pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, you'll see how I'm still confused: Are all high numbers "bad" high numbers? Interesting topic, this B6 topic! _Ray (@ray666)

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I am not expert for sure. There is much info on website "Understandanding b6 Toxicity" if you can't find it I'll try to post link. I do know that I had feet tingling, feet feeling like I was walking on rocks, heart palpations, blurred vision , ringing in ears and the only abnormal test was b6 was 118 and range 2.1-21. This was from 20mg of b6 taken in melatonin nightly over about 2+ years . My symptoms were ruled idiopathic because my neurologist knew nothing about b6 toxicity. Since stopping b6 and getting b6 to level of 8, heart palpations are gone and blurred vision and ears ringing resolved. Feet are still numb and feel like I'm walking on rocks. According to the website b6 builds up in your body's muscles and tissues partly due to dehydration and this takes a long time to resolve. The fix for this is not difficult but involves very good hydration not just with water but natural electrolytes, no b6 supplements and stick to b6 diet that only provides RDA of b6 and exercise as much as possible. I follow their Facebook group also and have witnessed many getting better who were diagnosed with PN of unknown causes. So I continue to follow the recommendation there bc it's basically healthy anyway and doesn't cost anything. Many in the group did take the P5P you referred to and got toxic that's about all I know.


Hi, bb0753 (@bb0753). I'm sure the EB-N5 is the case of the high number, but if you've seen the post I added a little earlier this morning about pyridoxine hydrochloride vs. pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, you'll see how I'm still confused: Are all high numbers "bad" high numbers? Interesting topic, this B6 topic! _Ray (@ray666)

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Would you say the EB-N5 helped your neuropathy?

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Good morning, Patricia (@patriciaschulz1950). Has the EB-N5 helped? I'm allowing the jury to remain out until my 90-day trial is complete – which is rapidly approaching (9/30). It works best for me if I don't speak too soon. Suffice it to say for the moment that I'm feeling pretty good, perhaps having more good days than bad. But is that the result of the EB-N5? That's difficult to say. It could be my diet. Extra exercise. Maybe the weather. I know, however, that on 9/30 I'll have to come up with some sort of assessment, as my doctor will be asking. –Ray (@ray666)

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