(MAC/MAI) Mycobacterium Avium Complex Pulmonary Disease: Join us

Posted by Katherine, Alumni Mentor @katemn, Nov 21, 2011

I am new to Mayo online .. I was hoping to find others with .. MYCOBACTERIUM AVIUM COMPLEX PULMONARY DISEASE (MAC/MAI) and/or BRONCHIECTASIS. I found only 1 thread on mycobacterium accidently under the catagory "Lungs". I'm hoping by starting a subject matter directly related to MYCOBACTERIUM AVIUM COMPLEX PULMONARY DISEASE (MAC/MAI) I may find others out there!

I was diagnosed by a sputum culture August 2007 (but the culture result was accidentally misfiled until 2008!) with MYCOBACTERIUM AVIUM COMPLEX PULMONARY DISEASE (MAC/MAI) and BRONCHIECTASIS. I am now on 5 antibiotics. Working with Dr. Timothy Aksamit at Rochester Mayo Clinic .. he is a saint to have put up with me this long! I was terrified of the treatment . started the first antibiotic September 3, 2011 ... am now on all 5 antibiotics for 18 mos to 2 years. Am delighted at the very bearable side effects!

I wrote on the 1 thread I found: If you google NON-TUBERCULOUS MYCOBACTERIUM AVIUM COMPLEX PULMONARY DISEASE (MAC/MAI) you will learn a LOT about the disease. But PLEASE do NOT get scared about all the things you read .. that is what I did and nearly refused to do the treatment until after a 2nd Micomacterium was discovered! Educate yourself for "due diligence" .. but take it all with a grain of salt .. you are NOT necessarily going to have all the terrible side effects of the antibiotics! Good luck to you!

January 2017 Update

One of our great Connect Members .. @Paula_MAC2007  .. had a wonderfully helpful idea that I wanted to share! Her idea .. as you read through the pages to gather information on our shared disease of MAC you can develop a personal "file cabinet" for future reference without the necessity of reading all the pages again!

If you have the "MS Word" program on your computer:
- Document Title Example:  Mayo Clinic Connect MAI/MAC Information
- Then develop different categories that make sense to you such as:  Heath Aids .. Videos .. Healthy Living .. Positive Thinking .. Baseline Testing and Regular Testing .. Antibiotics ..
Tips for
- As you read the pages .. copy/paste/save things of interest into that MS Word document under your preferred categories for future reference.

Then as you want to refer back to something in the future .. YEAH!  You have now created your own personal "file cabinet" on MAC/MAI!  Go to it!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the MAC & Bronchiectasis Support Group.


Hi all, it's Jen Taylor, I haven't been in touch with you via "connect" for 2 months. I was seen at Mayo in Minnesota over a 2 week period. I received so much info from all of the evaluation. I have been overwhelmed & scared & I have been trying to process all of this on my own. It hasn't been going to great so I'm trying to reach out & thought what a better group to talk to than others who are going through similar life experiences. After have a positive MAC culture from my bronchial washings, I was told that I had MAC & need to be treated. Previously (Sept. 2016) they diagnosed me with bronchiectasis. Nothing was seen on my CT scan or X-ray that showed the colonies seen from MAC. One of the big reasons I was going to Mayo was to get an expert opinion from Dr. Askamit. After Dr. Askamit read through my many, many, many records over a course of 10 years, since I first got sick, he concluded that at this time I may have MAC but it should not be treated at this time because it does not appear on a CAT scan. I must tell you that I was shocked by his response as it was completely different than my pulmonologist locally. And to be honest, I seem to have met the criteria to be considered to have MAC & to start treatment. I have many underlying illnesses & it's so hard to sort out what is what. Dr. Aksamit said to wait until it is seen on a CT scan. I have very mixed feelings about this. I am concerned that I should just wait until I become more infected to start treatment. Personally, I'd rather treat it BEFORE it gets worse. I guess I'm the only one who things that. My local pulmonologist changed his mind & decided not to start treatment at this time. Don't get me wrong, I do NOT want take all of these meds that can cause such grief & danger!!! I also don't want to just sit around & wait for things to get worse!!! Am I wrong in thinking that?? I value your opinion. Oh, and I have had the bronchiectasis diagnosis since Sept 2007 based on CT scan but now, when Dr. Askamit looked at a different CT scan, he said he didn't see that. I'm SO confused. I know one thing to be true...I'm in a mess of a health situation with multi system dysfunctional & disease. I am sick every day of my life for 10 years now & without an underlying diaganosis of what disease I have in the lungs. They said I would not make past 2 years but here I am, 10 years later, alive & trying my absolute best to lead as much of a normal life as possible...mostly for my family. I'm back to a point where I am requiring supplemental oxygen again. I had been able to breath on my own for the past 3 years. What changed? We don't know. I go into respiratory failure several times a year resulting in hospitalizations. We still can't answer the question of why my lungs don't convert oxygen from the air I breath in??? Anyway, I apologize for rambling on. I have been so withdrawn & sad, scared & lonely since receiving all of this new information. I also learned I have stage 1 heart failure & other metabolic syndrome that leaves me as the "perfect storm for a cardiac event" as the physician stated it. I ended up at Johns Hopkins a couple weeks ago with an excellent cardiologist who is trying to help my sort things out. My weight is a contributing factor to my alveolib hypoventilation &
We discussed having the stomach sleeve procedure to help me loose weight. There is so much on my mind & I apologize that I just rambeled on without even diving the long note into paragraphs!!! That's just how my mind has been lately. I am in NO way trying to ask for self-pity...I'm just trying to get through my reality of day to day life the best that I can & with the most quality that I can. I'm just so confused right now. Oh, I had another bronch done on Wed. & we sent the washings for culture & this will probably be the ultimate testing to see if the washing show positive for MAC. We won't know for 6 weeks! Again, I welcome your feedback... thanks for taking the time to read this!

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Hi all, it's Jen Taylor, I haven't been in touch with you via "connect" for 2 months. I was seen at Mayo in Minnesota over a 2 week period. I received so much info from all of the evaluation. I have been overwhelmed & scared & I have been trying to process all of this on my own. It hasn't been going to great so I'm trying to reach out & thought what a better group to talk to than others who are going through similar life experiences. After have a positive MAC culture from my bronchial washings, I was told that I had MAC & need to be treated. Previously (Sept. 2016) they diagnosed me with bronchiectasis. Nothing was seen on my CT scan or X-ray that showed the colonies seen from MAC. One of the big reasons I was going to Mayo was to get an expert opinion from Dr. Askamit. After Dr. Askamit read through my many, many, many records over a course of 10 years, since I first got sick, he concluded that at this time I may have MAC but it should not be treated at this time because it does not appear on a CAT scan. I must tell you that I was shocked by his response as it was completely different than my pulmonologist locally. And to be honest, I seem to have met the criteria to be considered to have MAC & to start treatment. I have many underlying illnesses & it's so hard to sort out what is what. Dr. Aksamit said to wait until it is seen on a CT scan. I have very mixed feelings about this. I am concerned that I should just wait until I become more infected to start treatment. Personally, I'd rather treat it BEFORE it gets worse. I guess I'm the only one who things that. My local pulmonologist changed his mind & decided not to start treatment at this time. Don't get me wrong, I do NOT want take all of these meds that can cause such grief & danger!!! I also don't want to just sit around & wait for things to get worse!!! Am I wrong in thinking that?? I value your opinion. Oh, and I have had the bronchiectasis diagnosis since Sept 2007 based on CT scan but now, when Dr. Askamit looked at a different CT scan, he said he didn't see that. I'm SO confused. I know one thing to be true...I'm in a mess of a health situation with multi system dysfunctional & disease. I am sick every day of my life for 10 years now & without an underlying diaganosis of what disease I have in the lungs. They said I would not make past 2 years but here I am, 10 years later, alive & trying my absolute best to lead as much of a normal life as possible...mostly for my family. I'm back to a point where I am requiring supplemental oxygen again. I had been able to breath on my own for the past 3 years. What changed? We don't know. I go into respiratory failure several times a year resulting in hospitalizations. We still can't answer the question of why my lungs don't convert oxygen from the air I breath in??? Anyway, I apologize for rambling on. I have been so withdrawn & sad, scared & lonely since receiving all of this new information. I also learned I have stage 1 heart failure & other metabolic syndrome that leaves me as the "perfect storm for a cardiac event" as the physician stated it. I ended up at Johns Hopkins a couple weeks ago with an excellent cardiologist who is trying to help my sort things out. My weight is a contributing factor to my alveolib hypoventilation &
We discussed having the stomach sleeve procedure to help me loose weight. There is so much on my mind & I apologize that I just rambeled on without even diving the long note into paragraphs!!! That's just how my mind has been lately. I am in NO way trying to ask for self-pity...I'm just trying to get through my reality of day to day life the best that I can & with the most quality that I can. I'm just so confused right now. Oh, I had another bronch done on Wed. & we sent the washings for culture & this will probably be the ultimate testing to see if the washing show positive for MAC. We won't know for 6 weeks! Again, I welcome your feedback... thanks for taking the time to read this!

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That may have been me, Linda, that mentioned the sensitivity to odors. I
had to have my husband get rid of his Tide laundry detergent and the Downey. We
both use the scent free detergent. Those two brands used to tear me up! Another
thing that will cause my lungs to spasm is the air fresheners, any and all of
them! Especially the plug-ins. All three things I have listed contain proven
carcinagens.It has something to do with the fragrancing.


Hi all, it's Jen Taylor, I haven't been in touch with you via "connect" for 2 months. I was seen at Mayo in Minnesota over a 2 week period. I received so much info from all of the evaluation. I have been overwhelmed & scared & I have been trying to process all of this on my own. It hasn't been going to great so I'm trying to reach out & thought what a better group to talk to than others who are going through similar life experiences. After have a positive MAC culture from my bronchial washings, I was told that I had MAC & need to be treated. Previously (Sept. 2016) they diagnosed me with bronchiectasis. Nothing was seen on my CT scan or X-ray that showed the colonies seen from MAC. One of the big reasons I was going to Mayo was to get an expert opinion from Dr. Askamit. After Dr. Askamit read through my many, many, many records over a course of 10 years, since I first got sick, he concluded that at this time I may have MAC but it should not be treated at this time because it does not appear on a CAT scan. I must tell you that I was shocked by his response as it was completely different than my pulmonologist locally. And to be honest, I seem to have met the criteria to be considered to have MAC & to start treatment. I have many underlying illnesses & it's so hard to sort out what is what. Dr. Aksamit said to wait until it is seen on a CT scan. I have very mixed feelings about this. I am concerned that I should just wait until I become more infected to start treatment. Personally, I'd rather treat it BEFORE it gets worse. I guess I'm the only one who things that. My local pulmonologist changed his mind & decided not to start treatment at this time. Don't get me wrong, I do NOT want take all of these meds that can cause such grief & danger!!! I also don't want to just sit around & wait for things to get worse!!! Am I wrong in thinking that?? I value your opinion. Oh, and I have had the bronchiectasis diagnosis since Sept 2007 based on CT scan but now, when Dr. Askamit looked at a different CT scan, he said he didn't see that. I'm SO confused. I know one thing to be true...I'm in a mess of a health situation with multi system dysfunctional & disease. I am sick every day of my life for 10 years now & without an underlying diaganosis of what disease I have in the lungs. They said I would not make past 2 years but here I am, 10 years later, alive & trying my absolute best to lead as much of a normal life as possible...mostly for my family. I'm back to a point where I am requiring supplemental oxygen again. I had been able to breath on my own for the past 3 years. What changed? We don't know. I go into respiratory failure several times a year resulting in hospitalizations. We still can't answer the question of why my lungs don't convert oxygen from the air I breath in??? Anyway, I apologize for rambling on. I have been so withdrawn & sad, scared & lonely since receiving all of this new information. I also learned I have stage 1 heart failure & other metabolic syndrome that leaves me as the "perfect storm for a cardiac event" as the physician stated it. I ended up at Johns Hopkins a couple weeks ago with an excellent cardiologist who is trying to help my sort things out. My weight is a contributing factor to my alveolib hypoventilation &
We discussed having the stomach sleeve procedure to help me loose weight. There is so much on my mind & I apologize that I just rambeled on without even diving the long note into paragraphs!!! That's just how my mind has been lately. I am in NO way trying to ask for self-pity...I'm just trying to get through my reality of day to day life the best that I can & with the most quality that I can. I'm just so confused right now. Oh, I had another bronch done on Wed. & we sent the washings for culture & this will probably be the ultimate testing to see if the washing show positive for MAC. We won't know for 6 weeks! Again, I welcome your feedback... thanks for taking the time to read this!

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O.K. thank you for the correction. Sayyyy........I'd like to go to that one
too.  ; )


@mac47, i hope all is well. When i was looking for a doctor. His name came up and he has a great education and comes recommended by several websites. I probably whould have gone there but it is too far from me. Is he local for you? Im happy for you, let us know how the appointment goes. Did they set you up with testingso far? Best of luck,

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Please keep us posted.


I have been reading through these posts for the past several weeks and have learned a TON. I so appreciate the willingness of people to share their experiences.
I am a 37 y/o who was recently diagnosed with MIA (from BAL) and bronchiectasis after having four episodes of pneumonia since August 2016. I have had asthma all of my life and severe GERD that was fixed after a Nissen Fundoplication in 1999. Other than that I am a healthy individual. I was also diagnosed with a hernia after a recent cat scan.
It isn't clear if the MAI is the cause if the pneumonia and related pulmonary issues or a consequence of already vulnerable lungs due to an unknowm cause. I didn't have the bronchiectasis in February, per the cat scan, but it has since developed, per scan earlier in May. I started azithromyacin (sp?) last week and am beginning the second antibiotic tonight (Ethabutol?) and am a little nervous, as I have two toddlers and a demanding job. Any advice about anything would be much appreciated!
Thank you.

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Hi Angie,
     How are you doing today? Have you discussed this
with your dr? Do you have a GOOD dr? Try asking your doctor about inhaled
antibiotics. Where are you going for treatment? 
- Terri M.


@tfritschy Teresa and @lindaaz Linda and @afcardieri Fillis Hello and Welcome to our Connect Forum! We are so glad you found us! You will find our group a support on our shared journey with an exchange of our experiences and the information we have gathered. We are NOT doctors but if you read past pages of our post you will learn a LOT about MAC and Bronchiectasis .. unfortunately sometimes more than many doctors are aware of. As you educate yourself .. you MUST become your own best advocate! Remember .. if you will read a 300 page book for pleasure .. isn't it wise to read 25 or 50 pages of this Forum to help learn about our shared MAC disease? Hope you make the effort to read those pages .. it will pay off!

I am answering you on our main discussion page:

https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mycobacterium-avium-complex-pulmonary-disease-macmai/ ..( that is page 1 .. you can go to "Last" or wherever) . In this thread, you’ll find a wealth of information from an incredible group of knowledgeable and supportive members.

I am answering you there so you will perhaps get more responses. Come on over. Introduce yourselves and ask anything after you have read through the past pages and educated yourself to our shared disease. Hope you find these pages helpful! Hugs to all! Katherine

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@tfritschy, @lindaaz, and @afcardieri , welcome to our Connect Community! Please feel
free to ask questions and share your experiences. This is a great support forum
with many caring individuals.  - Terri M.


Hi all, it's Jen Taylor, I haven't been in touch with you via "connect" for 2 months. I was seen at Mayo in Minnesota over a 2 week period. I received so much info from all of the evaluation. I have been overwhelmed & scared & I have been trying to process all of this on my own. It hasn't been going to great so I'm trying to reach out & thought what a better group to talk to than others who are going through similar life experiences. After have a positive MAC culture from my bronchial washings, I was told that I had MAC & need to be treated. Previously (Sept. 2016) they diagnosed me with bronchiectasis. Nothing was seen on my CT scan or X-ray that showed the colonies seen from MAC. One of the big reasons I was going to Mayo was to get an expert opinion from Dr. Askamit. After Dr. Askamit read through my many, many, many records over a course of 10 years, since I first got sick, he concluded that at this time I may have MAC but it should not be treated at this time because it does not appear on a CAT scan. I must tell you that I was shocked by his response as it was completely different than my pulmonologist locally. And to be honest, I seem to have met the criteria to be considered to have MAC & to start treatment. I have many underlying illnesses & it's so hard to sort out what is what. Dr. Aksamit said to wait until it is seen on a CT scan. I have very mixed feelings about this. I am concerned that I should just wait until I become more infected to start treatment. Personally, I'd rather treat it BEFORE it gets worse. I guess I'm the only one who things that. My local pulmonologist changed his mind & decided not to start treatment at this time. Don't get me wrong, I do NOT want take all of these meds that can cause such grief & danger!!! I also don't want to just sit around & wait for things to get worse!!! Am I wrong in thinking that?? I value your opinion. Oh, and I have had the bronchiectasis diagnosis since Sept 2007 based on CT scan but now, when Dr. Askamit looked at a different CT scan, he said he didn't see that. I'm SO confused. I know one thing to be true...I'm in a mess of a health situation with multi system dysfunctional & disease. I am sick every day of my life for 10 years now & without an underlying diaganosis of what disease I have in the lungs. They said I would not make past 2 years but here I am, 10 years later, alive & trying my absolute best to lead as much of a normal life as possible...mostly for my family. I'm back to a point where I am requiring supplemental oxygen again. I had been able to breath on my own for the past 3 years. What changed? We don't know. I go into respiratory failure several times a year resulting in hospitalizations. We still can't answer the question of why my lungs don't convert oxygen from the air I breath in??? Anyway, I apologize for rambling on. I have been so withdrawn & sad, scared & lonely since receiving all of this new information. I also learned I have stage 1 heart failure & other metabolic syndrome that leaves me as the "perfect storm for a cardiac event" as the physician stated it. I ended up at Johns Hopkins a couple weeks ago with an excellent cardiologist who is trying to help my sort things out. My weight is a contributing factor to my alveolib hypoventilation &
We discussed having the stomach sleeve procedure to help me loose weight. There is so much on my mind & I apologize that I just rambeled on without even diving the long note into paragraphs!!! That's just how my mind has been lately. I am in NO way trying to ask for self-pity...I'm just trying to get through my reality of day to day life the best that I can & with the most quality that I can. I'm just so confused right now. Oh, I had another bronch done on Wed. & we sent the washings for culture & this will probably be the ultimate testing to see if the washing show positive for MAC. We won't know for 6 weeks! Again, I welcome your feedback... thanks for taking the time to read this!

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I love to garden, my hobby. So does this mean I should not? I do it all, rake, dig it the dirt and plant. I was going to ask if it was ok to garden when I was at the Mayo but forgot. Maybe I should check.


Hi all, it's Jen Taylor, I haven't been in touch with you via "connect" for 2 months. I was seen at Mayo in Minnesota over a 2 week period. I received so much info from all of the evaluation. I have been overwhelmed & scared & I have been trying to process all of this on my own. It hasn't been going to great so I'm trying to reach out & thought what a better group to talk to than others who are going through similar life experiences. After have a positive MAC culture from my bronchial washings, I was told that I had MAC & need to be treated. Previously (Sept. 2016) they diagnosed me with bronchiectasis. Nothing was seen on my CT scan or X-ray that showed the colonies seen from MAC. One of the big reasons I was going to Mayo was to get an expert opinion from Dr. Askamit. After Dr. Askamit read through my many, many, many records over a course of 10 years, since I first got sick, he concluded that at this time I may have MAC but it should not be treated at this time because it does not appear on a CAT scan. I must tell you that I was shocked by his response as it was completely different than my pulmonologist locally. And to be honest, I seem to have met the criteria to be considered to have MAC & to start treatment. I have many underlying illnesses & it's so hard to sort out what is what. Dr. Aksamit said to wait until it is seen on a CT scan. I have very mixed feelings about this. I am concerned that I should just wait until I become more infected to start treatment. Personally, I'd rather treat it BEFORE it gets worse. I guess I'm the only one who things that. My local pulmonologist changed his mind & decided not to start treatment at this time. Don't get me wrong, I do NOT want take all of these meds that can cause such grief & danger!!! I also don't want to just sit around & wait for things to get worse!!! Am I wrong in thinking that?? I value your opinion. Oh, and I have had the bronchiectasis diagnosis since Sept 2007 based on CT scan but now, when Dr. Askamit looked at a different CT scan, he said he didn't see that. I'm SO confused. I know one thing to be true...I'm in a mess of a health situation with multi system dysfunctional & disease. I am sick every day of my life for 10 years now & without an underlying diaganosis of what disease I have in the lungs. They said I would not make past 2 years but here I am, 10 years later, alive & trying my absolute best to lead as much of a normal life as possible...mostly for my family. I'm back to a point where I am requiring supplemental oxygen again. I had been able to breath on my own for the past 3 years. What changed? We don't know. I go into respiratory failure several times a year resulting in hospitalizations. We still can't answer the question of why my lungs don't convert oxygen from the air I breath in??? Anyway, I apologize for rambling on. I have been so withdrawn & sad, scared & lonely since receiving all of this new information. I also learned I have stage 1 heart failure & other metabolic syndrome that leaves me as the "perfect storm for a cardiac event" as the physician stated it. I ended up at Johns Hopkins a couple weeks ago with an excellent cardiologist who is trying to help my sort things out. My weight is a contributing factor to my alveolib hypoventilation &
We discussed having the stomach sleeve procedure to help me loose weight. There is so much on my mind & I apologize that I just rambeled on without even diving the long note into paragraphs!!! That's just how my mind has been lately. I am in NO way trying to ask for self-pity...I'm just trying to get through my reality of day to day life the best that I can & with the most quality that I can. I'm just so confused right now. Oh, I had another bronch done on Wed. & we sent the washings for culture & this will probably be the ultimate testing to see if the washing show positive for MAC. We won't know for 6 weeks! Again, I welcome your feedback... thanks for taking the time to read this!

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@barbjh .. do you have a first name? More personal! It is merely MY opinion .. but if it was me .. there is not a doubt in my mind I definitely WOULD wear a mask. After what I have been through .. no way would I want yet another mycobacterium OR yet another bacteria to battle in my lungs! I find the Cambridge Mask pretty comfy to breathe in and ok to wash. Each person must make their own health decisions .. just my opinion. Hugs to all! Katherine


HOT TUB AND SHOWERS .. SOIL -SOURCES OF MAC https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3949190/ Given these characteristics of NTM it is not surprising that drinking water, household plumbing, peat rich soils, brackish marshes, and drainage water are reservoirs of NTM (9). Water systems in hospitals, hemodialysis centers, and dental offices have particularly high rates of mycobacterium colonization (10). When sampling a potential source for NTM colonization, biofilms should be included in the sampled specimens given the organisms’ predilection for biofilm adherence. aerosolization of droplets small enough to enter the alveoli is the likely route of acquisition of pulmonary disease. Bathroom showers have been implicated as a primary source of exposure to aerosolized NTM (36). Households with water heater temperatures ≤50 °C are more likely to demonstrate colonization of their water supply with NTM than those with water heater temperature ≥55 °C (37). Potting soils, particularly those enriched with peat, have a high concentration of NTM and dust generated from soil may produce particles small enough particles to enter the alveoli (38). However, a case controlled cohort study by Dirac et al. looked at “aerosol-generating activities in the home and found that the only activity predictive of the development of NTM lung disease was the use of a spray bottle for watering plants (39).

OR http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/222664-overview MAC is ubiquitous in distribution. It has been isolated from fresh water and salt water worldwide. The common environmental sources of MAC include the following: Aerosolized water Piped hot water systems (including household and hospital water supplies) Bathrooms [1] House dust Soil

OR On hot tubs and showers: the THEORY .. no prove research is that when the water is "aerosolized" it is breathed into the lungs .. if there is sputum in the lungs .. the sputum becomes a breeding ground for the mycobacterium as the "aerosolized" water gets into our lungs.
Same with soil .. as you garden .. as the soil is disturbed it becomes "aerosolized" .. same process in theory,

MASK -TRAVEL OR GARDENING I was traveling to a VERY air polluted area .. I did a LOT of research and found there was a BETTER mask than the 3M N95 mask .. PLUS could looked kinda cute! I found it decent to breath with. I travel with it always! Good info at: https://cambridgemask.com/technology/ (Our filter material is comprised of a series of activated carbon filaments, each about 2,000 nanometres in diameter. The pores in each filament are 25 times smaller than those in standard carbon materials, and therefore more powerful. This means that bacteria and viruses are drawn to the surface from further away. The high number of filaments – spun into a yarn and then woven into cloth – concentrate and intensify the Van der Waal forces, including powerful electrostatic charges. This way, not only are molecules such as endotoxins quickly absorbed into the pores from a much wider area, but these forces also attract and immobilise much larger particles including bacteria, which often have a negatively charged membrane. The material traps the bacteria and draws out the gel-like cytoplasm inside – killing it and preventing infection.)

Purchased at: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01KK2NSVK/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=cambridgemask-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B01KK2NSVK&linkId=f4be07a257cb28b462c1db1dc0c037ab
CLEANING Washing Instructions – can I wash the mask? Yes, you can CAREFULLY hand wash it with some mild soap. Note that the masks are washable, but cleaning them only removes dirt not pollution trapped inside the filter. So the mask needs to be replaced after extended use to ensure proper filtration.

SIZING We have found that the best way to choose the mask is by weight. MEDIUM: 33 – 64kg= 73 to 141#
*REPLACMENT TIME How long can I use it? Cambridge Masks™ are non-disposable, meaning that you can use them for potentially hundreds of hours. The length of time they are suitable for depends on how polluted the environment is when you use it. A table is provided below, but a “rule of thumb” (a guideline) is that you can use the masks on a regular basis for 3-6 months before it needs replacing. Note that the masks are washable, but cleaning them only removes dirt not pollution trapped inside the filter. So the mask needs to be replaced after extended use to ensure proper filtration.

NOTE: Beyond Index Over 500 Visibility below 600 meters. Fog-like clouds of pollution clearly visible even in bright sunlight. WILL LAST 90 hours Hope you find this helpful! Katherine

**ALSO use especially in auto or crowded areas like theatres etc: Air Supply Mini-Mate Personal Ionic Air Purifier-- Air Supply Mini-Mate Personal Ionic Air Purifier--Black https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B000B6CMZ4/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1


Hi all, it's Jen Taylor, I haven't been in touch with you via "connect" for 2 months. I was seen at Mayo in Minnesota over a 2 week period. I received so much info from all of the evaluation. I have been overwhelmed & scared & I have been trying to process all of this on my own. It hasn't been going to great so I'm trying to reach out & thought what a better group to talk to than others who are going through similar life experiences. After have a positive MAC culture from my bronchial washings, I was told that I had MAC & need to be treated. Previously (Sept. 2016) they diagnosed me with bronchiectasis. Nothing was seen on my CT scan or X-ray that showed the colonies seen from MAC. One of the big reasons I was going to Mayo was to get an expert opinion from Dr. Askamit. After Dr. Askamit read through my many, many, many records over a course of 10 years, since I first got sick, he concluded that at this time I may have MAC but it should not be treated at this time because it does not appear on a CAT scan. I must tell you that I was shocked by his response as it was completely different than my pulmonologist locally. And to be honest, I seem to have met the criteria to be considered to have MAC & to start treatment. I have many underlying illnesses & it's so hard to sort out what is what. Dr. Aksamit said to wait until it is seen on a CT scan. I have very mixed feelings about this. I am concerned that I should just wait until I become more infected to start treatment. Personally, I'd rather treat it BEFORE it gets worse. I guess I'm the only one who things that. My local pulmonologist changed his mind & decided not to start treatment at this time. Don't get me wrong, I do NOT want take all of these meds that can cause such grief & danger!!! I also don't want to just sit around & wait for things to get worse!!! Am I wrong in thinking that?? I value your opinion. Oh, and I have had the bronchiectasis diagnosis since Sept 2007 based on CT scan but now, when Dr. Askamit looked at a different CT scan, he said he didn't see that. I'm SO confused. I know one thing to be true...I'm in a mess of a health situation with multi system dysfunctional & disease. I am sick every day of my life for 10 years now & without an underlying diaganosis of what disease I have in the lungs. They said I would not make past 2 years but here I am, 10 years later, alive & trying my absolute best to lead as much of a normal life as possible...mostly for my family. I'm back to a point where I am requiring supplemental oxygen again. I had been able to breath on my own for the past 3 years. What changed? We don't know. I go into respiratory failure several times a year resulting in hospitalizations. We still can't answer the question of why my lungs don't convert oxygen from the air I breath in??? Anyway, I apologize for rambling on. I have been so withdrawn & sad, scared & lonely since receiving all of this new information. I also learned I have stage 1 heart failure & other metabolic syndrome that leaves me as the "perfect storm for a cardiac event" as the physician stated it. I ended up at Johns Hopkins a couple weeks ago with an excellent cardiologist who is trying to help my sort things out. My weight is a contributing factor to my alveolib hypoventilation &
We discussed having the stomach sleeve procedure to help me loose weight. There is so much on my mind & I apologize that I just rambeled on without even diving the long note into paragraphs!!! That's just how my mind has been lately. I am in NO way trying to ask for self-pity...I'm just trying to get through my reality of day to day life the best that I can & with the most quality that I can. I'm just so confused right now. Oh, I had another bronch done on Wed. & we sent the washings for culture & this will probably be the ultimate testing to see if the washing show positive for MAC. We won't know for 6 weeks! Again, I welcome your feedback... thanks for taking the time to read this!

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Hi Barb, I just do minimal gardening to be on the safe side and anything
else that might release spores, mold, bacteria, etc. From what I
learned at the recent conference, there are different species of MAC by
region. MAC is in soil, air and water. Because of that everybody has
it in their lungs. Most people have good immune systems to keep it from
colonizing. However, those of us on this site have issues with it. You can call
your doctor's nurse and ask her about it. She will likely have your doctor call
you. I have had good luck with my dr at Mayo getting back to me when I have
called with questions. Let us know what you find out .
- Terri M.


Hi all, it's Jen Taylor, I haven't been in touch with you via "connect" for 2 months. I was seen at Mayo in Minnesota over a 2 week period. I received so much info from all of the evaluation. I have been overwhelmed & scared & I have been trying to process all of this on my own. It hasn't been going to great so I'm trying to reach out & thought what a better group to talk to than others who are going through similar life experiences. After have a positive MAC culture from my bronchial washings, I was told that I had MAC & need to be treated. Previously (Sept. 2016) they diagnosed me with bronchiectasis. Nothing was seen on my CT scan or X-ray that showed the colonies seen from MAC. One of the big reasons I was going to Mayo was to get an expert opinion from Dr. Askamit. After Dr. Askamit read through my many, many, many records over a course of 10 years, since I first got sick, he concluded that at this time I may have MAC but it should not be treated at this time because it does not appear on a CAT scan. I must tell you that I was shocked by his response as it was completely different than my pulmonologist locally. And to be honest, I seem to have met the criteria to be considered to have MAC & to start treatment. I have many underlying illnesses & it's so hard to sort out what is what. Dr. Aksamit said to wait until it is seen on a CT scan. I have very mixed feelings about this. I am concerned that I should just wait until I become more infected to start treatment. Personally, I'd rather treat it BEFORE it gets worse. I guess I'm the only one who things that. My local pulmonologist changed his mind & decided not to start treatment at this time. Don't get me wrong, I do NOT want take all of these meds that can cause such grief & danger!!! I also don't want to just sit around & wait for things to get worse!!! Am I wrong in thinking that?? I value your opinion. Oh, and I have had the bronchiectasis diagnosis since Sept 2007 based on CT scan but now, when Dr. Askamit looked at a different CT scan, he said he didn't see that. I'm SO confused. I know one thing to be true...I'm in a mess of a health situation with multi system dysfunctional & disease. I am sick every day of my life for 10 years now & without an underlying diaganosis of what disease I have in the lungs. They said I would not make past 2 years but here I am, 10 years later, alive & trying my absolute best to lead as much of a normal life as possible...mostly for my family. I'm back to a point where I am requiring supplemental oxygen again. I had been able to breath on my own for the past 3 years. What changed? We don't know. I go into respiratory failure several times a year resulting in hospitalizations. We still can't answer the question of why my lungs don't convert oxygen from the air I breath in??? Anyway, I apologize for rambling on. I have been so withdrawn & sad, scared & lonely since receiving all of this new information. I also learned I have stage 1 heart failure & other metabolic syndrome that leaves me as the "perfect storm for a cardiac event" as the physician stated it. I ended up at Johns Hopkins a couple weeks ago with an excellent cardiologist who is trying to help my sort things out. My weight is a contributing factor to my alveolib hypoventilation &
We discussed having the stomach sleeve procedure to help me loose weight. There is so much on my mind & I apologize that I just rambeled on without even diving the long note into paragraphs!!! That's just how my mind has been lately. I am in NO way trying to ask for self-pity...I'm just trying to get through my reality of day to day life the best that I can & with the most quality that I can. I'm just so confused right now. Oh, I had another bronch done on Wed. & we sent the washings for culture & this will probably be the ultimate testing to see if the washing show positive for MAC. We won't know for 6 weeks! Again, I welcome your feedback... thanks for taking the time to read this!

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Thank you Katherine for the push to be better about masks. Love & Hugs
to you - Terri M.

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