
Posted by brendaharris @brendaharris, May 30 10:43am

My podiatrist gave me Mupirocin for the sore on my toe. Has any one used this? ~ Brenda

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I was prescribed it for a couple of things. One was a bacterial infection in my nostril. I applied a tiny bit inside for 10 days. It worked well,


@brendaharris I was prescribed Mupiroicin prior to having spine surgery at Mayo. It was to prevent staff infections which could be a complication of surgery. I do get sinus infections from time to time that move into my chest and this works well to clear it out used inside my nostrils. I have asthma and allergies so this can be a problem. My doctor lets me keep this on hand to use as needed.


I have it also and have used it lots on cuts, scrapes. I think it's like Neosporin on steroids ;))
Really good stuff.


I have it also and have used it lots on cuts, scrapes. I think it's like Neosporin on steroids ;))
Really good stuff.

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Yes. My dermatologist said they do not like one of the ingredients in Neosporin. I don’t recall if she specified which one.


@brendaharris Mupirocin is often prescribed for suspected staph infections - I had a leg wound that responded nicely to it. My husband had a diagnosed staph infection on his back that had not responded to anything for years - 2 courses (about a month) cleared it.
It is also prescribed sometimes for nose sores that refuse to heal with more conservative treatment. It is known as an "off-label" use but it worked for me when a lingering lung infection knocked down my immune system.

Is the sore on your toe an ongoing issue?


@mayoconnectuser1 I forgot to mention when my spine surgeon prescribed Mupirocin as a preventative for staff infections prior to surgery, the instructions were to use a pea sized glob in each nostril 2 times a day.

This antibacterial does immediately clear up a chest infection when I get them which usually starts in my sinuses. I have allergies and asthma, so this can be a frequent issue. I also have a physical issue with lesser rib expansion on one side which tends to trap phlegm leading to an infection. When I’m not breathing well and my resting pulse goes up and usually with a bit of blood in my nose and irritated throat , I know I am getting into trouble. I discussed this with my doctor and he gives me a prescription for this as needed. It really works and gets me breathing better in a day or 2. There can also be a die off of bacteria that will cause a flushing of phlegm a day after starting to dose this if it is a bad infection.


@brendaharris Mupirocin is often prescribed for suspected staph infections - I had a leg wound that responded nicely to it. My husband had a diagnosed staph infection on his back that had not responded to anything for years - 2 courses (about a month) cleared it.
It is also prescribed sometimes for nose sores that refuse to heal with more conservative treatment. It is known as an "off-label" use but it worked for me when a lingering lung infection knocked down my immune system.

Is the sore on your toe an ongoing issue?

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There wasn’t really a sore. My nostril had started out stinging like a needle in it. Then, it was just sore. After a couple of months, I showed it to my dermatologist at a return visit for something else. She didn’t see anything, but took a culture that confirmed staph. She PMd me with instructions and called in the prescription, though I already had a tube of it. It helped and the sore nose has gone.

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