More Dry Eyes & Inflammation After Cataract Surgery....

Posted by covidstinks2023 @covidstinks2023, May 20, 2023

I am ever so grateful to have 20/15 vision after cataract surgery. The surgeries were a breeze. Two months out, my eyes have become drier, hurt and burn and I am on steroid drops now for inflammation. One eye tears all the time. I already had dry eyes and was on Restasis and Systane Complete PF eye drops. Doctor is suggesting the plugs for dry eyes. Anyone else have this problem after cataract surgery? Thanking you in advance.

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Hi @covidstinks, I had cataract surgery a few years ago on both eyes and was fortunate to only have the dry eyes for a few weeks which was taken care of by using the different eye drops they sent home with me. Here's some information that may be helpful on the topic.

"Dry eyes after cataract surgery, especially SICS, are common because the surgery causes tear film instability, which may trigger symptoms."
--- Dry Eyes After Cataract Surgery:


Hi @covidstinks, I had cataract surgery a few years ago on both eyes and was fortunate to only have the dry eyes for a few weeks which was taken care of by using the different eye drops they sent home with me. Here's some information that may be helpful on the topic.

"Dry eyes after cataract surgery, especially SICS, are common because the surgery causes tear film instability, which may trigger symptoms."
--- Dry Eyes After Cataract Surgery:

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Thank you so much!


Yes, I already had dry eyes and now they are a bit worse after my cataract surgery. I need to get back to eye doctor….one of these days.


Possible UTI using Restatis - can someone check out??? Internet sites vary in info.

/.Hello, sorry may be wrong place to post. I am in Canada and use Latanoprost/Monoprost for high eye pressure for 5 years daily (narrow angle glaucoma) and also variety of dry eye drops during day - currently Refresh Plus. Never was given Restatis or Cequa.

Over the past year several lots of various eye drops have been recalled - usually specific Lot numbers. It worries me as most of us have some side effects from the meds - its almost expected.

Today recall from Health Canada a certain Lot # of
Cequa brand and the name of one ingredient is Cyclosporine which in Canada if I am correct is also an ingredient in Restatis - again only one Lot #.

However, when I checked about Cyclosporine - along with other side effects - it mentioned Urinary Tract Infections. I was surprised as I have frequent UTI's and have to go on antibiotic - how is it that this Cyclosporine can cause this and how many other meds can cause UTI's as side effect I wonder?

Maybe I should put this comment under Urinary Tract Infections of unknown origin??

Now I really don't trust any meds even eye drops.... and they tell us to ignore side effects unless life threatening?? but UTI's? Why would I take an eyedrop containing meds that cause this - am getting confused.

Restasis (Cyclosporine) a USA site says Cequa can cause uti but Restatis can cause blurry vision.... it's such a jigsaw puzzle to sort out as both use cyclosporine but maybe someone can explain?

Thanks in advance, J.


Possible UTI using Restatis - can someone check out??? Internet sites vary in info.

/.Hello, sorry may be wrong place to post. I am in Canada and use Latanoprost/Monoprost for high eye pressure for 5 years daily (narrow angle glaucoma) and also variety of dry eye drops during day - currently Refresh Plus. Never was given Restatis or Cequa.

Over the past year several lots of various eye drops have been recalled - usually specific Lot numbers. It worries me as most of us have some side effects from the meds - its almost expected.

Today recall from Health Canada a certain Lot # of
Cequa brand and the name of one ingredient is Cyclosporine which in Canada if I am correct is also an ingredient in Restatis - again only one Lot #.

However, when I checked about Cyclosporine - along with other side effects - it mentioned Urinary Tract Infections. I was surprised as I have frequent UTI's and have to go on antibiotic - how is it that this Cyclosporine can cause this and how many other meds can cause UTI's as side effect I wonder?

Maybe I should put this comment under Urinary Tract Infections of unknown origin??

Now I really don't trust any meds even eye drops.... and they tell us to ignore side effects unless life threatening?? but UTI's? Why would I take an eyedrop containing meds that cause this - am getting confused.

Restasis (Cyclosporine) a USA site says Cequa can cause uti but Restatis can cause blurry vision.... it's such a jigsaw puzzle to sort out as both use cyclosporine but maybe someone can explain?

Thanks in advance, J.

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Restasis does cause blurry vision, but, only for about 10 min. I find all eye drops for inflammation & dry eyes cause that. I hope there will not be a recall on it here. The Ziidra (Sp?) does not work as well for me and burns for about 30 min and causes blurred vision too. I hope you can find an eye drops that works well for you. Restasis has served me well....I pray it continues. Prayers...


Restasis does cause blurry vision, but, only for about 10 min. I find all eye drops for inflammation & dry eyes cause that. I hope there will not be a recall on it here. The Ziidra (Sp?) does not work as well for me and burns for about 30 min and causes blurred vision too. I hope you can find an eye drops that works well for you. Restasis has served me well....I pray it continues. Prayers...

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Hi - early morning post sorry; so no Restasis not recalled but one Lot of Cequa (but I think I found that both contain similar drug which I was surprised can possibly cause UTI's).... who would have thought something put in eyes could do this? When I first went on Monoporst pharmacist told me not to worry as stays in eyes, but they don't - find their way into our bodies... anyway, yes blurry vision but not all do that; however since had Iridotomy for narrow angle glaucoma can wake up thru night with blurry vision but it's a detective story trying to find out what it is. Glad Restasis is helping you, J.


Because of my Allergic Contact Dermatitis, ACD, a form of eczema I must avoid ingredients I'm allergic to. For dry eyes I've tried all brands like Restasis, every over the counter and prescription product which should have been allergy free for me burned my eyes.
I make my own eye drops which I put in all the eye drop bottles I bought which burn my eyes. I only get a brief sting if the eye is very dry, it goes away immediately with no negative side effects.

Eye Drops-
1 cup boiled water
1 teaspoon salt
3-5 drops of glycerin
A cleaned and sterilized small funnel which can be inserted into the bottle opening. I have small sizes on Amazon.

Sterilize glass mason jar and lid to store extra product in the refrigerator
Rinse to clean empty eye drop containers
Boil water in glass measuring cup in the microwave and add salt, stir with clean utensil
Add 3-5 drops of glycerin adjusted to how moisturizing you want it to be, stir
Fill empty eyedrop containers funnel, no need to refrigerate
Keep multiple bottles handy around your home


Because of my Allergic Contact Dermatitis, ACD, a form of eczema I must avoid ingredients I'm allergic to. For dry eyes I've tried all brands like Restasis, every over the counter and prescription product which should have been allergy free for me burned my eyes.
I make my own eye drops which I put in all the eye drop bottles I bought which burn my eyes. I only get a brief sting if the eye is very dry, it goes away immediately with no negative side effects.

Eye Drops-
1 cup boiled water
1 teaspoon salt
3-5 drops of glycerin
A cleaned and sterilized small funnel which can be inserted into the bottle opening. I have small sizes on Amazon.

Sterilize glass mason jar and lid to store extra product in the refrigerator
Rinse to clean empty eye drop containers
Boil water in glass measuring cup in the microwave and add salt, stir with clean utensil
Add 3-5 drops of glycerin adjusted to how moisturizing you want it to be, stir
Fill empty eyedrop containers funnel, no need to refrigerate
Keep multiple bottles handy around your home

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Thanks for sharing...!!
Cheers to you for developing your own therapy!!
I'm experiencing the same experience of burning...

Were you ever patch tested for any specific ingredients/excipients in restasis or the other otc eye drops?

If you don't mind sharing - what was the ingredient(s) you were allergic to?

Thank you!!!


to @appreciateyourhelp - My 5 Day Patch Test Allergen's
Ethyl Cyanoacrylate-adhesives, and products like Scotch Guard, spray starch, caulk paint, nail polish.
Mercaptobenzothiazole, Mecapto Mix- rubber products, blended materials like- elastic, nylon, poly/cotton, memory foam, neoprene and hundreds more.
Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone, Phenoxyethanol- Preservatives- in most , makeup, grooming and cleaning products.
Trixocortol Privalate- Class A Corticosteroid with a crossover to Class B Corticosteroid (there are 5 classes of steroids, some are safe for me) - in anti-inflammatory injections and skin preparations, like cortisone.
Cinnamic Aldehyde- food, fragrance, personal care products, cleaning products, fungicide, insecticide

Blood Test for metals and bone cement results for allergens-
aluminum, nickle, cobalt, chromium, vanadium

Not tested for but have learned of Sulfa allergy because of reaction to sulfa based anti-biotics like Bactrim
I also get an immediate headache from smoke of any kind, diesel fumes and most perfumes.

Even after patch testing I find I react to products which should be free of my allergens. Either I wasn't tested for this contact allergen or my reaction takes longer than 5 days to appear. That said, I am living rash and itch free because of my testing and avoidance of positive contacts and caution with any new product. Make up and shoes are the hardest to replace. Of course I had to give up all elastics- my under ware looks like something women wore in the dark ages with drawstrings and lots of seams in a 100% cotton bra. Yet I have found make up safe for me, it's taken years and this year I finally found a liquid foundation I can use. My life is basically normal again.


to @appreciateyourhelp - My 5 Day Patch Test Allergen's
Ethyl Cyanoacrylate-adhesives, and products like Scotch Guard, spray starch, caulk paint, nail polish.
Mercaptobenzothiazole, Mecapto Mix- rubber products, blended materials like- elastic, nylon, poly/cotton, memory foam, neoprene and hundreds more.
Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone, Phenoxyethanol- Preservatives- in most , makeup, grooming and cleaning products.
Trixocortol Privalate- Class A Corticosteroid with a crossover to Class B Corticosteroid (there are 5 classes of steroids, some are safe for me) - in anti-inflammatory injections and skin preparations, like cortisone.
Cinnamic Aldehyde- food, fragrance, personal care products, cleaning products, fungicide, insecticide

Blood Test for metals and bone cement results for allergens-
aluminum, nickle, cobalt, chromium, vanadium

Not tested for but have learned of Sulfa allergy because of reaction to sulfa based anti-biotics like Bactrim
I also get an immediate headache from smoke of any kind, diesel fumes and most perfumes.

Even after patch testing I find I react to products which should be free of my allergens. Either I wasn't tested for this contact allergen or my reaction takes longer than 5 days to appear. That said, I am living rash and itch free because of my testing and avoidance of positive contacts and caution with any new product. Make up and shoes are the hardest to replace. Of course I had to give up all elastics- my under ware looks like something women wore in the dark ages with drawstrings and lots of seams in a 100% cotton bra. Yet I have found make up safe for me, it's taken years and this year I finally found a liquid foundation I can use. My life is basically normal again.

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WOW! I'm glad you did your research and got all the necessary allergy testing. You have a lot of things to avoid. You are one sensitive lady. I pray the changes made help you greatly!

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