More Dry Eyes & Inflammation After Cataract Surgery....

Posted by covidstinks2023 @covidstinks2023, May 20, 2023

I am ever so grateful to have 20/15 vision after cataract surgery. The surgeries were a breeze. Two months out, my eyes have become drier, hurt and burn and I am on steroid drops now for inflammation. One eye tears all the time. I already had dry eyes and was on Restasis and Systane Complete PF eye drops. Doctor is suggesting the plugs for dry eyes. Anyone else have this problem after cataract surgery? Thanking you in advance.

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Yeah, eyes drier after cataract surgery, but struggling with long Covid, so maybe not all resulting from the surgery? Eyes, nasal passages and mouth are also dry, so hard to know exactly where to place the blame.

I have tear duct plugs and frankly I can’t tell much difference.


WOW! I'm glad you did your research and got all the necessary allergy testing. You have a lot of things to avoid. You are one sensitive lady. I pray the changes made help you greatly!

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I'm not complaining. My life is wonderful now. Living pain free is a blessing one should never take for granted and I never will again. What I hope to do is inspire others to keep researching and learning from others if your doctors can't help you, never give up. Several contributor's to this site and another site helped me greatly.

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