“Mild dilation of ascending aortic at 4.2cm”

Posted by cyndip1122 @cyndip1122, Mar 2, 2023

I have a bleeding disorder that we’ve spent 7 years trying to diagnose. It’s genetic. I will clot initially but the clot isn’t stable. The largest hematoma I’ve had was a 1,000 ml abdominal hematoma. I’m given DDAVP IV before surgery and some procedures. Has anyone else dealt with a bleeding disorder along with their dilation/aneurysm? I’ll admit it makes me nervous to think of it tearing or leaking. Aneurysms run in the family. I haven’t seen cardiology yet. I like to be as knowledgeable as possible prior to appointment. Advice or thoughts? Thanks in advance.

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Hello .
I am on a blood thinner called Coumadin/warfarin and I too get big hemartomas all over my lower belly especially when they put me on self injections of Lovvanox injections because my blood INR was so low and I was close to clotting. (Which could be fatal if it falls into my brain)
Well I ended up with bleeding hematomas


Thank you for your reply. That must be difficult worrying about blood clots and bleeds. The truth is we have an illusion of control over our bodies. I think realizing it was an illusion is more traumatic than the diagnosis itself. Reality check here.

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