
Posted by ladyjane85 @ladyjane85, Apr 26, 2016

For those of you with frequent migraines, not I, I just saw a good discussion and solution today on the TV program "The Doctors" April 26th if one has access to bring up the program on demand. There was a 15 year old with daily migraines who had 4 leads and a battery pack put into neck front and back and now has a good life. @ladyjane85

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...isnt the aura frightening? As have had laser for retina problems years ago which left me with floaters; and iridotomy for narrow angle glaucoma, also cataracts are forming; when i get a visual disturbance, 'blind spot" or something off with eyesight i get instant panic; then as the visual turns into a tiny circle of bright lights in the shape of zZvZvx semi circle i know its a migraine aura that will eventually pass and a bit of weird relief that it's not my actual visition. Last night was quite 'fluttery" and almost an hour so i just stayed in bed with cold cloth over eyes... nothing will stop the aura. Not sure but when got migraines and vicious pain one side of head for hours Mum said mi-graines meaning pain one side of head but it isn't only one side of head is it? I remember is was when
a child.... I even had the aura while in labour pains with 2nd child... talk about having absolutely no control over when they happen!

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This aura stuff is very new to me. I lost total vision in my left eye. All I was able to “see” was white with some light.

Migraines can be in the middle of your head. My last one was and it made my nose numb.
I’m falling asleep so I need to stop here. Have a blessed day 🌵


Yes, the auras are scary especially when you lose your vision. My doctor gave me a medicine for the auras and it only made me dizzy so I stopped it quickly. Hang in there as we wait for more research on this.

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