Middle Cerebral Artery Aneurysm MCAA

Posted by tkeys @tkeys, Jan 14, 2023

1 week after changing providers they found a report from 2017 of a very small MCAA. Which I was never informed of. It must have shown up when I had my first ever epileptic seizure. I am now 66 and last year a thoracic and abdominal aneurysm were found. Both at 4 cm now. My question is how fast does a MCA A grow and is a mri or cat scan used to follow the growth. My new providers I referred are at a well respected university hospital were for cardiology and vascular seem to be very relaxed about this new development but have referred me to neurology. I am stroke just waiting to happen and just want to know the size. It could be 4 weeks before I see a neurologist. Please give me your experience and thoughts.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases Support Group.

Hi @tkeys, I'm tagging @badnaples @smilton and @hyeary into this discussion who may have some tips and experiences to share with you. You may also be interested in this related discussion:
- Unruptured Brain Aneurysm https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/unruptured-brain-aneurysm/

I'm sure it is disconcerting to have made this discovery in your medical records. I'm glad you are being referred to a neurologist to get your questions answered and a plan. Mayo Clinic offers a lot of information about brain aneurysms here: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/brain-aneurysm/symptoms-causes/syc-20361483

It also includes a list of questions to ask your neurologist like:
- What do you know about the size, location and overall appearance of the aneurysm?
- Do the imaging test results provide evidence of how likely it is to rupture?
- What treatment do you recommend at this time? What are the risks of treatment?
- If I wait, how often will I need to have follow-up tests?
- What steps can I take to lower the risk of an aneurysm rupturing?

I also like your question about "how fast does it grow?"

You might appreciate this video from one of my fav neuro surgeons at Mayo Clinic, Dr. Bendok.

Do you continue to have seizures or did it happen only once?


Hi @tkeys, I'm tagging @badnaples @smilton and @hyeary into this discussion who may have some tips and experiences to share with you. You may also be interested in this related discussion:
- Unruptured Brain Aneurysm https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/unruptured-brain-aneurysm/

I'm sure it is disconcerting to have made this discovery in your medical records. I'm glad you are being referred to a neurologist to get your questions answered and a plan. Mayo Clinic offers a lot of information about brain aneurysms here: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/brain-aneurysm/symptoms-causes/syc-20361483

It also includes a list of questions to ask your neurologist like:
- What do you know about the size, location and overall appearance of the aneurysm?
- Do the imaging test results provide evidence of how likely it is to rupture?
- What treatment do you recommend at this time? What are the risks of treatment?
- If I wait, how often will I need to have follow-up tests?
- What steps can I take to lower the risk of an aneurysm rupturing?

I also like your question about "how fast does it grow?"

You might appreciate this video from one of my fav neuro surgeons at Mayo Clinic, Dr. Bendok.

Do you continue to have seizures or did it happen only once?

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I had the gran mal in 2017 and then a year ago I had an aware and awake seizure. I didn’t go on medication after the first one but decided it would be best to start on the second seeing as the first was not an isolated incident.


I was diagnosed 4mm left paraophthalmic aneurysm last July, there is no medical treatment . I'm a medical professional started treatments myself. I found Aquatic excercise, walking , low salt diet and medication for high
blood pressure are very helpfull treatments. My symptoms have greatly improved. I hope this imformations can be any helpful to you.


Update: 6/22/2023
On 6/16/2023, I had my annual MRA of HEAD done and the results are encouraged.
Stable 0.4cm left paraophthalmic aneurysm.
The intracranial ICAs and vertebral arteries are otherwise patent and unremarkable.


Hi @tkeys, I'm tagging @badnaples @smilton and @hyeary into this discussion who may have some tips and experiences to share with you. You may also be interested in this related discussion:
- Unruptured Brain Aneurysm https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/unruptured-brain-aneurysm/

I'm sure it is disconcerting to have made this discovery in your medical records. I'm glad you are being referred to a neurologist to get your questions answered and a plan. Mayo Clinic offers a lot of information about brain aneurysms here: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/brain-aneurysm/symptoms-causes/syc-20361483

It also includes a list of questions to ask your neurologist like:
- What do you know about the size, location and overall appearance of the aneurysm?
- Do the imaging test results provide evidence of how likely it is to rupture?
- What treatment do you recommend at this time? What are the risks of treatment?
- If I wait, how often will I need to have follow-up tests?
- What steps can I take to lower the risk of an aneurysm rupturing?

I also like your question about "how fast does it grow?"

You might appreciate this video from one of my fav neuro surgeons at Mayo Clinic, Dr. Bendok.

Do you continue to have seizures or did it happen only once?

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My seizures weren’t attributed to the MCA. The seizures were attributed to a piece of brain damaged from Viral Encyphalitis in 1996. I had the first seizure in 2017 and a second in 2021. The second one wasn’t as severe as the first.

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