Anyone with MGUS, do you have joint pain?

Posted by cass52 @cass52, Mar 21, 2023

Anyone has MGUS are you having joint pain?

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About 20 years ago, I was diagnosed with MGUS. Once A year I traveled to a cancer hospital for blood work. Thank goodness no cancer but I did have some different health issues pop up such as, CIPD, possible Sjogren and Lupus. I also had Lyme Disease. I am now in my 80’s and my M spike is 0.4. Presently I have relocated and closer to larger facilities. I have several Doctors and my latest situation is kidney problems. I am not diabetic but my kidney biopsy said possible MGRS. I take several medications. I guess I am lucky in some ways but I am getting weaker and forgetful and tired.Just wanted to vent I guess.


About 20 years ago, I was diagnosed with MGUS. Once A year I traveled to a cancer hospital for blood work. Thank goodness no cancer but I did have some different health issues pop up such as, CIPD, possible Sjogren and Lupus. I also had Lyme Disease. I am now in my 80’s and my M spike is 0.4. Presently I have relocated and closer to larger facilities. I have several Doctors and my latest situation is kidney problems. I am not diabetic but my kidney biopsy said possible MGRS. I take several medications. I guess I am lucky in some ways but I am getting weaker and forgetful and tired.Just wanted to vent I guess.

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Vent away! Sometimes we just need to let it all out.
As I age, I am well aware of the ways that my body is betraying my somewhat youthful spirit. I hate it that I can’t seem to hold onto details such as names. I have entire conversations with people, hoping that they will toss me a memory bone and remind me who the heck they are. The cognitive decline is slow but insidious.
For those of us who carry more than one health burden it is hard to know which symptom is attributable to what disease, but unless aging is reversible, venting is a reasonable way to address it…as long as I can remember to whom I am venting.
Do you have a good support system to whom you can vent regularly?


Vent away! Sometimes we just need to let it all out.
As I age, I am well aware of the ways that my body is betraying my somewhat youthful spirit. I hate it that I can’t seem to hold onto details such as names. I have entire conversations with people, hoping that they will toss me a memory bone and remind me who the heck they are. The cognitive decline is slow but insidious.
For those of us who carry more than one health burden it is hard to know which symptom is attributable to what disease, but unless aging is reversible, venting is a reasonable way to address it…as long as I can remember to whom I am venting.
Do you have a good support system to whom you can vent regularly?

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I will start out telling you I am 93 and was diagnosed approximately 1 year ago with MCUS. I went with the testing etc. and then on my last visit I asked the Doctor why we were doing all this. He explained it was necessary to keep a check on this problem and maybe we could cut down the follow-up to once a year. I asked him why this was necessary since neither he or I could guarantee I would be here next year. He said I was right, and if I suddenly did not feel good, contact him for an appointment. That is what I am planning on doing. When you get to be my age, the number of new problems becomes terrifying, unless you decide that as long as you are standing, and you have no pain, forget about them and go on and have the best life you can.


I will start out telling you I am 93 and was diagnosed approximately 1 year ago with MCUS. I went with the testing etc. and then on my last visit I asked the Doctor why we were doing all this. He explained it was necessary to keep a check on this problem and maybe we could cut down the follow-up to once a year. I asked him why this was necessary since neither he or I could guarantee I would be here next year. He said I was right, and if I suddenly did not feel good, contact him for an appointment. That is what I am planning on doing. When you get to be my age, the number of new problems becomes terrifying, unless you decide that as long as you are standing, and you have no pain, forget about them and go on and have the best life you can.

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I’m guessing that you are a breath of fresh air and your doc enjoys seeing you.
Thanks for the reminder about what is important.

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