MGUS: Please, let me know I not alone
i Have gotten desperate enough to try to get an appointment at Mayo in minnasota for mgus. anyone out there that is also been diagnosed with this time bomb.
I am also suffering with anemia and pvc's and a lot of pain. please let me know that I am not alone. bonne
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Is there anyone out there that can help me get some insight into the disease. My father was just diagnosed monoclonal gammopathy, and i've read some literature, but I want to talk to someone who has actually had a loved one go through the same thing. The doctors are not offering any treatments for him, because of his diabetes, and renal failure. He also has a clotting disorder. The doctors also told us that they do not recommend him for chemo with all of his other health issues.
<p>My red blood cell count is 3.75. I have MGUS- precursor multiple myeloma. I do not feel well tired. My oncologists says my count is normal, I. Disagree, I feel well when it is around 4.25. @rowanwolfe</p>
You too: what have you found out. I am trying to get an appointment at mayo in Rdfochester. bonnie
MGUS " Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance, abnomal protein in blood.. My Oncologists tells me a good diet will not stop the progress of Multiple Myeloma. Just had my 2nd Bone Marrow biopsy last week, because of a significate spike in my "M" protein..which is now 2.6, when I reach 3, I then can start chemo. Last weeks blood draw(every 90 days) showed BenzJones(abnormal proteins) in my urine, so far I am pain free and MRI"s show no bone lytic lesions, (holes)...Yea! Life is Good.....
Find a Oncologist, ask many questions and the Mayo clinic can give you info on Multiple Myeloma. Wishing You a Sunny Day.
Could you tell me what MGUS is?
Recently diagnosed with MGUS and need advice.....physicians, nutrition, etc.