Metoprolol side effects

Posted by mimioto @mimioto, Oct 23, 2022

I’ve had a bad experience with metoprolol. And I’m looking for help. I’ve had viral induced cardiomyopathy (EF 28) since 2001 but recovered fairly well and lived a normal life with a reduced EF (45-50) following rest and establishing medications. Then I had a stroke in January 2020. An echo showed my EF at 32 and a follow up in May at 33. I was initially on 12.5 mg. Metoprolol ( among others) for six months. It was increased to 25 mg and then to 50 after a cardiac cath that showed the LBBB and sluggish LV. (All arteries are normal and heart is normal size, no thickening of walls). Within a week or so at 50 I had extreme tightness and pressure in my head, chest and feet and started wheezing. I dropped back to 25 mg and saw my doctor the next week who did the abdominal-jugular test and said I was in heart failure. Nightmare! He also said go back to the 50 mg dosage and I did thinking I’m in heart failure I’m going to die! For 2 weeks because, again, I couldn’t take the tightness and pressure and wheezing- head, chest, and feet were like burning up! Anyway at 2 weeks again I dropped back to 25mg for a few days and down to 12.5 a few days later because I also recalled how when increasing from 12.5 to 25mg I had started feeling tingling in my feet and some swelling although I didn’t connect it to metoprolol at the time. My cardiologist wanted me to stay there and some of the symptoms had improved but I still have some wheezing and tingling in my feet. So last week he agreed I should go off it. I’m remaining on spironalactone, losartan and furosemide as needed ( I’m trying not to need it). I’ve never had pulmonary issues, no COPD, asthma, emphysema and recent chest x-ray shows heart, lungs and bronchi are normal. I am convinced it’s all from metoprolol but it’s been a few days off of it completely and still wheezing, but not as bad, and still tingling in my feet. I’m so discouraged.

Has anyone gone off if metoprolol due to a bad reaction as I had? If so, how long did it take to get rid of those symptoms?

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Hello @mimioto and welcome to Mayo Connect. I'm really sorry to hear of your various heart issues. I understand how frightening it can be as well as exhausting. As you may know, Connect members are not medical professionals and therefore cannot give medical advice. We just share our own experiences. That said, I'd be glad to share my experience with Metoprolol with you.

I have aortic insufficiency (due to a leaky aortic valve), LBBB, and diastolic dysfunction so I understand a little about what you are dealing with. I also have some minor arrhythmia problems and was first prescribed Metoprolol and had uncomfortable side effects. I called my cardiologist and he switched me to a different beta blocker, Atenolol. This worked quite nicely without the side effects.

On Connect there are some other discussions related to side effects of Metopropol. Here is a link to one of those discussions:

I would also like to invite Martin, @predictable to this discussion.

Has your doctor suggested an alternative med?


Thank you for the link for metoprolol; I’ll check it out in a minute. I am having a FU echo this Tuesday and a consult with EP for a CRT on Friday. My cardiologist is waiting for those visits and some time off if metoprolol as well as some bloodwork next week before starting something new.


Thank you for the link for metoprolol; I’ll check it out in a minute. I am having a FU echo this Tuesday and a consult with EP for a CRT on Friday. My cardiologist is waiting for those visits and some time off if metoprolol as well as some bloodwork next week before starting something new.

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I appreciate your response, @mimioto. It sounds like the additional tests and consults should give your doctor a clearer picture of what is going on and what treatment would be best.

Will you post any other questions you may have and provide an update after your consults?


Hello @mimioto and welcome to Mayo Connect. I'm really sorry to hear of your various heart issues. I understand how frightening it can be as well as exhausting. As you may know, Connect members are not medical professionals and therefore cannot give medical advice. We just share our own experiences. That said, I'd be glad to share my experience with Metoprolol with you.

I have aortic insufficiency (due to a leaky aortic valve), LBBB, and diastolic dysfunction so I understand a little about what you are dealing with. I also have some minor arrhythmia problems and was first prescribed Metoprolol and had uncomfortable side effects. I called my cardiologist and he switched me to a different beta blocker, Atenolol. This worked quite nicely without the side effects.

On Connect there are some other discussions related to side effects of Metopropol. Here is a link to one of those discussions:

I would also like to invite Martin, @predictable to this discussion.

Has your doctor suggested an alternative med?

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Hi, Teresa (@hopeful33250). Glad to see you still giving aid to @mimioto and so many others who value your insights and advice. In the case of @mimioto, I don't think my experiences would do much more than confuse the situation. While I am not a fan of beta blockers like Metoprolol, I'm taking one (Coreg) without significant side effects other than suppressed heart beats that make it hard for my blood pressure monitor to give me consistently reliable readings. I have read lots about beta blocker side effects of others, and I sympathize greatly with them. @mimioto has a number of difficulties that deserve our support, but I wonder whether Metoprolol is the lone suspect. For example, fighting hypertension over the last 40 years, I have been prescribed a number of drugs -- including Spironolactone, Losartan, and Furosemide (Lasix) -- but in consultation with my nephrologist, all three of them were dropped in the distant past and replaced with my other medications. Let me emphasize an important point: My HMO diverted me from its fine cardiology division to its nephrologists for my hypertension -- a standard move for them when HTN is the main problem rather than cardiac issues. That may suggest why my situation is not a good one for emulation by @mimioto. Hope this is helpful to her. Martin


Hi, Teresa (@hopeful33250). Glad to see you still giving aid to @mimioto and so many others who value your insights and advice. In the case of @mimioto, I don't think my experiences would do much more than confuse the situation. While I am not a fan of beta blockers like Metoprolol, I'm taking one (Coreg) without significant side effects other than suppressed heart beats that make it hard for my blood pressure monitor to give me consistently reliable readings. I have read lots about beta blocker side effects of others, and I sympathize greatly with them. @mimioto has a number of difficulties that deserve our support, but I wonder whether Metoprolol is the lone suspect. For example, fighting hypertension over the last 40 years, I have been prescribed a number of drugs -- including Spironolactone, Losartan, and Furosemide (Lasix) -- but in consultation with my nephrologist, all three of them were dropped in the distant past and replaced with my other medications. Let me emphasize an important point: My HMO diverted me from its fine cardiology division to its nephrologists for my hypertension -- a standard move for them when HTN is the main problem rather than cardiac issues. That may suggest why my situation is not a good one for emulation by @mimioto. Hope this is helpful to her. Martin

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Martin May I ask what is a nephrologist? I’m not familiar.


Martin May I ask what is a nephrologist? I’m not familiar.

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Hi, @mimioto. A nephrologist is a kidney specialist. The kidneys are pivotal in managing hypertension (high blood pressure), so my HMO wants a doctor with those skills as the nucleus of teams for fighting blood pressure problems. In many cases, cardiologists are important members of the team. Martin


I'd like to add something to the previous comments based on my experience with Sotalol. It is an anti-arrhythmia drug (I take it to manage atrial fibrillation) and it is also a beta blocker. It is so effective at slowing my heart rate that I experience some of your symptoms when I engage in any activities beyond sitting and slow walking. There is just not enough cardiac output to meet the demands for oxygen -- especially in my head! I use an Apple Watch to monitor my heart rate though I don't need the watch anymore to tell me when I am asking my heart to do more than Sotalol will let it.

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