Mesenteric Panniculitis: What happens now?

Posted by lisacw @lisacw, Apr 13, 2022

Just got diagnosed from CT scan and really can’t find a whole lot of information. I have been put on steroids and it has helped some with the pain from the inflammation. I want to know more about my diagnosis and be for sure that this is exactly what I got. My question is what steps do I take now? Should I call my primary Dr. And request a MRI to make sure that I don’t have any underlying condition or get with a gastric Dr. I just had a colonoscopy the first of last year.

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a year ago, I started having problems with my stomach been going to a Gi specialist and was diagnosed with IBS and the problem has been getting worse so I went to the hospital not too long ago and sat for 6 hours to get a vat scan and they diagnosed me with mp i have no idea what to do they didn't tell me much all they said that my GI specialist diagnosed me wrong I need help I have no idea what to do I'm in so much pain and I can't eat they because I'm always throwing it right back up they put me on a liquid diet for right now but any tips would help last night it got so bad that I almost blacked out and had a seizure at work because i was in so much pain

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I was also diagnosed with MP. My
Docs say it is IBS. That was a year ago, am having a second CTScan to see if it looks different. I have only pain before I have my first bowel movement every morning between 3-7 am. If I find out anything will post. Having it in a couple of weeks!


a year ago, I started having problems with my stomach been going to a Gi specialist and was diagnosed with IBS and the problem has been getting worse so I went to the hospital not too long ago and sat for 6 hours to get a vat scan and they diagnosed me with mp i have no idea what to do they didn't tell me much all they said that my GI specialist diagnosed me wrong I need help I have no idea what to do I'm in so much pain and I can't eat they because I'm always throwing it right back up they put me on a liquid diet for right now but any tips would help last night it got so bad that I almost blacked out and had a seizure at work because i was in so much pain

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Join the two groups on Facebook to help understand more and feel there are others who get it. We are all a bit different but all have “triggers” to investigate. These are my ideas on those- #1 seems to be stress of any kind. #2to understand you need much more rest and down time than others. #3 find the things you consume or put into your system that make it flare. Mine include -all alcohol, any form of corn and onions, no fish or shellfish, strong spices, no preservatives or chemicals, nitrates or nitrites, and others. Best of luck -being positive and one step at a time-so important! Feel better!


Anyone on here dealing with this?


Anyone on here dealing with this?

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Hi @pebbles67, there are many members here dealing with mesenteric panniculitis. You've come to the right place to get helpful tips and support.
I moved your message to this existing discussion that @lisacw started recently:
Mesenteric Panniculitis: What happens now?

I did this so you can read previous posts and easily connect with other MP members like @erincorn @nedradenise @tarad @smezaael @pcfromfm @praggs @nancykeenan @mom2three @jessica2binformed @kimh @floridamike and more.

You may also be interested in these related discussions:
- Celiac AND mesenteric panniculitis
- Mesenteric Panniculitis or Sclerosing Mesenteritis
- Diet and mesenteric panniculitis
Chronic pancreatitis, mesenteric panniculitis... and more?

@pebbles67, can you share a bit more about you? What's your experience with mesenteric panniculitis? Is this a recent diagnosis for you or have you been living with it for a while?


I was just diagnosed in November. Changed my diet and pain is almost gone now. No alcohol, coffee, chocolate, candies, make my own almond milk, sourdough bread, crakers and muffins. Home made Kefir really helps. Drinking celery juice morning for the past month. I added exercises : swimming…
But i also going to ask my doctor to see a specialist, a dietitian.


Would love to get your recipes for the bread, crackers and muffins!


I was diagnosed with mesenteric panniculitis in 2019 through a CT at the ER. My PCP sent me to a rheumatologist and she says that I have autoimmune disease but doesn’t know etiology yet. She is referring me out. I started with severe joint pain, knees swelling, ankles, elbows, wrist. Mouth ulcers, white lines inside gums, white ulcers, tongue pain. I go to the ER about every 3 months with pain. Pain under my ribs more on right side and around to my back. Epigastric pain and a knot that doesn’t ever really go away. Went to ER annd they said stress because my husband was killed in car anccident, maybe shingles. I never broke out in shingles. I once thought I had UTI, or kidney stone, severe low back pain on right side, pelvic pain, urine frequency, night frequency. ER said no not uti or kidney stone. I said why am I hurting? We don’t know. Went once for pain in chest, around ribs area on left side around to my back. No heart attack. Easy bruising. I went through alopecia for nearly a year, that resolved. Shortness of breath. Increased heart rate at times. Headaches. No body knows what to do for this and I have been hurting for 5 years. As a young adult I was told I had IBS, I had constipation, severe abdominal pain. I have had seven miscarriages, a tubal pregnancy and to c section live births.

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