Medications not working

Posted by BigbassG @grantholsinger, Jul 10, 2023

Hi all,

I have been trialing medicine for the last 10 years and am about to lose hope that I will ever find a good blend that will make me motivated and give me the energy I have lacked for so long. I am lucky that I made it a year so I can use FMLA to take days off or use PTO if I show up late and not get an occurrence. But overall I am exhausted and I just want to be happy and have energy. I really struggle with invasive thoughts and morning paralysis to get my day going. I have a watch that electrocutes me awake and my mind has just melted into the pain instead of waking me up. I get 8 hours of sleep most nights. am eating healthily and stopped drinking at home about 4 months ago. I've been exercising and lost a lot of weight and I feel healthy. But i still feel depressed and null most days.

I currently take 40mg of Prozac and 70 mg of Vyvanse for my ADHD. But the medication I have trialed to get here includes. Effexor, Zoloft, Celexa, Lexapro, Viibryd, Buproprion and I'm sure a few others I can't remember right now.

I feel kind of defeated, I am doing everything I should and I am still miserable. I kind of walk through life and while I enjoy my work and my co-workers, I just feel empty most days at the end.

My Psych specialist thinks that I might have some minor Borderline Personality issues and CPTSD and I am also going to pursue prairiecare's intensive outpatient program, but Does anyone have a medication that you feel worked when all the others have failed? I also am trying to get into a DBT program as well. But I am just tired. I don't want to be alive, but I don't want to be dead. I am just here and I want to fight to get back to being me.

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All I’ve ever been able to do is tell my provider and worked tigger to fix it.

I have had to change providers who would not listen, nonetheless there have been years where the meds made things worse.

Recently I decided to educate myself, I know have the information to ask for what I want.

Good Luck!

Never give up it’s your life.


Dear BigbassG: I tried for 10 years and 6 counselors to find a med or combination of meds that would help me with my treatment resistant depression and severe anxiety. Finally, I found my last therapist was knowledgeable and fearless, and I read a lot about medicines on the internet. Together she an I found that clonazapam (Klonopin) and believe it or not Ritalin (80 mg a day-4 20 mg pills a day) made my life worth living again! It turns out that I am a person who needs high doses of medicines for them to work at all. For example, I have a friend who uses just 5 mg of Ritalin a day and feels normal and mentally healthy. Ha! 5 mg wouldn't do anythng for me. I've also tried the drugs you mentioned and a few more besides and nothing worked. You've can keep trying and find a really helpful fearless therapist. I KNOW you can find some meds that will work. There are many herbs that might help--they don't work for me because I need such high doses of them that I can't afford the amount I would need. They might work for you though. Good luck, and best wishes. I will be thinking positively about your situation in the future. If you are a religious person, I will be praying for you too. All the best.

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