Medications not working

Posted by BigbassG @grantholsinger, Jul 10, 2023

Hi all,

I have been trialing medicine for the last 10 years and am about to lose hope that I will ever find a good blend that will make me motivated and give me the energy I have lacked for so long. I am lucky that I made it a year so I can use FMLA to take days off or use PTO if I show up late and not get an occurrence. But overall I am exhausted and I just want to be happy and have energy. I really struggle with invasive thoughts and morning paralysis to get my day going. I have a watch that electrocutes me awake and my mind has just melted into the pain instead of waking me up. I get 8 hours of sleep most nights. am eating healthily and stopped drinking at home about 4 months ago. I've been exercising and lost a lot of weight and I feel healthy. But i still feel depressed and null most days.

I currently take 40mg of Prozac and 70 mg of Vyvanse for my ADHD. But the medication I have trialed to get here includes. Effexor, Zoloft, Celexa, Lexapro, Viibryd, Buproprion and I'm sure a few others I can't remember right now.

I feel kind of defeated, I am doing everything I should and I am still miserable. I kind of walk through life and while I enjoy my work and my co-workers, I just feel empty most days at the end.

My Psych specialist thinks that I might have some minor Borderline Personality issues and CPTSD and I am also going to pursue prairiecare's intensive outpatient program, but Does anyone have a medication that you feel worked when all the others have failed? I also am trying to get into a DBT program as well. But I am just tired. I don't want to be alive, but I don't want to be dead. I am just here and I want to fight to get back to being me.

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My Specialist is thinking about supplimenting my meds with Subvenite and switching me off of the Prozac since it really hasn't proved to be effective. she gave me the options of Trintellix and Pamelor. I like the idea of Pamelor since it would probably help me fall asleep at night and carry over to the next morning. My current meds seem to fizzle out and I can't get myself out of bed. I have lots of alarm clocks all around my room. I use a CPAP as well and the Sleep clinic says I shouldn't have issues because of my Apnea since my machine is working properly.


Maybe a Gene sight test to see what meds best fit you.
Maybe a Mayo appt?
They found out i was a poor metabolizer of meds do to some protien coding gene.
They switched me to some meds i had never taken for off label uses and i am starting to see improvement.
I cant recommend any meds as everyone is different.


Maybe a Gene sight test to see what meds best fit you.
Maybe a Mayo appt?
They found out i was a poor metabolizer of meds do to some protien coding gene.
They switched me to some meds i had never taken for off label uses and i am starting to see improvement.
I cant recommend any meds as everyone is different.

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Had one ordered today! I'm curious to see what comes from it!


I've thought about it, I want to exhaust my options before I do that. I am not in the best financial position, unfortunately.


... for myself I have wondered on here if my "depression" is more of a mood disorder of sadness, regret, physical illnesses, genes, loneliness and the list goes on.. if this makes any sense... meds can help but it's almost my "nature" although do have a few bright spots some days - just wish they would last longer... my mind seems to wander to the injustices of my life, my missed opportunities, adult bullying at work, my not being able to cope when not my fault etc. etc... sort of a thinking process of negatives when my mind should be concentrating on the positives... I don't think my meds past or present will change me!


... for myself I have wondered on here if my "depression" is more of a mood disorder of sadness, regret, physical illnesses, genes, loneliness and the list goes on.. if this makes any sense... meds can help but it's almost my "nature" although do have a few bright spots some days - just wish they would last longer... my mind seems to wander to the injustices of my life, my missed opportunities, adult bullying at work, my not being able to cope when not my fault etc. etc... sort of a thinking process of negatives when my mind should be concentrating on the positives... I don't think my meds past or present will change me!

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I relate to that a lot. its why I am trying to get into a DBT program. they all have waiting lists. But i've heard lots of good things about that kind of program. The meds help with giving me the gusto to tackle life and try to change me. It's a huge and painful and frustrating process, but one I think is worth it. I remember what it feels like to not be out of whack. I yearn for that again.


DBT ... I think similar to CBT..Cognitive Behavioural Therapy? .. am in Canada, a "social worker" zooms me twice a month and has these types of suggestions... and while I am speaking with her it seems to give me a lift but then something happens I cannot cope with ... and no one to call .... and the physical problems act up and down I go again, up and down, up and down, yes would be nice to be back on a more even life pattern as it used to be... had an issue, dealt with it, then another but now it seems never ending. Hope you don't have to wait too much longer for DBT... J.


My Specialist is thinking about supplimenting my meds with Subvenite and switching me off of the Prozac since it really hasn't proved to be effective. she gave me the options of Trintellix and Pamelor. I like the idea of Pamelor since it would probably help me fall asleep at night and carry over to the next morning. My current meds seem to fizzle out and I can't get myself out of bed. I have lots of alarm clocks all around my room. I use a CPAP as well and the Sleep clinic says I shouldn't have issues because of my Apnea since my machine is working properly.

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What a gripping tale of tenacity, triumphs and hope is your post...I had to copy it on a word file to go thru meticulously and repeatedly to understand properly get back to you.

So, yes, first congratulations on having "lot of [excess] weight" and "feeling healthy."
But unfortunately you "still feel depressed and null most days." You have morning paralysis and invasive thoughts which leave you exhausted and feel empty most days at the end.

And YET you want to try DBT, a version of CBT, which I have used when I had my severe anxiety attack to understand the Source of my anxiety: Realizing that my research, analysis and insights along the way that I had turned into a manuscript of over a hundred thousand word doc is what nobody seems interested.
I'd to accept this reality,,,and Move On with life what it still had for me to RELISH.

During my many years of serious interest to non-medical understanding of mental health One thing that I found as a core element of living a healthy enjoyable life is to have a defined Purpose. A purpose that think if I followed in your life and died or become severely compromised, say, tomorrow, I could still say, " you know, too bad, but at least I busied myself what made sense to ME. And yes it need to be a purpose that I'd have had deliberated long and hard with some benefit to people other than me. So Not being famous, rich, strongest, or very popular, or even healthiest. The last one, if you are wondering, is because I need a purpose that will carve and shape my 24 hours. This is how it works for me--Before going to bed, I already have what I wish to do mt next day...and week and months. Your "hope" to be "alive" in every sense is there, thankfully, This idea of purpose is fleshed out in Prof Patrick Hill of Wash State Univ at St. Louis. There's also at least one book that deals with it.

I do wish you get the life you want. Happy to answer any questions. Good luck my fellow human!


... for myself I have wondered on here if my "depression" is more of a mood disorder of sadness, regret, physical illnesses, genes, loneliness and the list goes on.. if this makes any sense... meds can help but it's almost my "nature" although do have a few bright spots some days - just wish they would last longer... my mind seems to wander to the injustices of my life, my missed opportunities, adult bullying at work, my not being able to cope when not my fault etc. etc... sort of a thinking process of negatives when my mind should be concentrating on the positives... I don't think my meds past or present will change me!

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Having entered in my 8th decade, I've my share of much of what u said...injustices endured, missing an engaging challenging discussion on matters of life-and-death and what makes our time-here 'worthwhile,' but with having lived an 'enriched' life, while missed some, I feel the net had been acceptable/no-regrets...after all u never know how BAD life could've turned out!

But moments of delight and levity are essential...even in war zones, humans have learned to make songs and play music. I like classical in the wee hours (am a late riser but get restful 8 hrs). My senior cat makes a call when it wants to play about 2/3 times a day. It helps him get some exertion and me a free pleasure to rub his smooth frry face.

But injustices? The last one decade ago upended my work but I'd been planning to retire to finish another venture. But finally I came to realise that often what others' injustices also expose a side of theirs that helps us understand WHY they do so: a peak into their flaws and that has helped me mostly ignore their conduct, even tho u feel they get their 'justice' from somewhere else! Generally, I believe they are tormented. In the end, its My time now that is in my control: Get the most out of it! Almost always there Are better another way. That's how I get my a few times of belly laughs as I listen to news on CBC. Another is doing 'wordle' game by new York Times near midnite. Hope it helps!

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