Does medical marijuana work for chronic pain?

Posted by mmoss @mmoss, Mar 27, 2021

Does Medical marijuana work for chronic pain. Looking for alternatives to Vicodin.

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Hi, I am 59 years old female with CIDP, Lupus RA, OA, Sjogrens, Graves, TBI and immunocompromized.
In current pain 24/7 , I just started THC Tincture it lightness the pain. I just wish I did not need this but my doctors and my sponsor seem to promote me on recertifying my license which I did.
If anyone wants to contact me, that would greatly be appreciated.


Hi, I am 59 years old female with CIDP, Lupus RA, OA, Sjogrens, Graves, TBI and immunocompromized.
In current pain 24/7 , I just started THC Tincture it lightness the pain. I just wish I did not need this but my doctors and my sponsor seem to promote me on recertifying my license which I did.
If anyone wants to contact me, that would greatly be appreciated.

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What kind of tincture are you taking, how much, how often etc? Thanks.


What kind of tincture are you taking, how much, how often etc? Thanks.

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Here is a tincture that I take in case you're interested in seeing(attached photo). I get it through my medical license. The CBN part of this tincture does (to me) help some with nerve pain. The THC part just helps to relax me. I take a full dropper at night of this and then had a THC:CBD tincture that I take 3 times daily.

I find that I have better relief with products that contain CBN in them.


@woojr I read your post about mixing Volteran with Avexia (I’m not familiar with it) and I wanted to point something out for you. If you’re using Volteran on the numerous spots you noted please be cautious with the amount you use. Volteran is an NSAID medication and we have a limit out livers can tolerate before damage begins. Pharmaceutical info indicates 8 grams or 8,000mg is the maximum dose per day for upper extremity single joint and 16 grams or 16,000mg for lower extremity single joint for osteoarthritis pain. Whether the brand name or generic each box contains a plastic card to assist in dosing correctly that you should use. Good luck and be safe.

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Thank you for the information. I can sum up my less than totally scientific methods this way. Since I started using the Avexia (about six weeks ago), I only occasionally use the Voltaren. My urine color has lightened to almost clear. The relief I get from Avexia is much better, it helps both my back and shoulders and neck. I still take Oxycodone but I've replaced it in the evening with a half cube of edibles. I start with a quarter slice then another about and hour later. It seems reduce my discomfort when I'm just sitting around watching TV. Daytime with chores requires the Oxycodone but I've reduced the amount by 10mg a day. I'm getting a second set of shots next week with the hope of getting ablations after this proves the nerves to target. The Doc said he wasn't certain he could reach them all because of the metal in my spine.
Thanks again for your comments.


Yes, medical cannabis DEFINITLY helps with pain. I have live cancer, endometrial, and I do not want to live half awake. I decided to try cannabis when I needed any alternative and I found gummies to be very helpful. I can take one or two, but I have found if I take it when the pain starts it works much better. I’m happy to answer questions.


I have found I receive tremendous relief from foot Neuropathy with the use of Medical Marijauna. Sorry I didn't agree to give it a try years ago. All those nights of burning pain, I could have had relief! I use gummies and if the pain is very intense, I use a few drops of Tinture along with the gummy.


I have found I receive tremendous relief from foot Neuropathy with the use of Medical Marijauna. Sorry I didn't agree to give it a try years ago. All those nights of burning pain, I could have had relief! I use gummies and if the pain is very intense, I use a few drops of Tinture along with the gummy.

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Indica or sativa?


Yes, medical cannabis DEFINITLY helps with pain. I have live cancer, endometrial, and I do not want to live half awake. I decided to try cannabis when I needed any alternative and I found gummies to be very helpful. I can take one or two, but I have found if I take it when the pain starts it works much better. I’m happy to answer questions.

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What type of gummy, such as amount of THC, CBD or CBN? And where do you purchase them?


Previously I mentioned I started edibles with the intention of reducing Oxycodone. That I was only using it in the evenings because I felt the effect was leaving me so I didn't trust my physical abilities like balance and definitely would not drive the car. Last night I noticed I didn't have that "feeling" after taking 1/2 a cube. I thought back a few days and couldn't honestly say if I was beginning to tolerate the 1/2 cube and was beginning to see a reduction in my chronic pain or simply getting a buzz and distracting me from the pain. I'm also wondering if the cubes are all the same dosage or are hit and miss? I have been buying Ozone brand, 9.3 mg THC per cube according to the label. Anyone else having questions about how THC consistent the cubes are?
If they are then I may be finding the right amount.
This leads me into another subject. My first Oxycodone was prescribed after a major shoulder surgery in 1996. It was 5-325, 30 tablets. I was given one refill and then Tramadol to help with PT. I was 5'11" and 230 lbs. Over the next decades many other people my age began having joint problems and they confided they were prescribed Oxy 5-325 without having surgery. They were getting shots and scripts for pain. My recollection was most of these were women about my age who were getting into fitness training (like running and dance, etc). They were in their 50's. A couple mentioned they couldn't tolerate the pain meds. They told me they were taking the same dosage as I had been given after surgery. These ladies all were seeing their PCP's not orthopedic docs. At any rate, as I look back, I think it's important to get the pain down not substitute it with euphoria. I'm not talking about cancer and other disease patients. Living with joint pains used to be a way of the aging part of life. Living in a state with legal canabis provides an option if you want to escape aging pains. So far what I'm learning is, using canabis is a good diversion from pain. With edibles and a little will power, you don't have to get too whacked out. I still won't drive a car with them.


is Hemp gummies the same?

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Hemp gummies contain less than 0.3% of THC as required by federal regs and sold OTC or online. Not the same as those sold in mmj dispensaries or recreational stores.

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