Does medical marijuana work for chronic pain?

Posted by mmoss @mmoss, Mar 27, 2021

Does Medical marijuana work for chronic pain. Looking for alternatives to Vicodin.

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From time to time I take the edible gummies (THC/CBD). They definitely help with pain; however I find them to be VERY dehydrating. If you do use it, I would recommend increasing your water intake. Dehydration can make you feel awful in itself. ❤️

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Yes. I take a 2.5 mg CBD/THC capsule daily and on bad days take two. It took awhile to find the right combination of dosage and method of delivery.


Hi fncz....
I can relate..I also use marijuana for pain and anxiety...but was also dealing with numb toes and shins...stopping me from sleeping. I just tried Benfotiamine 150mg cap. Look it up on google....amazing results! Numbness and leg pain are all but a memory now!!! Just 2 days...suffering was over a year long!


After my Pvt MD recommended it, I went to get my card which meant a 3 minute “exam” which he never got out from behind his desk. I handed the receptionist 175.00, then went and paid the 70 dollar state fee then went to the dispensary to buy some. ( I was a teenager back in the 70s and extremely used to it ) Got home took 1 small hit and almost had to crawl to the bedroom after that. Did it take care of the pain? I have no clue as I didn’t know who, what, or where I was lol. I’ve never tried it since!

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Try reading this and get a better understanding of the effects and pain.


Just said a prayer for people, especially children living in pain.
I’m having another spine surgery on April 19th. Have worked really hard to build strength for the best results. I have 2 pain specialist who say that caging 2 lumbar vertebrae is the next step and it should help with 1/2 of my pain. No cure for fibromyalgia or arthritis but I’m blessed to be cancer free.
I scheduled a consultation with neurosurgeon at Mayo Phoenix location but am reconsidering because Rochester has been rated #1 for so many years…any thoughts?

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In reply to @wendyhobbie … may I ask what ways you are building strength for your upcoming lumbar surgery? I am facing a similar surgery and would like to be as prepared as possible. Good luck with your journey and may it be a smooth and successful operation.


Hi. I was told to continue my 2 mile walks, leg lifts and upper body strengthening excersizes with small weights as well as stretching my SI joints. The better shape we are in, the sooner the healing will commence


There are many different kinds of marijuana….many different forms that it can be consumed in….many different dosages. Chronic pain and how it is experienced by different humans is a thousand times more varied than marijuana. There is no pat answer to your question.


Please excuse me for jumping into the middle of this conversation. I’m considering trying to use CBD for my chronic head pain. Problem I have is I don’t know where to start, where do I purchase this so I know it’s coming from a reputable place and is not a fake? How much to I use to start with? A few years my Mayo doctor thought it would be a good plan for me, that’s all the information I got from them.
Thanks to everyone for your information and suggestions.

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Get a medical marijuana card and purchase from a reputable dispensary


Yes!! It can!
I was told that many people respond differently and it takes some time to determine best dose (I myself find that a two to one ratio of CBD to THC is helpful but a five to one ratio works best for me.

I currently only use these CBD/THC gummies at night - something about this combination just shuts down the pain so I can sleep. When I’m rested I can handle the pain better.


I did read an article and WebMD that I believe it was or could have been Cleveland Clinic that said that using marijuana for pain over a period of time has been attributed to psychotic behavior I have a family member that has gotten so bad that I really am wondering if that's what is their problem seeing as how they were using it before they ever got a medical card and that's been years ago probably 10 years ago

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