MDS and cognitive decline

Posted by bradmm @bradmm, Mar 5, 2019

Just curious, if there is less oxygen going to the brain as a result of lower levels of hemoglobin, will that cause cognitive decline?

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How long ago was your transplant? I, too, have the TP53 gene, and I feel like I have a ticking time bomb in me. Right now, I'm not at the point where I can get a transplant, but that day will come.

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pixiesusan- I had my transplant April 9, 2024. I had it done at the City of Hope in Duarte. I found this site when i was first diagnosed and Lori and others walked me through diagnosis and treatment. I hope you see a hematology Dr. who will monitor. During the breast cancer of July 2021 till final treatment in June of 2023 I had blood test every 3 weeks. No one flagged my blood numbers. That my white cells and platelets had not recovered in August and were in fact still dropping below minimums. I had had a blood clot follow the BC surgery so i contacted the vascular department to make an appointment with hematology. Three weeks later i got call from a great person on the appointment line who got the ball rolling.
The Doctors monitoring and a bone marrow biopsy will let you know when the time may be right.


I’ve been noticing it it with my husband who was dx with autoimmune aplastic anemia. He has had ATG, and blood and platelets every week since May and nothing is working. He was on Cyclosporine , but that hard on his kidneys. He is now on Tacrolimis and high dose steroids and that’s when I started to notice the hearing issues and occasional not comprehending what I was saying to him. He keeps calling oir dogs and his friends by the wrong name.

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May be tx related or something else so maybe have a dementia screen early detection has some options but people who wait too long not so much and have hearing tested. There is a simple paper one on line if answered truthfully. An audiology test would be helpful to see if hearing is blocked or impaired.

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