MCTD, Fibromyalgia, Reynauds

Posted by boconn89 @boconn89, Apr 6, 2022

Hello, I'm new here. I was just diagnosed with MCTD, Fibromyalgia, and Reynauds. Just wanted to connect with others dealing with similar things. I have lots of questions, so I'll try to summarize my situation. I have felt unwell for almost 15 years, (I am 33) but the past few have been exponentially worse. I've had fatigue and widespread pain since I can remember, it would wax and wane for many years, but lately it is constant and getting worse. Some other symptoms I have are dry cough at night, tinnitus, HORRIBLE brain fog, muscle twitches, lightning type headaches, and internal tremors(?) In my torso and hands. I could go on, but I think you get the point. It's debilitating, I can't do fun things with my kids(I have 4) , I feel like I'm falling apart. So first question is, does anybody else share these symptoms? What works best for you dealing with them? Next is, since this is so new for me, anyone who has had any of these dx for several years, how has it progresses? So far my rheumatologist has started be on Gabapentin, but I feel like it makes my fatigue worse and makes me somewhat foggy. Has anyone else experienced this? I'll start with just these questions for now, because I could go on and on. But trying to not ramble on for my first post. Any input would be greatly appreciated! I am super happy to have found this forum, as I have felt super isolated dealing with this. So Glad to be here, and look forward to connecting with others going through similar situations.

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I was diagnosed in 1996 with MCTD/Scleraderma. I had had endometriosis, and intermittently painful joints. At first I thought it was carpal tunnel when the real onslaught began in 1995, but slowly heavy fatigue, painful leg and knee joints and painful use of my hands. I had a smart GP. I did move back home to Arizona, as it was a simpler place than Houston and had less weather. I've had a good time, once on plaquenil, Methatrexate (segued from prednisone), NSAIDs, zoloft (helps focus). I worked fulltime to retirement. Stopped MTX after fifteen years, now going off NSAIDs as my kidneys are annoyed. I didn't find gabapentin helpful. What does help, in general, is what you can do to eliminate processed foods, sugar, whole wheat (old varieties may be ok) and whatever foods leave you feeling worse the next day. Kind of anecdotal; the blood tests don't really tell the story. Also, with the muscle/tendons and soft tissue problems, the best thing is to keep moving. PT stretches, water exercise, daily walks really help keep you strong and flexible. Magnesium, sublingual B-12 and D3 seem to help. The first couple of years were tough, but after that I had adapted most things in life to a more manageable level. Not much progression, but I do deal with GERD (look at webmd GERD triggers), use creams for dry skin, sunscreen/cover up/ hat/sunglasses. When I had kids, I just kept going like the Everready Bunny. Look up Spoonie theory to work with the productive hours of the day you have. Instituting a siesta for midday for a couple hours, a house cleaner every two weeks, kids do their own laundry, cook a few meals with leftovers to get past the new meal every evening thing, helps. The lifespan on the internet is inaccurate in the sense that the disease is somewhat different for all of us. FB has a group; and is a good site. I have other specialists to manage things outside the rheumy's purview. Ice/heat, topical creams, elevation of limbs, spring bed with 3", 3lb topper and keeping hyrdrated are really important. Take care, work with the changes you can and enjoy those kids!

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I can only say one thing and that is that you are wonderful. You are informative and I really wish I read this sooner. I am 80 and not in great shape. But you keep it up girl bless you and be well.


Glad to have helped. Now, you know: I hope things go better for you!


One thing I have learned after working with doctors at Mayo long covid clinic, is that Central sensitization syndrome has a lot to do with all kinds of symptoms. I have medicine and food sensitivities. Yet I test not allergic to anything. Calming the nervous system down helps a lot.

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I find EFT tapping, intentional breathing and a walk outside really help re-center me.


I am 76 and I have Sjogrens scherderma and Raynauds. I believe i understand how you feel. I’m so sorry and sending you hope your so much younger than me! I am struggling with sjogrens especially now. The fatigue is beyond anything I have ever felt and limits my life in so many ways. Now I have started to have nerve pain all over especially in my lower body. I’m searching for help with this daily. Support groups do help! Anytime you need to talk please feel free to write to me. Again thinking about you so! Linda


I can only say one thing and that is that you are wonderful. You are informative and I really wish I read this sooner. I am 80 and not in great shape. But you keep it up girl bless you and be well.

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How exactly did you get diagnosed? I have had multiple blood tests and diagnostics scans by my local hospital and oncologist because I developed cancer.


How exactly did you get diagnosed? I have had multiple blood tests and diagnostics scans by my local hospital and oncologist because I developed cancer.

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My ESR and pain in my head and temple. They did a biopsy on both temple arteries that were negative. Prednisone took away pain
40 ml. And a trip to Mayo verified GCA. Nothing else. Just prior I had PMR.


I reread your post and I can’t go back to being your age (now80). I was sick with Raynauds at 25. Then came CFS. Tired and pain all the time. Got through raising 2 kids in NYC and working. Don’t know how. Brain fog always. Divorced. Left NY and moved to The Jersey Shore. I found a great doctor who putt me on Xanax and felt much better. Helped with the fog and pain and anxiety. Lived like that for 30 so years. Nothing diagnosable. Then came PMR then GCA. Doctors say it started with Mononucleosis at 17. Really sick with a relapse that kept me in bed for a Year. Now go back to first reply you have a batter background. I can say I’ve bee sick my entire life. It’s been difficult to say the least.


@boconn89 Have you seen a neurologist too, or just a rheumatologist so far? I have many of the symptoms you mention. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia by a rheumatologist. Then I went to a neurologist and through a skin punch biopsy, I was diagnosed with small fiber neuropathy. I’m currently going through more tests with Mayo to see if there is an underlying cause. So now I’ve also been diagnosed with autonomic dysfunction and POTS. So far no underlying cause for any of it but still waiting on some test results. If you haven’t been to a neurologist, you may want to consider that. Wishing you well! ~Robyn

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What is small fiber neuro. and what is POTS? My daughter- in- law has reynuads and restless leg, she has difficulty sitting more than 5 minutes.


What is small fiber neuro. and what is POTS? My daughter- in- law has reynuads and restless leg, she has difficulty sitting more than 5 minutes.

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@hmccarth5 Hello.
I’m not very familiar with Raynaud’s. Do you know what type of doctor diagnosed her? In reading a little about it, some of the symptoms mimic small fiber neuropathy (SFN) symptoms.

SFN is a nerve disorder that occurs when the small fibers of the peripheral nervous system are damaged. Symptoms vary by person. Some experience widespread pain, numbness and tingling of the hands and feet. I have experienced restless leg syndrome, too.

POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) is an impairment of the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system controls automatic body functions such as blood pressure and heart rate. In POTS, the heart rate changes when standing are inappropriate. The condition includes a wide range of symptoms which also vary from person to person. Common symptoms aside from rapid heart rate when standing include fatigue, dizziness and abdominal discomfort.

I hope this information helps. Let me know if you have other questions or want to chat more about what your daughter in law is going through.


What is small fiber neuro. and what is POTS? My daughter- in- law has reynuads and restless leg, she has difficulty sitting more than 5 minutes.

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@hmccarth5 I’m really sorry to hear about your D-in-L’s restless leg syndrome. It can be a real problem! I’ve had it for years but never knew what it was. I told my doctor about it an she told me about the medication that is available. What a difference!! I can now sit and read and even sleep at night. I take 1 mg. Rophinerole (requip) every 12 hours and it sure helps. Be sure she asks her doctor about it. I hope this helps
Will you come back and let me know if the medication works?

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