Lung nodule... Reassuring results but still anxious

Posted by yulia87 @yulia87, Mar 7 5:06pm

My mom had an incidental finding of lung nodule on CT scan 3 years ago (8 mm), right lower lobe. She is 57. Followed up in a year, was still stable, same size. Now back in January she had her third CT (2 year follow up) and in the report they put "speculated" nodule, but same size. They scheduled her for PET CT and that came back negative; not avid, no suspicious nodules. The doctor also did the Nodify lung blood test and that also came back negative. So with all these results the doc said to have another CT in 6 months and then again in 1 year. If no change, they will stop watching it.

I am glad that everything pointing in the benign direction, but still anxious about the "spiculated" part. Everything you read online says it's almost a definite sign of malignancy, but if you use the Mayo Clinic Solitary Nodule assessment risk (which is what the doc check during our visit as well), the the "spiculation" increases risk of malignancy by about 9% (way too far from "almost definitely cancer" scares you read online). Also, with negative PET the scale says her risk is about 1.5%.
Anyone had similar experiences? With nodule being spiculated, but stable/same size for years and being benign?? The only thing that happened in these 2 years between follow ups is that she had severe covid pneumonia, was hospitalized for 5 days, required oxygen. I am thinking it could have affected her lung structure to make the nodule appear spiculated.
I appreciate your input. Thank you

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Then it’s her call. I’m jaded because that little ole thing in me with a “slight” chance of being cancer in fact, was. Personally I’d do the 6 month CT plan and see the oncologist before I walked away from monitoring. But as I said- I’m jaded.

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Definitely will continue monitoring. As far as the oncologist, I do not see how they could be helpful in this situation. Without biopsy, there is just speculation on the definite diagnosis. They are not pulmonologists/radiologists and cannot interpret CT results. Unless pulmonologist refers to surgery for biopsy, following up with oncology is not indicated.


Definitely will continue monitoring. As far as the oncologist, I do not see how they could be helpful in this situation. Without biopsy, there is just speculation on the definite diagnosis. They are not pulmonologists/radiologists and cannot interpret CT results. Unless pulmonologist refers to surgery for biopsy, following up with oncology is not indicated.

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Sure. I get that. My perspective is that the guys with the sometimes
very complicated responsibility in their lap have developed an Exceptional eye for cancer. ♋️

FWIW I procured both radiology-based oncologist and a chemical one after surgery where surgeon is confident “we Got It all”. They see my follow up and consult with my Pulmonologist. I just don’t want to go looking for that relationship only when I need it

But I’m a risk avoidance planner by vocation. 🙂

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