Lung cavities after covid: MAC or covid?

Posted by thorne @thorne, Jul 15, 2022

Hi everyone, I contracted covid mid-May and thankfully had (what I thought was) a mild case. Several weeks afterwards, I had a chest pain and a chest CT and I had a cavity. Since I have no cough or sputum, I did a sputum session at the hospital and the culture came back MAC positive (17 colonies). Has anyone else had their cavity appear immediately following a bout of covid? I am just struggling to discern whether the cavity was caused by the MAC or the covid or both. Thanks!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the MAC & Bronchiectasis Support Group.

Now that is a difficult question, because there have been reports of cavities after Covid (here is just one: and certainly MAC can cause cavities.

Here are a couple questions that might help decide:
Do you have any pre-existing lung conditions such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, history of frequent pneumonia?
Are/were you a smoker or vaper of tobacco or other substances?

The next piece, whether to treat or watch and wait, is the most difficult. Traditional recommendations, in the case of cavitary MAC (cavities > 2mm?), before Covid, was to err on the side of caution & treat. is unknown yet whether the lungs, post-Covid, can mend themselves and fight off MAC in an otherwise healthy person.

I would say, at this time, you might never know. Have you decided whether to go ahead with treatment or watch and wait?


I have bronchiectasis discovered in a CT two years ago. Never smoked. Cavity is 1.5 cm. Leaning toward treatment but really torn on whether to add the aerikayce. This forum has been a wonderful resource the past week since my diagnosis as I try and decide what to do.


I have bronchiectasis discovered in a CT two years ago. Never smoked. Cavity is 1.5 cm. Leaning toward treatment but really torn on whether to add the aerikayce. This forum has been a wonderful resource the past week since my diagnosis as I try and decide what to do.

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Arikayce (or Amikacin) is a pretty big gun. I personally would reserve it in case the other antibiotics do not work, it can always be added later. Is the doctor talking about 3X/week or daily meds? I found the side effects of daily meds too much to tolerate. Again, these are choices that can be changed as treatment progresses - if 3X/week doesn't shrink the cavity, the doc can increase to daily.

Is your doc a MAC and/or Bronchiectasis specialist?


Dr Johnson (pulmonologist) at Mayo Jax. Working with Dr Bosch who is an Infectious Disease specialist there


Dr Johnson (pulmonologist) at Mayo Jax. Working with Dr Bosch who is an Infectious Disease specialist there

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Hello thorne! I had both of those drs at Mayo.


Dr Johnson (pulmonologist) at Mayo Jax. Working with Dr Bosch who is an Infectious Disease specialist there

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How are you doing, @thorne? Any update?


Thank you for asking. I am still waiting for the results of my second culture. Will decide about medication at that point. Will keep you posted. BTW -- I am on this forum everyday and I really appreciate all the wisdom and support everyone shares, especially the moderators. Thank you for all of your time and effort!


Dr Johnson (pulmonologist) at Mayo Jax. Working with Dr Bosch who is an Infectious Disease specialist there

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How do you like Dr Johnson?


Trying to make a long story short. I had Covid in January 2021 tested positive a month later when going for colonoscopy. Had colonoscopy in March. After that I was feeling wiped out still and having allergy symptoms. Went to allergist. Negative for allergies. He thought he heard some wheezing and sent me for chest X-ray. He told me to come back in 6months for nebulizer treatment This is normal for asthma. I do not have asthma. So went to PCP and added protein for fatigue and blood work which was normal. I was referred to pulmonologist. Breathing tests and blood work for hereditary emphysema were all good. I may have intermittent asthma. She sent me for CT chest in July and low and behold I have MAC lung disease. This was confirmed this June with bronchoscopy. This all started with Covid-19!


I have bronchiectasis discovered in a CT two years ago. Never smoked. Cavity is 1.5 cm. Leaning toward treatment but really torn on whether to add the aerikayce. This forum has been a wonderful resource the past week since my diagnosis as I try and decide what to do.

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Per NTM treatment guidelines and FDA recommendation, Arikayce is only recommended in the case of refractory disease. Refractory/stubborn NTM is defined as lack of sputum conversion after at least 6 months on standard treatment (Big 3). I just started on Arikayce after 10 months of standard treatment (with only one month negative). On the plus side, my cavity did shrink by almost 50% after 7 months of 3 x week Big 3 treatment.

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