What foods or supplements help increase Low platelets?

Posted by dotti7 @dotti7, Feb 16, 2023

What foods and supplements help increase these.

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I belong to a prayer group of women. We call ourselves prayer warriors. We pray for each other and our families all the time. The more people knock in God’s door the better we are at him answering. If you don’t mind giving me your son’s first name we will pray for him tomorrow as well as you his mom with my bible study ladies. God bless you both.


My son's name is Alexander. I'm his mother Anita. I will never turn down anybody's offered to pray for us. You are lucky and blessed to belong to such a dedicated group of prayer warriors. God bless you all.


My son's name is Alexander. I'm his mother Anita. I will never turn down anybody's offered to pray for us. You are lucky and blessed to belong to such a dedicated group of prayer warriors. God bless you all.

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We will be praying for both you and Alexander. The medical report might say one thing but our God is the one who has the last say. He is already working behind the scenes and putting all the best doctors in place. He will get both of you through this. 🙏💕


We will be praying for both you and Alexander. The medical report might say one thing but our God is the one who has the last say. He is already working behind the scenes and putting all the best doctors in place. He will get both of you through this. 🙏💕

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Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement. You may not realize that your comments have such a great impact, but they do.


Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement. You may not realize that your comments have such a great impact, but they do.

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Anita as a mother of 2 grown boys and 3 grandchildren there is no bigger test of faith than our kids getting a serious diagnosis. However, God is closer to us when we are suffering. He has Alexander in the palm of his hands. If you possibly can, for your own health reasons, turn it over to God. I don’t mean following up with his doctors and treatments, I mean the worry, pain and heartache. Turn it over to God and then thank him for taking care of both you and Alexander. I hope I don’t come across as preaching I am just letting you know what works for me. On Sunday mornings there is a pastor in Austin Texas Joel Osteen (Lakeview Church) on you tube who I think you would enjoy listening to and help you through your week. God bless.


I use Organic traditions for the Wheatgrass juice powder which you can get on Amazon and Herbal Goodness for the Papaya leaf extract. This is quite expensive. $120.00 (60) capsules. Read all the reviews. You can also
Get the liquid very expensive. I noticed there is a new brand called Jaan Papaya leaf. Capsules as well $54.50 for 60 tablets. I might try it when I run out. This is all on Amazon as well. If you Google how to raise platelets naturally they give you a list of super foods as well. My hematologist is fine with me taking these because my platelets went up. I hope this has been of some help. God bless!!!

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I've been taking Papaya extract from Herbal Goodness for almost 6 years now and thank God my platelet count are within normal limits.


I've been taking Papaya extract from Herbal Goodness for almost 6 years now and thank God my platelet count are within normal limits.

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Do you take the capsules or the liquid. How many times a day.
I have tried both. Wish they could lower the cost.


My doctor recommended me to take folic acid tablets to help with low platelets count


Hi @dotti7 Doing a quick search I found several articles which talk about possibly increasing platelets through diet. Foods high in certain vitamins and minerals may help your body make and maintain platelets in your blood.


There’s also a discussion in the forum regarding nutrition for Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP): What helps?


However, while nutrients from foods may help with overall blood production because of an overall healthy diet, addressing the underlying cause for the platelet decrease is crucial. Depending on the diagnosis, there may be a need for treatment beyond diet.
Have you been diagnosed with a platelet disorder?

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yes its very low but im not brusing and or bleeding so im not on any meds


My doctor recommended me to take folic acid tablets to help with low platelets count

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Regarding taking folic acid, because mine tested below normal I took RX 1mg daily for six months with no improvement. Turns out my body could not assimilate that form of folic acid. Then I researched it and began taking an OTC which worked to bring me up to normal! Suggesting anyone with this problem may want to try Nature’s Truth brand “L-Methyl-Folate.” Hope this helps.

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