Low chloride and thyroglobulin levels

Posted by crenhov @crenhov, Jan 7, 2019

I had blood work done today in preparation for my meeting on Thursday with my Endocrine surgeon. In September I had a multinodular goiter and a parathyroid removed. I take 0,1mg Eltroxin each day.

At my last visit my calcium was low normal and my parathyroid hormone level was sky high. He ordered some new tests to try to figure out what is going on.

Does anyone have any thoughts as to what low chloride indicates 99 mmol/l (reference 101-109)?

What about the Thyreoglobulin after Thyroidectomy 0.2 ng/ml (reference 1.60 - 6.0)?

Thanks so much in advance for an enlightenment you can send my way.

Carmen near Zurich in Switzerland

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Hi @crenhov those results are certainly interesting.

I wanted to tag fellow Connect members @jmk1 @macierubida and @kellyann as they have experience with Thyroidectomy's and may be able to help you understand the meaning of those numbers.

@crenhov how have you been feeling since having the surgery?

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