Living with LPSVS (long post-COVID vaccination syndrome)

Posted by sandtoes @sandtoes, Jan 11 10:17am

Has anyone experienced long-covid symptoms from the vaccines. I have been searching for 10 months now for the cause of my severe fatigue. I have been sent to an ENT, a cardiologist, a hematologist and undergone so many tests/scans. My doc told me a few days ago that he is stumped. No idea. Come back in a month. I pace myself to get through a day. Is this LPCVS? Is there something to do besides pace oneself? Should I ever get another covid vaccine?

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Yes!It is awful.I broke down crying to one of my Family members today.It is so hard.It is literally like being trapped in a body that does not work.I don't understand how in the world we got it so bad.Now that the weather is nice it is even more difficult.Everyone is running on the Bike trail and having Fun and headed to the Beach.I am pretty sure I picked up the Hell virus from the Beach.

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I know just how you feel. I see the garden waking up, and the flowers blooming, but instead of enjoying spring, I feel sad. It is all passing me by. I know I should appreciate what I still can, but it’s so hard when you remember how life was before this nightmare.


I know just how you feel. I see the garden waking up, and the flowers blooming, but instead of enjoying spring, I feel sad. It is all passing me by. I know I should appreciate what I still can, but it’s so hard when you remember how life was before this nightmare.

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Yes!It is just awful.I know everyone has their opinion,but have you taken another vaccine?I only had the initial Pfizer a year before I got the Hell virus.I have had several specialists say they have had patients improve after another vaccine.I have lost all sensation in the trunk of my body and I know it was brought on by this because no Doctor has seen anything like it.All my MRI's come back clear yet I can barely walk and look like a 100 year old woman.I just know the virus is still hanging out in my body.I know it is a Gamble,but I am thinking about getting another Pfizer.

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