Managing and Living With PACs and PVCs

Posted by rr1967 @rr1967, Aug 14, 2023

Hello all. I have posted in this forum before and I thank you for your advice. I appreciate more support please.

I am about to turn 56 and I have dealt with PACs and PVCs for the past 20 years. The come and go and now they seem to be getting worse. My cardio, regular doc, and electrophysiologist all say that I am fine and that I have too much stress and anxiety (which I do..I suffer from GAD and depression.) They all say that PACs are benign and that most PVCs are benign.

I had an exercise stress echo in 2019 (all normal). Several EKGs this year...all normal. Another Zio Patch Heart Monitor that I wore for a week. Normal sinus rhythm with PACs. My PAC/PVC burden hovers between 1.5 to 1.8 percent. I have had a recent chest xray and plenty of blood work. All normal. I am borderline type 2 diabetic and my cholesterol and triglycerides are all normal. I do take blood pressure meds and it is well controlled. I try to be active almost every day and I do practice CBT for my anxiety. My resting heart rate is about 55 and my cardio says that is normal.

What else can I do to reduce the PACs and PVCs or manage them? Some days they are fast and furious and some days they simply come and ago. But they are ruining my daily life and causing more depression and fear. They are awful in the morning, reduce a bit in the afternoon, and reduce a bit more in the evening.
My cardio again states that they are fine and to not worry.

I have tried a beta blocker (made my heart rate too low and I was too tired) and a pill called Diltiazem. Really had no effect and made me too tired. I don't qualify for any procedure and the one pill they are still offering me is Flecianide but that one has WAY too many side effects and I have had at least two cardiologists warn me from taking it.
What are you experiences, advice, etc?
Thank you!

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Is taurine working for you? I am taking metoprolol and am still having PACs

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I used to have thousands of PACS and PVC's. They are now all gone. Arginine and Taurine. Throw in some Rutin, vitamin d, qoc10, and Quercetin for good measure. Or suffer.


I'm having issues with my cardiologist, also. I'm having some scary beats that only come occasionally. The few days he let me have a monitor of course they didn't happen. Now is telling me I'm fine. But my primary is very into listening to me, and will do what I ask, within reason. He is here (Minnesota) on a visa from Canada, where evidently they treat patients better!

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When I read post like this any only mentioning cardiologist I always inquire if seeing a electrophysiologist (EP).

And EP is a cardiologist that specializes in in electrical problems of the heart. That is there expertise and can do many things to help lesson the problem with ablation, medications, etc.

I have a EP and heart failure doctor who work together with my PCP as a team.


The PACs and PVCs can be very mentally tacking. The stress and anxiety they cause can affect the number you get because you are under stress and anxiety.

There are some excellent medication to help with anxiety. I see a pyschiatric medication specialist at Mayo who works with my heart failure (HF), Electrophysiologist (EP) and my primary care doctor (PCP).

Asked your cardiologist and I strongly suggest seeing a EP about magnesium. When my PVCs really started up they suggested 400 mg of magnesium citrate. Eventually they put me on a medication that I take 3 times a day (lowest dose) that helps reduce PVCs, PACs, and tachacardia. It really has worked well for me.

From me personally if not getting help from your MDs having anxiety and stress only adds to having more and more PACs, and PVCs. My EP confirmed that stress and anxiety will create more PACs and PVCs.

Getting your stress and anxiety down (mental health) is just as important as physical health. Working with all my doctors they really stress to me what I have been doing to help my mental and physical health. That is finding an exercise (with doctors approval) that you like to do and do it. It will help both physically and mentally.

Or find a hobby you like doing and do it. Doing something in life that brings a smile to you is going ot help tremendously. Reading many history books on FDR the all stated he reduced his stress and anxiety of dealing with WWII by working on his stamp collection every day. You will also read he tried to swim as much as possible also.


I started experiencing PVCs after having the ablation procedure due to Afib. I was told that it was not dangerous but there was nothing much to do for it. Last December I learned that taking a magnesium supplement could be beneficial. I am happy to say that as of today I am no long wakened every couple of hours during the night and rarely have an episode duing the day. It works! I take 2 200 mg capsules before going to bed. Works for me.


For me, it has been lifesaving that holistic and naturopathic medicine has been so transparent.
That we can teach ourselves through the generosity of those who came before is the opposite of allopathic medicine. Our traditional docs want control and payment for everything these days. (Alas, it is also quite expensive to see a Naturopath).
ANYWAY-Thank you for the recommendations. Rutin seems beneficial for many things. Arganine and Taurine also sound great. I feel like I may want to check with my doctor if I am already on blood thinners or have coagulation concerns.
Thanks again.

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