Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

Welcome to the Neuropathy group.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet other people who are dealing with neuropathy. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with neuropathy, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I’m Colleen, and I’m the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you’ll to be greeted by volunteer patient Mentor John (@johnbishop) and fellow members when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.
Let’s chat. Why not start by introducing yourself? What concerns would you like to talk about?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.


Hi, @rca

I, too, have balance issues. No bothersome numbness, but lots of wobbliness as I try to go about. Have you noticed that you are especially unsteady after sitting for a while, as little as 20-30 minutes? That's one of the mysterious personalities of my idiopathic PN.

The only thing that helps me dispel this after-sitting wobbliness is not sitting back down but instead staying on my feet and moving about, but with added caution; I'm a "wall-walker," too! Continuing to move may not be of help to you or anyone else, and it may not be of help to me forever, but it's helping for now.

I wish you the very best in managing your neuropathy!

Ray (@ray666)

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wall walking the sport of the day SMILES....on days it is unbearable...I crawl as it is easy for me to get up off the floor...guess it is the phase of second life long motto is I REFUSE DEFEAT... I acknowledge not all things...drugs, socks, walking sticks, moving, diet, supplements, red lasers, spinal controls benefit all people as PN has various and unknown causes....
I pray for everyone in Neuropathy Support Groups
Carry On!


Does anyone here have balance issues as well as numbness? I have to hold on to something, walker or other device. Please advise.

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My balance is awful,and I also need to hold onto a walker or a cane.
Walking is tough for me, especially doing a ramp or even a slight incline, disrupts my balance.


Does anyone here have balance issues as well as numbness? I have to hold on to something, walker or other device. Please advise.

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Yes I also have to hold onto something because my balance is so bad.
I can’t feel my feet, and I can’t grip the floor when I walk.


If you want to learn more about neuropathy and different options for treatment, the Foundation for Neuropathy is a great resource of information -

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Thank you


My name is Rich. I am extremely depressed. Can't walk without a walker. Used to be very active, now stuck at home with no real support. Maybe you could refer me to others close by me that I could at least talk to once in a while. I am afraid Neuropathy has finished me. My next step will be a Long Term Care facility to go die in. I live in Fair Oaks CA.


My name is Rich. I am extremely depressed. Can't walk without a walker. Used to be very active, now stuck at home with no real support. Maybe you could refer me to others close by me that I could at least talk to once in a while. I am afraid Neuropathy has finished me. My next step will be a Long Term Care facility to go die in. I live in Fair Oaks CA.

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Welcome Rich @rajoy, I know you are not alone. Neuropathy does take a toll on us. I know it's difficult to accept new limitations, especially when you can't do things you used to love doing. Local support groups can be difficult to find especially after COVID. The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy does maintain some lists that might be helpful here -

You can also find a lot of support and understanding here on Connect. Here are a few discussions that might be helpful:
--- Increasingly Difficult to Accept Peripheral Neuropathy:
--- PN? What's good about it?:
--- PN: Do You Think About Things Like This, Too?:

How long have you had neuropathy? What do you find most difficult to deal with?


My name is Rich. I am extremely depressed. Can't walk without a walker. Used to be very active, now stuck at home with no real support. Maybe you could refer me to others close by me that I could at least talk to once in a while. I am afraid Neuropathy has finished me. My next step will be a Long Term Care facility to go die in. I live in Fair Oaks CA.

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Hi, Rich. Glad you posted to the group. Is your PN a result of diabetes? chemo? idiopathic/cause unknown? Is it just in your feet/legs? Also in hands? What doctors have you seen and what have they had you try to help? Is surgery an option that might improve your situation if based on stenosis/compression of nerves? So sorry to hear the big D has a hold on you. Certainly understandable with this disorder and its limitations! Hope you will find sharing with kindred spirits here in Connect will be of help!! Best wishes! Mike


I'vebeen a member for awhile. I have neuropathy from chemo. I havent been able to drive for several years. I accidenally topped taking atenolol for my high blood pressure. I found my feet and hand have more feeling. I'm hoping it will continue. I looked it up and it said atenolol can cause peripheral neruropathy.


I sure made a mess of the comment above. My computer keys stick and I didn't notice the mistakes. Anyway, I went out to the car. I didn't try to drive yet, but I can definitely feel the pedals better.


No, have not looked into upright walker but will google. I keep my walker and cane settings as high as they’ll go, but they’re not quite tall enough. I love trekking poles! But they normally don’t get in the car with me, as my walker is normally my Swiss Army knife in that it has a pouch (my purse items) and hook to allow me to carry bags. So in my small car, a spare cane stays there, but my walker is what normally gets loaded in & out of the car vs the trekking poles. Like you, my walker stays by my bedside at night, but luckily only to hold onto the 5 seconds it takes me to adjust to standing before starting my steps.

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@dbeshears1 hi Debbie, I’m sorry to hear about your struggles. I totally understand. I have severe polyneuropathy, and recently started using a walker and cane also. In my house I don’t usually need any assistance unless I am dizzy and weak. However, outside I use either the cane if I’m not going too far or the walker.
My walker has a seat, and there have been times when my legs were too tired for me to stand so the seat comes in handy.
My polyneuropathy was caused by an autoimmune disease that inflamed my arteries and caused damage to my nerves.
I don’t take medication because nothing agrees with me so I have to use topical painkillers or Tylenol.

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