Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

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Hey Jeff
I have Small Fiber Neuropathy from b12 deficiency and did not test positive for any auto immune diseases. My thoughts were that I did not qualify for IVIG for this reason but Dr says otherwise. I have not pressed him on his theory yet. One step at a time.

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Thanks, @rwinney. From time to time, I'm tempted to push for the IVIG myself, because I'm convinced my PN is caused by some autoimmune process. It feels like my body is eating up my nerves. I also tested negative for antibodies, but there are so many of them. They never tested for anti-Jeff Ab's.


@rwinney..I have the same question about iVIG. However, I have read some papers about the possibility of idiopathic SFN being potentially cause by an as yet to be discovered autoimmune entity. There are several iVIG trials just for this purpose going on right now including one at the neurologists' office I am going to next week. I will be asking about this clinical trial and have seen a few more out there doing similar trials... Pam

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Hi Pam.
Are you in the trial? Keep us posted about results.


@jeffrapp...No, I am not in the trial. I just found out I have SFN and have not even been seen yet by a neurologist! Have waited several months to get in to see one. You can find the trial I mentioned. I cannot post a link but you can go to and put Small Fiber Neuropathy in the search and look for:

IVIg for Small Fiber Neuropathy With Autoantibodies TS-HDS and FGFR3

It is being conducted by Harvard, Beth Israel Hosp. in Boston and Phoenix Neurological Associates (where my appointment is this coming week). Will keep you posted.

Pam @burningfeetinphoenix


@artscaping...No, the wounds are mostly from calluses on my heels and sides of feet. Many of these came from hiking off trail on week long archaelogical surveys over the years. The calluses break open and will not heal. I was, and want to be again, an avid hiker, runner, volunteer archaeologist that climbs hilltop sites all over the Southwest like I did for nearly forty years! Now I am confined to my home mostly except when I am out trapping feral cats and fixing them in the night (when I can tolerate going outside in flip flops as I cannot wear socks or shoes). In the summer in Phoenix it can be 102 Deg F at 4:00 AM. This was my life. I am looking ways to live in the present but have not found that yet. I miss my past too much.. Seeing my friends and fellow enthusiasts going out on new adventures that I cannot participate in...Pam

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I am wondering how this would be different from any other callus build up? I had that happen to me about 10 years ago - the callus split and it took FOREVER to heal. And for such a small wound, boy did it hurt with every single step!!! I finally found a good quality pedi tool to help reduce the thickness and a foot cream that helped to break down the remaining calluses - and VOILA! It healed. Since it was such an incredibly painful experience that I never want to repeat again, I take extra effort to ensure the calluses on my feet don't build up again. But it sounds like yours may be somehow different? Can you help me understand?


Hi Lori or should I say Imelda,
100 pair of shoes. But you don’t particularly like shoes. I have a question then, how many feet do you have? I did get a kick from your post. Thanks for the chuckle.

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@jakeduck1 Imelda would be jealous of me! It's weird; I have never really been into shoes, but once the foot neuropathy kicked in, I started researching shoes to wear. One thing lead to another, and I started bidding on these very expensive Wolky shoes that my feet could tolerate. Then I had to find colors and styles to match my clothes, and Amazon practically started giving away Spencos. I now have a stunning shoe wardrobe. The thing is that I could put on a shoe that I thought was comfortable, to find it now intolerable. I could put the same shoe on the next day, and it is fine. Bottom line is that the neuropathy rules, and I have become nuts trying to find a solution. As I write, my feet feel like there is a blow torch on them. That's with wearing Spencos. I quit. There is no solution to this. I gotta go shopping..... not to buy shoes!!!! Lori Renee


@jakeduck1 Imelda would be jealous of me! It's weird; I have never really been into shoes, but once the foot neuropathy kicked in, I started researching shoes to wear. One thing lead to another, and I started bidding on these very expensive Wolky shoes that my feet could tolerate. Then I had to find colors and styles to match my clothes, and Amazon practically started giving away Spencos. I now have a stunning shoe wardrobe. The thing is that I could put on a shoe that I thought was comfortable, to find it now intolerable. I could put the same shoe on the next day, and it is fine. Bottom line is that the neuropathy rules, and I have become nuts trying to find a solution. As I write, my feet feel like there is a blow torch on them. That's with wearing Spencos. I quit. There is no solution to this. I gotta go shopping..... not to buy shoes!!!! Lori Renee

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I wasn’t raised to doubt to word of a lady but I didn’t know clothes came in so many colors. I bet looking in your closet is like looking into a kaleidoscope. I only have 4 basic colors of clothes couple shades of blue, black, few shades of grey and brown. Being a guy is a lot simpler wardrobe wise although the Neuropathy did add a few more pairs. I usually only wear my New Balance which are falling apart.


@artscaping...No, the wounds are mostly from calluses on my heels and sides of feet. Many of these came from hiking off trail on week long archaelogical surveys over the years. The calluses break open and will not heal. I was, and want to be again, an avid hiker, runner, volunteer archaeologist that climbs hilltop sites all over the Southwest like I did for nearly forty years! Now I am confined to my home mostly except when I am out trapping feral cats and fixing them in the night (when I can tolerate going outside in flip flops as I cannot wear socks or shoes). In the summer in Phoenix it can be 102 Deg F at 4:00 AM. This was my life. I am looking ways to live in the present but have not found that yet. I miss my past too much.. Seeing my friends and fellow enthusiasts going out on new adventures that I cannot participate in...Pam

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@burningfeetinphoenix, @rwinney, From what I can see right now is that your wounds are related to diabetes. Is that correct?


@burningfeetinphoenix, @rwinney, From what I can see right now is that your wounds are related to diabetes. Is that correct?

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@artscaping... No, I do not have diabetes. Right now I am told I havei diopathic SFN.


I wasn’t raised to doubt to word of a lady but I didn’t know clothes came in so many colors. I bet looking in your closet is like looking into a kaleidoscope. I only have 4 basic colors of clothes couple shades of blue, black, few shades of grey and brown. Being a guy is a lot simpler wardrobe wise although the Neuropathy did add a few more pairs. I usually only wear my New Balance which are falling apart.

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@jakeduck1 It's funny you should mention the color of clothes. I am a curly, red head, and so my wardrobe is mostly autumn..... burnt red, rust, olive, gold, beige, some black, gray. If I had to wear purple, I swear I would hurl. But somehow, I guess it's the different styles, not only colors, that got me going. You need dress shoes, leisure shoes, gym shoes, sandals, flip flops.....but in fall colors!!! Goes with the red hair. Now....go buy yourself some new New Balance. I have two pairs. They are the best...Sometimes. Ya never know with Neuropathy. Be well....that is all that counts. The rest is small stuff. Lori Renee


Anxious to discuss peripheral leg neuropathy and treatments.

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I have peripheral neuropathy in the left leg....knee to ankle for several years. It has improved considerably over time with exercise almost daily. I too am interested in helpful treatment. Most recently both hands have tingling.

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